US to establish new military base in northeastern Syria

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By News Desk -The Cradle

US troops recently set up another military base in Naqara village, just three kilometers from the northeastern province of Hasakah

The irony is that just about 100% of the soldiers serving in the US imperialist military have no idea the evil they advance through their actions, as everything is coated in cheap chauvinist rhetoric.

The US-led international coalition forces operating in northeastern Syria intend to establish a new military base in their controlled areas in the countryside of Raqqa.

Local sources said that a convoy of US forces, including several armored military vehicles, arrived in Raqqa city as part of preparations to install a new base in the area.

On the field, the illegal troops began transferring the logistical equipment and necessary gear to the specified location, coinciding with heavy surveillance drone activity.

The US army and international coalition occupy at least 28 declared military sites in Syria, distributed over three provinces, mainly Hasakah (17 sites), Deir Ezzor (nine locations), and Homs (two areas).

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) released photographs showing the construction of a new base near Al-Raqqa Bridge on the Euphrates River, south of the city.

The distribution of Washington’s illegal bases resembles the cordon surrounding the sources of oil and gas located east of the Euphrates River, representing most of Syria’s underground wealth.

The eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor hosts the most strategic military bases, including the al-Omar oil field base – one of the largest in Syria – and the Conoco gas field base, which are regularly subjected to violent shelling by armed groups affiliated with Iran.

Nonetheless, the daily bombing prompted Washington to send massive military and logistical reinforcements aboard hundreds of trucks that crossed from Iraq into the US bases in Deir Ezzor, Hasakah, and Raqqa.

According to the SOHR, US troops recently established another military post in Naqara village, just three kilometers from Qamishli in the northeastern province of Hasakah.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) constantly blocks US military convoys and patrols attempting to move through their checkpoints in multiple locations across the province, forcing them to turn tail.

The Syrian authorities accuse the US of smuggling its oil and selling it abroad to deprive the Syrians of it in a flagrant violation of international law.

Syria’s military deters US convoy from key army base

Former US President Donald Trump openly admitted to stealing Syria's natural resources, a move that has continued under the Biden administration

The heroic SAA is again manning the checkpoints controlling the comings and goings of the US thuggish military.

(Photo Credit: Reuters/Ali Hashisho)

By News Desk - The Cradle— November 02 2022

On 2 November, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers blocked a convoy of US soldiers in the northeastern governorate of Hasakah, forcing them to return to their illegal base.

A video circulating on social media showed a long column of US troops, consisting of eight armored vehicles, which were stopped at a Syrian army checkpoint near Kawkab mountain, 15 km to the northeast of the Hasakah provincial capital.

According to local sources, the government troops stationed around the Kawkab Mountain, which hosts several army bases, prevented the occupation from penetrating an area under the control of the Syrian government.

The US troops were subsequently forced to turn around and return to their destination, with no reports of clashes or injuries.

Similarly, on 24 October, a checkpoint of the Syrian army intercepted five armored vehicles of the US occupation while passing through the Dmeikha al-Sagheera area, southeast of Qamishli city, forcing them to retreat and leave the area.

However, Washington’s troops continue their oil trafficking operations in the embattled country, smuggling natural resources, estimated at billions of dollars, out of the country. The US soldiers also receive protection from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which clear the transport routes from Syria to the Iraqi border.

Earlier, sources in Hasakah said a convoy of 22 tankers belonging to the US occupation, loaded with stolen Syrian oil and wheat, left Syria through the illegal al-Waleed border crossing towards Iraqi territory.

The US military has long stationed its forces and equipment in northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of ISIS terrorists.

Damascus sees the deployment as a means to plunder the country’s natural resources. Former president Donald Trump repeatedly admitted that US forces were stationed in the Arab country to plunder its oil.

On 22 September, China called on the US to stop plundering Syria’s national resources and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Arab country.

“We call on the United States to respect Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, unilaterally lift sanctions, and end the theft of Syria’s national resources,” said China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin in a news briefing.

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