War Criminals, Presstitutes and Drug Dealers – Truth in Advertising

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establishment media is an enabler of endless wars and illegitimate oligarchic power

by Russell "Texas" Bentley

Irecently received the following email under the title - Media Request - comment for upcoming article,

Russell, hello,

I'm a journalist for BuzzFeed News. I reported extensively in the Donbass during the war, although I'm not sure our paths crossed. But I believe we know each other. I'm writing to ask if you'd like to comment on a piece of information I'll be including in an upcoming story. The story is not focused on you. However, in the course of my reporting I learned that you are one of the 250 people the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office is investigating for alleged terrorism-related offenses for fighting on the Russia-backed side of the war. Because I'll be mentioning this in the article, I wanted to contact you to give you a chance to respond. Please let me know today if you'd like to comment on this matter. In describing you in the article, I'll also mention your past drug conviction, as well as your time fighting in Donetsk.

Thank you,

Chris Miller'

The West tries to impose a "bizarro" version of reality.

There’s no need to include here my insolent, insulting and profanity-laced reply, (perhaps Miller will be so kind as to publish it elsewhere, though he failed to do so, or even mention me at all in his article) but suffice to say, I compared the Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office to a cesspool, and specifically called Miller a “presstitute”. That neo-nazi terrorists in the Prosecutor General’s Office are investigating me for “terrorism” because I have defended the citizens and civilians of Donbass from Kiev’s own genocide and ethnic cleansing programs is the the apex of hypocrisy and cynicism, a real life example of the comic book “Bizarro World” where everything is the exact opposite of what it is supposed to be. Equally as “bizarro” and hypocritical is Miller’s calling himself a “journalist”. He is a US government paid professional propagandist and disinformation specialist , an enemy of the truth and an inveterate liar. As for my “past drug conviction”, well, there is some truth to that, and I’ll address it, since Miller didn’t, but let’s take each in their turn. First, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General, and the abject ukrop quisling government as a whole. 

A quick Google search for “Ukraine corruption” brings up almost 46 million results. It has been ranked the ninth most corrupt country in the world, the most corrupt in Europe, and Ukraine’s corruption rank by country has averaged 117th over the past 22 years, which is, in fact, exactly where it is today, according to tradingeconomics.com, an international business and investment news service with no political ax to grind. So, despite occasional fluctuations and purely cosmetic rhetoric, for more than two decades, including the past eight years under direct and complete US/NATO/IMF suzerainty, the word “Ukraine”, as well as the nation itself, remains synonymous with “corruption”. Same as it ever was. And how could it be otherwise? 

Since the Maidan “Revolution of Dignity” instigated by the political treachery of the EU reneging on a last minute treaty with then President Yanukovich, and cemented with the mass murder of over 100 police and protesters by “unknown assailants”, (crimes which remain unsolved by the brilliant sleuths of the General Prosecutors Office, in spite of compelling forensic, video, and eyewitness evidence, and even outright confessions by some of the snipers themselves) Ukraine has been run by a collection of neo-nazis and mafia billionaires, under the command of Gauleiter Joe Biden. 

Biden assumed control of Ukraine, soon after the Maidan coup, with his State Department flunkies Geoffery Pyatt and Victoria “Nuland” Nudelman hand-picking the next president , Prime Minister and their entire administrations, right down to appointing Vitali Klitchko as Mayor of Kiev (which he still is to this day). This parade of kleptocrats and clowns included Petro Poroshenko, an alcoholic billionaire and ruthless gangster as the new President of Ukraine, and Mikael Sakashvili, the fugitive ex-President of Georgia, who was appointed Governor of the Odessa region, in spite of being wanted at the time in his former country for corruption charges involving assault and murder in Georgia (charges for which he was subsequently convicted and sentenced to six years in prison, a sentence which he is currently serving in Georgia.) This motley crew is hardly the type to inspire trust and confidence that justice will be served, and distrust for the justice system in Ukraine is widespread. In fact, Ukraine ranked 101 out of 109 countries in the 2017 Index of Public Integrity. Opinion polls taken in 2016, two years after the new puppet regime was installed, recorded that only 3 to 5 percent of the population had any trust in the country’s justice system. And small wonder… Is this a face you would trust? 

