“Biolaboratories are growing by leaps and bounds…”

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Alexander Pronin

“I suggest you pay attention to the fact that the world is by leaps and bounds, growing more and more biolaboratories under the control of the United States. Moreover, by a strange coincidence - mainly at the Russian and Chinese borders. They assure us that these are research centers where Americans help local scientists develop new ways to fight dangerous diseases, ”Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, bluntly pointed out when answering a question about the origin of Covid-19 to the Kommersant newspaper. At the same time, according to him, "the authorities of those countries where these facilities are located have no real idea of ​​what is happening within their walls."

“Of course, we and our Chinese partners have questions. We are told that peaceful sanitary and epidemiological stations operate near our borders, but for some reason they are more reminiscent of Fort Detrick in Maryland, where Americans have been working in the field of military biology for decades, ”said the Secretary of the Security Council. And he stressed that "it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that outbreaks of diseases that are not typical for these regions are recorded in the surrounding areas." Answering directly the question whether the United States is developing biological weapons there, Patrushev said that "there are good reasons to believe that this is exactly the case."

Materials on the topic of American military biolaboratories in Georgia and Ukraine (one such in the village of Shelkostantsiya near Kharkov was mentioned especially often) were previously encountered in the media, but for the most part they were the property of only special services. But then, finally, the richest account appeared from the famous Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. It's not only Georgia and Ukraine, and not only "mosquitoes and flies" ... What kind of "conspiracy and paranoia" is there - this journalistic investigation draws at least a major international scandal, but it is unlikely that interested parties will let one break out. So we read until it is deleted ...

The US Army produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in violation of the UN Convention that bans the production of biological weapons. D. Gaytandzhiyeva's investigation leads to this conclusion.

Pentagon documents she released reveal shocking facts about a long-standing military biological experiment program in the United States and around the world. Military scientists who are accredited in the diplomatic field are testing artificially created viruses in Pentagon laboratories in 25 countries.

Hundreds of thousands of people are systematically and purposefully exposed to dangerous pathogens. US biolabs are funded by the DTRA Military Agency, a $2.1 billion CBEP program operating in the former Soviet Union (Georgia and Ukraine), the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.

DTRA military program managers are private companies. They are not directly accountable to the US Congress and can circumvent the law due to the lack of direct oversight. Their civilian personnel enjoys diplomatic immunity, although their representatives are not diplomats. Thus, private companies operate on behalf of the US government under diplomatic cover without direct control from the host state. By the way, this practice is often used by the CIA to hide covert agents.

The first biological weapons zone in terms of scale and significance - Georgia. The center of Lugar is located 17 km from the Vaziani Air Force Base in the suburbs of Tbilisi.

The military program is being carried out by biologists from the US Military Medical Group in Georgia (USAMRU-G) and private contractors under a federal contract with DTRA. The highly biosecure biological laboratory is only available to US citizens with access to classified information. They, as already noted, have diplomatic immunity granted to them under the Intergovernmental Agreement with Georgia on Defense Cooperation (2002).

According to the US Federal Register, the Lugar Center studies biological agents (anthrax, tularemia), viral diseases (for example, Congo hemorrhagic fever) and obtains biological material "for future experiments."

Three private American companies operate here - CH2M Hill, Battelle and Metabiota. They carry out federal projects related to biological research conducted by the CIA network and other government agencies.

CH2M Hill signed a contract with DTRA for $341.5 million under the Pentagon's program for biological laboratories in Georgia, Uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, and countries of Southeast Asia. By the way, almost half of this amount ($161.1 million) is contracted for the Lugar Center.

Battelle, in turn, is a $59 million contract subcontractor. The company has extensive experience with biological agents, as it has already worked on the Arms Program to fulfill 11 contracts with the US Army in the recent past (1952-1996). The company develops highly toxic chemicals and bioactive pathogens to supply a wide range of US government agencies. Battelle operates on $2 billion in government procurement programs and is ranked 23rd on the list of the top 100 US contractors.

For the past decade, Battelle has operated the National Biosafety Center (NBACC) at Fort Detrick, Maryland under contract to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The company is performing two ten-year federal contracts for $344.4 million (2006-2016) and $19.9 million (2015-2026).

