The future belongs to the leftist renaissance. To the centenary of the USSR.

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Elena Panina

The peripheral resource capitalism of modern Russia has brought back the long-forgotten theses of confrontation between classes and their ideologies. The surge of nationalism in the former USSR is precisely the reincarnation of bourgeois ideology.

MOSCOW, December 30, 2022, RUSSTRAT Institute.

The centenary of the Soviet Union is a good opportunity to understand the winning and strong sides of the social system that was able to give rise to a huge sphere of influence. Why it was not possible to keep it is important. But no less important is the way in which this was achieved.

The peripheral resource capitalism of modern Russia has brought back the long-forgotten theses of confrontation between classes and their ideologies. The surge of nationalism in the former USSR is precisely the reincarnation of bourgeois ideology. The paradox is that in modern Russia, in order to maintain interethnic peace, the authorities instinctively use crypto-Soviet methods of forming national solidarity to keep interethnic peace.

The leftist idea, as the idea of ​​social progress, has not gone away, but it should not be confused with globalist neoliberal leftism. The left is not about feminism, green energy and LGBT rights, but about family protection, progress and social justice.
However, without ideological content, as was the case in the Russian Empire (Orthodoxy-Autocracy-Narodnost) and in the USSR (proletarian internationalism and class solidarity of the working people), this gives rise to attempts to invent that same hybrid - the “third way”, where the not fully clarified and therefore, ideological pieces of different ideologies that are not understandable to the population. However, even Lenin and Stalin said that the third way is a utopia. There is no third way. Any third way is a return from socialism to capitalism, and under capitalism, it is the conservation of its contradictions, and not their dialectical resolution.

There is no doubt that if the USSR were now within the former geographical boundaries and on the former ideological and political basis, but with the inclusion of controlled elements of the market and a multi-structural economy, it would now be what China is, or even more.

The centralized one-party system, which is the core of the state, consisting of 15 national republics, is more effective. China, which has a no less complex structure of sub-ethnic groups, with the old enmity of the North and the South, has proved this in competition with the multi-party and equally federal US and EU.

The combination of passionate ideology and strategic planning with economic freedom under the protection of the nuclear umbrella and the most powerful military-industrial complex on the territory of one-sixth of the [planet's] land, which was the USSR, would give us a much more stable and developed world. Having abandoned the Soviet experience, we threw out the baby with the bathwater. This is what we need to understand first of all on the day of the centenary of the USSR.

In the example of China, we see that socialism is capable of becoming a leader in the race for scientific and technological progress. At the same time, capitalism in the former Soviet republics has shown that it is capable of reproducing and preserving backwardness and dependence. The leftist idea, as the idea of ​​social progress, has not gone away, but it should not be confused with globalist neoliberal leftism. The left is not about feminism, green energy and LGBT rights, but about family protection, progress and social justice.

The left renaissance is yet to come, and the crisis of modern capitalism leaves no other options for getting out of it, except towards updated versions of socialism. All our future alliances with third-world countries will be built on this basis. Now the traditionalists in the minds of young people are losing to the liberals precisely because they do not give a picture of the future, and for young people this is unacceptable. It's just that the time has not yet come to understand it.

Elena Panina is director of the Rustrat Institute. She holds advanced degrees in engineering and economics.
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By Eric Arnow

Today is the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Union.

This is an interesting video on YT, created by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
It is easiest to follow if you go into settings on the lower right (the little wheel). Set the speed to .75x (slower than normal) and set autotranslate to English. The subtitles work fairly well that way.

Putin himself pointed out that the will of the Soviet people in referendum was disregarded by the so called leaders, really traitors.
I also see that RT has an interview with Alexander Dugin, and I am sure others will be talking about its significance.
The video points out how the average person perceived life then, and I have heard from many how happy their childhood was, how excellent the education system was then, all based on a system that did not put money as the highest value.
Given how the world situation has deteriorated since its fall, I came to realize over the course of the last 20 years, how much of a tragedy the fall of the USSR has been, what could have been and what has been lost.

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