Video: Journalist Hammers State Department Spokesman Over Russian Lies

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Jimmy Dore Show

Editor's Prefatory Note

Price: "Ex-CIA".

Before jumping into this video, several things need to be remembered: (1) As far as manufacturing and disseminating lies conducive to war, it's immaterial whether it is a CIA or MI6 guy, in covert ways, or a State Department "press officer", like Ned Price, "ex-CIA," who circulates these big lies. As operatives of the "Western national security" machinery, all these scumbags are interchangeable, completely fungible, all pushing the interests of the global oligarchy—currently led by the US/UK oligarchies. The goal remains the same: To subdue and hopefully balkanise Russia and China in order to firm up their global hegemonic designs. The unipolar "rules-based order" does not tolerate truly sovereign nations anywhere, especially those that offer real competition. (2) It's rather clear that this warning about a "false flag" by the Russians is a good bet as far as the Washington hybrid war effort against Russia is concerned. Why? Because as things stand, brought to the boiling point by London's and Washington's intrigues in Ukraine, and NATO's intransigence about its own expansion, they will either pull off the false flag themselves, while blaming the Russians, OR, by getting Kiev to attack the Donbass republics, they will force Russia to attack Ukraine's troops, leading to the same wave of hysterics about Russia's long announced "aggression", "bloodbath", etc. (3) Ned Price, like many other compulsive Russophobic Neocons (think Victoria Nuland, the Kagan clan, Irving Kristol, Anthony Blinken, etc.) is also Jewish with roots in Eastern Europe. (4) Lastly, why is Matt Lee, an AP reporter of all things, disrupting Price's shameless propaganda moment? It doesn't make sense, since AP is as solid a part of the US disinformation machine as any other, in fact, it is a prominent part of it. My only guess is that Lee maybe has a professional death wish or is ready to retire. By the way, don't go making Matt Lee a hero. Although he is by now famous for his prickly questions of government officials, often ruining Jen Psaki's day, his personal politics are murky. At times he seems to be on the side of the angels, but more often he is another media attack dog regurgitating official lies against Iran, China, etc., in perfect alignment with US foreign policy objectives. What do you think?— PG

Video: AP Journalist [Unexpectedly] Hammers State Department Spokesman Over "Russian Lies"

The Jimmy Dore Show / Feb 5, 2022

In a testy exchange that’s garnered a great deal of attention, State Department spokesman Ned Price was confronted by reporter Matt Lee over Price’s repeated repetition of allegations of planned misdeeds on the part of Vladimir Putin’s Russia in possible preparation for an invasion of Ukraine but without providing any evidence to back up his dubious claims. Jimmy and comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the unusual pushback from a reporter against the official narrative about Russia and Ukraine.

Another take on this incident, provided by the always dependable Ben Norton. Exposing the self-serving, sanctimonious lies of the US government.

Reporter challenges US gov't 'Russian false flag' conspiracy, compares it to Alex Jones

Multipolarista / Feb 4, 2022

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