LEFT: Ukrainian Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova. She has ways of making you talk...

As for the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office in particular, headed by the hatchet-faced Inquisitor Irina Venediktova, which is according to Miller, busy “investigating” 250 members of the Donbass Defense Forces (including myself) it has so far failed to identify, investigate, indict, prosecute or convict anyone in the Kiev sniper mass murders, the Odessa Trade Union mass murders, the MH-17 false flag mass murders, the theft of at least $4 billion of US and IMF aid, or the Burisma Oil scandal involving Hunter Biden, nor for the war crimes committed by at least seven US neo-nazis who served in Ukrainian military units that are currently being investigated by the FBI.

Those war crimes, committed by pro-Kiev US neo-nazis, involving multiple cases of kidnapping, rape, torture and murder of Ukrainian civilians, have been investigated since at least 2018, not by Ukrainian authorities, but by the US FBI. In fact, the main suspect in the case, Craig Lang, who is also wanted for a a double murder of an elderly couple in Florida, USA in April, 2018, has so far been protected from justice and harbored in Kiev by the Ukrainian government itself, including specifically the Prosecutor General’s Office. It is a fact that the SBU, the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ukrainian military are themselves all well known for kidnapping, torture and murder, so it is not far fetched to consider the possibility that Prosecutor Venediktova (who is also a sitting member of the National Security and Defense Council, which controls all the above organizations) is dragging her feet on bringing Lang and other war criminals to justice because she doesn’t consider kidnapping, torture and murder to be “crimes”, when applied by her colleagues and minions to the kind of people she thinks “deserve” it. And I guarantee, in her opinion, and Lang’s, I’d be exactly that kind of person.

A photo that neo-nazi Craig Lang once sent to me personally, on Facebook

In their eyes, and apparently in Chris Miller’s, I and all who have defended the Russian people of Donbass from genocide and ethnic cleansing operations are “terrorists”. I did serve for about a year total in the DPR military and police, but I never went on a single offensive combat operation. I was, once, on a recon mission behind enemy lines, but we did not make contact, and no shots were fired. Every single shot I have ever fired in this war has been in self-defense, in a defensive position, shooting at soldiers, mercenaries and neo-nazi volunteers like Lang, who were attacking our position and shooting directly at me and my comrades. The German nazis called Russian Partizans and European Resistance fighters “terrorists” too, and these torturers, killers and war criminals of the current Kiev regime are no different or better than their nazi forebearers. It is an honor for me that these blood-thirsty beasts know I am their enemy and are terrified of it. As well they should be. Ukraine will soon be liberated, and then it will be scum like Venediktova who will be prosecuted and punished for their crimes, and I hope I live long enough to see it. I don’t want to see them tortured or killed, I just want justice done. I want to see them brought to Donbass in work battalions to repair and rebuild every single thing broken or destroyed by their attacks on the peaceful people of Donbass, ordered by the likes Venediktova, and carried out by mad dogs like Lang. There are two kinds of people in this world, those who build, and those who destroy. By bringing those who destroyed Donbass here to rebuild it, perhaps we can rehabilitate them. One thing is certain – by the time they finish re-building every single thing they have destroyed here, they will be very different people than the vermin they are today.


Chris Miller introduced himself to me with a lie. “I’m a journalist for Buzzfeed News.” This is exactly the kind of lie he and his ilk of highly trained disinfo specialists are expert at – using what appears to be the truth to tell a lie. Yes, Miller’s articles do appear on the Buzzfeed News page, and he probably does get a check from them every month, but if you know his backstory, like I do, you know that his fealty is to whatever the owners of the US government tell him it is.

Chris Miller, jive-ass hipster bullshit artist, posing as a “journalist”.