According to the documents, the biological laboratory performs genetic engineering of pathogens and assessment of their potential as agents of bioterrorism, new unconventional ways of infection by such agents, erosion tests on primates…

The Pentagon's biolabs, operated by the American company Metabiota Inc., also operated at the epicenter of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. In addition, they received $18.4 million under the DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical advisory services.

In its official video posted on the Internet, the company offers the following services: on-site research on biological hazards, pathogen discoveries, epidemic response and clinical trials.

The experts, in an opinion dated July 17, 2014, accused Metabiota Inc. of the cultivation of malignant blood cells in a laboratory in Sierra Leone and the misdiagnosis of healthy patients who were diagnosed as suffering from hemorrhagic fever (the company officially denied these allegations).

US military biologists are also preparing entomological warfare (a type of biological warfare that uses insects to spread infectious diseases). Documents from the program in Georgia show that the Pentagon consistently performs such insect tests.

In 2014, the Lugar Center was equipped with a special plant for large-scale insect breeding and launched the Sand Fly project in Georgia and the Caucasus. In 2014-2015 sand flies of the phlebotomine species have been investigated in another project, Acute Fever Surveillance Activities.

And it is no coincidence that in 2015 Tbilisi was attacked by biting flies. They live indoors, mostly in baths, throughout the year, which is not typical for this type of fly (usually their breeding season in the south is very short - from June to September). The victims claim that the flies bred in their baths, and they bit people while bathing ...

Since the beginning of the implementation of this project, the neighboring Russian Dagestan has been attacked by the same insects as in Georgia. According to local residents, they caused skin rashes at bite sites, lived in sewers and appeared in bathtubs. Phlebotomine flies carry dangerous parasites in their saliva and, when bitten, transfer them into human blood.

Sand flies: Phlebotomus

The disease that these flies cause immediately aroused great interest in the Pentagon. In 2003, during the campaign in Iraq, American soldiers were attacked and savagely bitten by sand flies, resulting in leismoniasis. The disease is common in Iraq and Afghanistan. If it is not treated in a timely manner, the acute form of the disease is fatal.

Criminal research in the field of entomology has long been conducted by the Pentagon. In the report of American biologists with the eloquent title "Arthropods of medical significance in Asia and the European part of the USSR" (1967), he lists all local insects, characterizes in detail their habitat and the diseases they carry. Bites from flies living in sewers are also mentioned in this document.

At one time, field trials with tropical flea species Xenopsylla cheopis were conducted by the Yankees to evaluate the suitability of these insects in biological warfare.

No less than 1 million mosquitoes of the Big Buzz species A. Aeugupti were artificially bred. Then a third of this amount is placed in ammunition and released from the aircraft, or scattered on the ground. According to the expert, mosquitoes survived spraying safely and greedily drank blood from people after landing.

A significant part of the report on this operation has not yet been declassified. And this, most likely, means that this criminal operation is still ongoing. Aedes Aegypti are carriers of such dangerous diseases as tropical fever, chikungunya and cica (a virus that causes genetic malformations in newborns).

Operation Bellweather is not over either: the US Chemical Research Command (Biological Warfare Division) is testing mosquito samples to evaluate the number of bites and factors that affect the effectiveness of bites.

Military experiments with tropical mosquitoes and ticks, experts say, are still being carried out in Georgia. Selected common species of mosquitoes and fleas (previously trained under the Military Biological Weapons Program) are being studied and collected for research and testing at the Lugar Center.

The Aedes albopictus mosquito is a carrier of yellow fever and acute dengue fever. According to the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it is found in neighboring Russia (in the Krasnodar Territory), and Northern Turkey (on the border with Georgia).

In Georgia, 34 people were deliberately infected with Congo haemorrhagic fever. This fever is caused by infection with the virus that carries the tick. There was an outbreak of the disease. Three patients have died.

At the same time, Pentagon biologists are studying a virus in Georgia developed by DTRA as part of the Epidemiology of Febrile Diseases Caused by Dengue and Other Arboviruses program. The project involves testing patients with symptoms of fever and collecting ticks for laboratory analysis as possible carriers of Congo hemorrhagic fever.

Bats are well known to be the source of Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and other lethal diseases. However, how these viruses reach humans is not yet fully understood. DTRA runs a number of projects to study military pathogens in bats under the Cooperative Biological Collaboration Program (CBEP).

