Posted with the author’s permissionBoos German interview Dec 15 2022

Dear Prof Hudson,
Once again: Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin!

Last time we spoke for the German print magazine “Four” in June. Right now I also work for MEGA Radio, a radio news station for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We broadcast from Vienna and are located in Berlin, Bavaria and Austria. Hereby I would like to invite you to another interview via ZOOM to record it for our radio program. It would be an update on our last interview. Maybe around 20-30 Minutes long. See also our last talk:

I don’t know if that’s too short notice, but would you have time for such a conversation next week or the week after? Otherwise, also at the beginning of January.

Here are my questions: (1.) You made some predictions in our last interview for “Four” magazine which became true. You talked about the crisis for German companies in the production of fertilizer. This just hit the headlines weeks after our interview. You also said: “What you characterize as “blocking Nord Stream 2” is really a Buy-American policy.” This now also became more than clear after the destroyed Nord Stream pipelines. Could you comment on that?