Buzzfeed passes itself off to young, ignorant and impressionable naifs as a cool, progressive, alternative media “news” source, while being in fact a gossip rag and soap opera digest which is the draw and the cover for the occasional political disinfo story that is their real raison d’etre. Buzzfeed is a product of the Democratic Party Deep State, having been the first and main publisher of the “Steele Dossier”, a bogus hitpiece against Trump, later debunked by myriad sources, including most of the US mainstream media itself. With their penchance for plaigarism, fake news and stupid stunts, it is small wonder that in a 2017 survey among US readers by The Guardian (UK), BuzzFeed was voted the second least trustworthy source among American readers, with only “Occupy Democrats” being lower-ranked. “Yes,” you might say, “but Buzzfeed won the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting in 2021.” Indeed, which is every bit as appropriate as war criminals Henry Kissinger and Barrack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. In other words, a tragic joke and a disgrace, and the apex of hypocrisy. 

Buzzfeed is also a pioneer of “advertorial” advertising, an insidious mixing of advertising and “information/news” content that is almost subliminal, and is primarily of interest to major corporations as opposed to smaller or local businesses. The potential for the political abuse of such type of “advertising” is obvious. Which brings us to Miller’s previous, most interesting and most important employer – the CIA. Well, Radio Free Europe, (RFE) which was founded by the National Committee for a Free Europe, an anti-communist CIA front organization that was formed by Allen Dulles in 1949. Dulles later became the first civilian Director of the CIA, The Committee directed operations of RFE, and from 1951 to 1971, RFE was directly financed by the CIA, as an “anti-Communist propaganda” organization. There is an old saying in the CIA – “Once CIA, always CIA”. RFE was and is CIA, and Miller spent 10 years working for them in Eastern Europe. He is an expert propagandist and disinfo warrior, a professional bullshit artist, and his “new” job at Buzzfeed only continues that work. And the article Miller mentioned in his email to me is a perfect example of exactly how it works. 


A limited hangout is a well known and often used disinfo technique where a limited amount of negative info about one’s own side is published in order to create a facade of openness and honesty, when in fact, it is a damage control and misdirection technique. As CIA agent and later whistleblower Victor Marchetti explained, a limited hangout is “a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and most damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.” 

It turns out that the article Miller was writing was about the seven US citizens who had fought on the Ukrainian side of the Donbass War who were being investigated by the FBI for war crimes, one of whom, Craig Lang, is also wanted for a double murder in the USA. The fact that the FBI was in Ukraine investigating war crimes, and the fact that the basis for these investigations includes compelling and irrefutable physical, video and eyewitness evidence of horrific crimes, including kidnapping, rape, torture and multiple murders, and would have become public sooner or later, forced Western propagandists like Miller and Buzzfeed into conducting a limited hangout disinfo operation of the “We got the few bad apples, justice is served, nothing more to see, move on” variety. And in fact in the final published version of Miller’s article, there was no mention of me or of my “previous drug conviction”. Here’s why  

“Drug Dealer” Bentley, back in the day…

In 1996, I was arrested, along with seven other co-defendants, for being a part of a marijuana smuggling operation that moved hundreds of kilos of cannabis from Mexico to multiple destinations in the USA and Canada between 1991 and 1996. In 1996, I plead guilty to the fact that in 1992, I had indeed been in possession of 500 kilos of cannabis, and was sentenced to 63 months in prison for it. Unlike all my other co-defendants, I was the only one of the group who refused to “cooperate” with the cops or agree to testify. The others, equally or more guilty than I was, cooperated, and got reduced sentences of 18 months or a year and a day. Even the “kingpin” leader of the operation, who made multi-millions of dollars, only got three years compared to more than five years for me. So at least half of my sentence was for refusing to cooperate, not for cannabis possession. I did my five years in prison, plus four more years of “supervised release”, and my debt to society is paid in full, for a crime I committed 30 years ago.