The strain of MERS-CoV they carry is thought to be a virus that spreads directly to humans or jumps onto camels and then humans. MERS-CoV is one of the viruses genetically modified in the United States and is being studied at the Pentagon. Research is aimed at increasing the infectivity and potency of pathogens. Note that such double-use criminal experiments are legal in the United States...

Also, tularemia, known as "rabbit fever", has been classified as a bioterrorism agent and has been closely studied by US military biologists in the recent past. The Pentagon's interest in this disease and its transporters, mites and rodents, continues to this day.

DTRA is conducting a number of experiments with tularemia and other extremely dangerous pathogen projects, again in Georgia.

Ukraine does not have the right to control American military biological laboratories on its territory.

According to an agreement between the US Department of Defense and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, signed back in 2005, the Ukrainian government "does not have the right to publicly disclose confidential information" under the American program. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has free access to Ukraine's state secrets.

The first in a series of agreements between the United States and Ukraine is the creation of a Science and Technology Center (STCU). This international organization is funded by the US government and has been granted diplomatic status. Over the past 20 years, the center has invested $285 million in this project.

One of the Pentagon's biolabs is located in Kharkiv, where in January 2016, 20 Ukrainian soldiers died from swine flu in just two days, and another 200 were hospitalized in serious condition. The Government of Ukraine considered it unnecessary to report their subsequent deaths. By March of the same year, another 364 people in Ukraine had died from influenza (81.3% of cases). The deaths were caused by A(H1N1)pdm09, the strain that caused the swine flu pandemic in 2009.

In January 2018, 37 people were hospitalized in Nikolaev. Local police were investigating "contamination with the human immunodeficiency virus and other indiscriminate diseases." Three years ago, more than 100 people in another Ukrainian city contracted cholera. Both epidemics are thought to have been caused by contaminated drinking water. 60 people with hepatitis A were hospitalized in Zaporozhye in the summer of 2017. The cause of infection, according to official reports of Ukrainian doctors, remained unclear.

In the Odessa region, 19 children - guests of an orphanage - were hospitalized due to an infectious disease in June 2017. 29 cases of hepatitis A were registered in Kharkiv in November of the same year. The virus was isolated in contaminated drinking water.

Back in 2011, 33 people were infected with cholera in Ukraine. The epidemic repeated itself in 2014, when more than 800 Ukrainians were diagnosed with this dangerous disease. And in 2015, more than 100 new cases of cholera were registered in Nikolaev...

By the way, the fact that a new and extremely dangerous strain of cholera (Vibrio cholera) with the same genetic structure as in Ukraine struck Moscow in 2014 passed by the public's attention. Genetic testing carried out confirmed that the isolated strain in the Russian capital was the same as the causative agent of the epidemic in neighboring Ukraine.

By the way, one of the American companies working in Ukraine - the Southern Research Institute (SRI) - is conducting research related to cholera, as well as influenza and ziku - diseases of "military significance" in the Pentagon's view.

Two more American biological companies operate in Ukraine - Black & Veatch and Metabiota. Black & Veatch signed a $198.7 million contract with DTRA to build and equip biologists in Ukraine (two five-year contracts in 2008 and 2012 for a total of $128.5 million), as well as in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Germany, Cameroon, Thailand and Ethiopia.

Metabiota Inc., in turn, received $18.4 million under the DTPA program in Georgia and Ukraine. The company received another $3.1 million (2012-2015) to work in Sierra Leone, one of the countries most affected by the Ebola virus infection.

However, UNII has been the main subcontractor for the Ukrainian program since 2008, and has been a subcontractor for military anthrax research since 2001. The main contractor of the Pentagon is Advanced Biosystems. By the way, for 10 years (2006-2016), the Southern Research Institute paid $1.28 million to lobby its interests in Congress, the State Department and the US Department of Defense.

In Ukraine, 115 cases of botulism were registered in 2016, 12 of which were fatal. The following year, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health confirmed 90 new cases, eight of which were deaths from botulinum toxin poisoning, one of the most toxic biological toxins. Botulism is a rare and extremely dangerous disease caused by a toxin isolated from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. One gram of this toxin kills up to a million people. When poisoned, it causes muscle paralysis, respiratory failure, and ultimately death if emergency medical care is not immediately available. Modes of spread - via aerosol or contaminated food and water ...

