When watching this, please remember who told you that there were no Atlantic Integrationists in power in Russia, and that there was no 5th column either.

An analysis of the infiltration of Western cultural ideas into Russia with the object of subverting its hard-won sovereignty. Many youths and intellectuals have played a role (and still do) in this dangerous project in which the West's pop culture ("soft power") is used to create centers of resistance, alienation, and "anomie" against the Russian government. 

This video is part of POLITRUSSIA.COM, whose  Editor-in-Chief is political analyst Ruslan Ostashko.

In 2014, Ruslan established and became the editor-in-chief of the online social and political magazine PolitRussia.com, which is registered as an official media outlet and is active in conducting investigative journalism on the topic of regional corruption and promotes the idea of ​​Russia's national interests.

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