It should also be noted, as it was in the official investigation, that our smuggling crew had two ironclad rules – no violence for any reason, and no hard drugs bought, sold or used. We only moved cannabis. My primary job was driving 100 pound loads from Mexico to Minnesota, wholesaling to distributors, and bringing the money back to the kingpin in South Texas. I was very good at my job. I made $25,000 per trip, which is pretty good pay for a couple of weeks’ work. But if I had instead moved 100 pounds of hard drugs like cocaine, heroin or meth, I could have made about a quarter million dollars per trip instead of $25,000. And, in fact, I had the opportunity and many offers to do so, and easily could have done so, had I wanted to. But I always refused. For moral reasons.

Cannabis is now legal in thirty three US states, and soon will be, nationwide, as it is in ten other countries, including Canada, Belgium and Holland. In fact, during the time I was smuggling weed, I was also a major player in the Marijuana Legalization Movement on the national and international levels, and I am one of the people who actually helped change the laws. But yes, it was illegal when I was a smuggler, and I did break the law, and I paid a hefty price for it too. But while I was admittedly an outlaw, I was never a criminal. I never hurt anybody. In fact, I am not the least bit ashamed or sorry for it, and make no apologies to anyone at all for it. The law I broke was stupid and unjust, and the fact that it is now changed only proves that there was no real crime, and I was simply punished for being a bit too far ahead of my time.

And here’s the point of all this, not one single ukrop propagandist, who brings up the subject of my conviction, including Miller, has ever called me a “marijuana smuggler” or said I was convicted of “marijuana possession”. It is always, every single fucking time, “drug dealer”. Which is semi-technically true, but still a lie. Because alcohol and tobacco are also, technically, and in reality, “drugs”. And in fact, both alcohol and tobacco are far more damaging to the individual, and to society in general than cannabis, and anyone who disputes that fact is either an idiot or a liar, or both. So, by this criterion, every corporation and every corner store that sells alcohol or tobacco is also a “drug dealer”, and dealing much more dangerous drugs than I ever did.

In the USA, alcohol directly kills 95,000 people every year, from overdose and illness. Add to that over 10,000 deaths and 290,000 serious injuries from DWI, not to mention addiction, domestic abuse, etc, and you begin to get an idea of the dangers of alcohol as a “drug”. But the damage caused by alcohol to individuals and society is eclipsed by the destruction that tobacco wreaks – 480,000 annual deaths directly related to tobacco use, ten years less average life expectancy, and an annual cost to society for medical care directly related to tobacco use in the USA of more than $300 Billion per year. In Russia, according to official studies, more than a million Russians die from alcohol and drugs every year, more than 500,000 directly from alcohol, and 300,000 from tobacco use. But for cannabis use, the statistics are clear, world-wide, and absolutely beyond dispute – not one single person, anywhere, has ever died from cannabis overdose or medical complications directly related to cannabis use. Not one, ever. To quote the US DEA report, “No deaths from marijuana overdose have (ever) been reported.” This fact is so well known and widely accepted by all medical surveys and government statistics that anyone who disputes it is an idiot and a liar, and an asshole. Period.

So, there IS a distinction between “drugs”, and anyone who calls me a “drug dealer” without mentioning the specific drug, is a liar and a hypocrite, unless they usually call convenience store clerks who sell cigarettes and bartenders who sell beer “drug dealers” too. And the ukrop trolls and presstitutes like Miller who call me a “drug dealer” instead of a weed smuggler, do so on purpose, with perjorative intent, trying to equate my breaking an unjust and stupid and now repealed law almost 30 years ago with contemporary mass murderers, rapists, torturers and war criminals. Don’t fall for their bullshit. Respect for the truth is the basis of all morality, and these liars are absolutely bereft of it.

Russell "Texac" Bentley, a native of Texas, volunteered to fight for the independence of the newly-proclaimed Novorossiyan republics in the Donbass, Donetsk and Lugansk, from Kiev's rule, after a US-engineered coup in 2014 put Russophobic neo-Nazis in power. He currrenty serves as information officer for the Republic of Donetsk.

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