According to the Pentagon report, botulinum toxin, as well as anthrax, brucellosis, tularemia, have been tested as biological weapons by the US Army ... Despite the official end of the bioprogram back in 1969, US military documents prove that the same dangerous experiments continue to this day.

The US Army produces bioactive substances at a special military facility in the Dugway division in Utah, back in 2012. This test site is under the Department of Defense Test and Evaluation Command. Responsible for the production of bioactive substances is a separate division with the loud name "Department of Life Sciences". According to the report of the military, scientists of this unit produce and test an aerosol with biological agents in a special test facility - Lothar Saloman Life Sciences Test Facility (LSTF). The Life Sciences testing laboratory creates and concentrates bacteria in a so-called fermenter with a capacity of up to 1500 liters.

The next laboratory carries out drying and grinding of the finished biological material. After that, aerosol tests are carried out with bioactive substances in special chambers.

Documents show that the US Army manufactures, contains and tests an aerosol of the deadliest toxin known so far - botulinum neurotoxin. In 2014, the Department of the Army purchased 100mg of botulinum toxin for testing at Dugway. According to Army documents, biological attack weapons can be mounted on a vehicle or worn on the back as a backpack, with the option of installing a pump for greater dissemination efficiency. These sprays will be sprayed in doses of 50 to 500 ml of bioaerosol per minute from 12 liter containers…

In the past, the US Army conducted field tests of bacteriological weapons, from 1949 to 1968, 27 such tests were carried out, some of them in public places.

DTRA, the agency that manages the military program at the Lugar Center in Georgia, is suspected of an incident in Chechnya in the spring of 2017. Vigilant locals reported a drone spraying white powder along the Russian border with Georgia. By the way, for some reason, the Georgian border police did not comment on this incident ...

In 2020, the Pentagon invested $65 million in genetic engineering. Genetically modified viruses are present in the tissues of genetically modified insects. The Defense Research Agency (DARPA) has awarded contracts to seven insecticide companies under the Safe Genes program. Genetic changes are being made with the new CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

In addition to genetic engineering in insects and viruses, the Pentagon conducts illegal experiments to change the genetic code in humans. DARPA is trying to insert a new 47 artificial chromosome into the human cell. This chromosome will carry new genes that will be used to genetically modify humans.

By the way, between 2008 and 2014, the US invested $820 million in synthetic biology. The main part of these investments comes from the budget of the Ministry of Defense. Most of the research is totally classified. True, the US Air Force report "Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens" gives some insight into some of the scientific work of military scientists. They studied five groups of genetically modified pathogens that could be used as biological weapons. These "double" bioweapons (a lethal combination consists of two viruses) contain host-changing diseases (animals "jumping" on people, such as the Ebola virus), and latent viruses, the so-called. design diseases. Designer diseases are designed to attack a specific ethnic group or genotype of people and should be used as an ethnic bioweapon.

Thus, an ethnic biological weapon (biogenetic weapon) is a weapon that primarily attacks certain ethnic groups or genotypes. Although the official development of such weapons has never been publicly confirmed, the documents prove that the Yanks collect biological materials from well-defined ethnic groups, namely Russians and Chinese.

The US Air Force specifically collects Russian samples of RNA and sinus tissue, information about which is published in the State Register of Public Procurement. In addition to the Russians, according to information from the same Public Procurement Register, the United States collects biological material from healthy and cancer patients in China. 

According to this information, the American National Cancer Institute collected biological material from 300 Chinese from the provinces of Linxian, Zengzhou and Chengdu.

Chinese biological material, including saliva and cancerous tissue, is being collected and studied by a number of US federal projects.

The following purchases of Chinese biomaterial samples have been released to the US Federal Registry: DNA genotyping samples, breast cancer tissue blocks, saliva samples from 50 families, genotype 50 SNPs for DNA samples, genotypes from 3,000 stomach cancer cases, and 3,000 control tests.

In conclusion, we recall that Chapter Eight of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court clearly defines biological experiments as war crimes. However, the United States, alas, is not a party to this international treaty and therefore cannot be held accountable for war crimes ...

It's a pity.

Alexander Vladimirovich Pronin - colonel, military journalist

Especially for "Century"

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