GREAT CHANGES AD PORTAS: Why the replacement of the mono-polar world will likelier be bi-polar than ‘multi-polar’

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China & Russia Lead World Toward Achieving the Type of U.N. that FDR Had Been Hoping For 

Eric Zuesse

On March 16th, I had described the four main objectives that the U.N.’s inventor and namer, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), was systematically working to establish, starting in August 1941 and until he died in office on 12 April 1945 and his V.P. and (as it turned out) enemy Harry Truman inherited the U.S. Presidency. Both China and Russia are, now, both Governments equally systematically, working to un-do Truman’s reversal of FDR’s intentions on these four matters, so as actually to achieve, ultimately, the type of U.N. that FDR was intending.

In my article (which was titled “The Transformative Present Moment in Hisotory”), I wrote:

this reality, because the facts cannot be denied but can merely be hidden — as is done. And, then, publics in U.S.-and-allied countries vote on that basis, and this becomes ‘democracy’ in “The West.”) The only way that the U.S. Government’s craving for regime-change in Russia and in China would be carried-out is therefore by means of a U.S. invasion and conquest of Russia and China, neither of which conquest would be accepted in either Russia or China, and which attempt by the U.S. Government would thus produce, instead, a nuclear destruction of the entire world. Truman’s dream (of an-all-encompassing U.S. global empire) is unattainable. (It is also illegal — violative of the U.S. Constitution and of international laws, but this is making no difference to the individuals who control the U.S. Government: they don’t care about that.) 

The transformative present moment in history will thus either be a global-annihilationist nuclear war concluding Truman’s vision (since neither Russia nor China will accept becoming a colony — or ‘ally’ — of the U.S. empire), or else it will be the end of that since-1945-growing U.S. global dictatorship, and a consequently necessary transformation of the U.N., itself, into what had been FDR’s intention for the U.N., when he invented and named and planned for the U.N., which was to be (and which would then have been and would now be) as follows:

1. That it will define “international aggression” and will do so in a way that not only outlaws it but clearly prohibits what must be prohibited in order to prevent there being any WW III — any future World War. (To prevent any future World War was the reason why FDR came up with the idea of the U.N., back in August 1941 — even before America’s entrance into WW II.)

2. That it will have a monopoly control over all geostrategically significant weapons so that only the U.N. will be able to use them, and no nation will be able militarily to contest against the U.N.

“Responsibility to Protect” — or “R2P” — within an individual nation is applicable to the U.N. only when and where the U.N. has specifically so legislated; and, otherwise than that, is entirely under the authority of only that given nation itself to legislate, and not, at all, of the U.N.: not within the U.N.’s purview. This is how a federal republic functions: by clearly distinguishing between federal and local responsibilities. No federation can even exist other than by this means.)

4. That every country in the world will belong to, be a member of, be represented in, have obligations to, and have rights in, this planet’s democratic federal republic of nations, and will contribute financially to its costs based not on a willingness to pay but on a formula which will be agreed-upon and set forth in the Charter of the U.N. (that democratic federal world Government’s Constitution), so that no nation will be buying special favors from paying more, nor suffer penalties from paying less, than what is there set forth. In other words: like virtually any Government, it must be tax-financed, and these taxes will fund all of its agencies.

That summarizes FDR’s view and goals for the U.N.

1. The Truman-created U.N. did not define “international aggression” (the ultimate international-war crime) and didn’t even define “aggression” at all, until 11 June 2010, and did it then in a circular way, which used the term “aggression” in its ‘definition’ of aggression, and so it has been utterly useless except for propaganda-purposes (i.e., by aggressor-nations: imperialists — international-war criminals themselves — using “R2P” as an excuse for their aggressions). The Truman-created U.N., thus, lacking any clear definition of “aggression,” and consequently lacking likewise any clear definition of “defense” (and so, too, being unable to define clearly the most fundamental right, to “self-defense”) is trapped in an unavoidable web of hypocrisies, from which, aggressor-nations gain (by those confusions), while the U.N. gets the pain, and shares in any resultant blame. The most essential need of a functioning U.N., and of functioning international criminal law, is to define “aggression.” That need hasn’t yet been met, at all.

the Governments that have ratified it; so, international crimes don’t come under the U.N.’s compulsory jurisdiction. And international crimes by non-ratifiers of the ICC don’t come under any jurisdiction: it’s pure “Might makes right,” applying to them.

“assessed contributions”. The U.S., in order to dominate the U.N., is by far its biggest funder; and, at least as-of 2022, America’s contributions were around 30% assessed and 70% voluntary. Like virtually any charity, it’s controlled by its biggest donors. However, 20 U.S.-allied countries have chosen to pay even more per-capita than the U.S. itself does. Taxpayers in those U.S. ‘allies’ subsidize America’s dominance over the U.N. So, Truman’s U.N. is nothing like FDR’s U.N. would have been — nothing like it would have had to be in order for the U.N. to be able to do what he knew would need to be done after WW II, to end imperialism and thus prevent any WW III. Truman, in fact, privately despised his immediate predecessor, and replaced FDR’s entire Cabinet within just 2 years — and almost all of it within only his first year. 

In other words: whereas FDR’s U.N. was to constitute the democratic federal republic of all nations, and this means that it would concern ONLY international law and have no authority over any nation’s laws (no authority, for example, regarding how any nation’s leaders become appointed, nor regarding what is legal and what is not in a country’s internal affairs), Truman’s U.N. allows the U.N. to hold some authority over many domestic or internal national matters, such as how leaders ‘ought’ to be selected, and what ‘human rights’ or protections ‘ought’ to be imposed, and how those ‘human rights’ or protections ‘ought’ to — or not — be imposed by law within countries.

A good example of this Chinese and Russian system — in which the distinction between international laws and national laws is clear, and those two fields of legal authority are separate and distinct from each other — is described by the Global Times Chinese newspaper, under the headline on April 12th, “China releases position paper on Afghan issue to help reconstruction”, which reports that:

China released an 11-point paper to fully elaborate its position on the Afghan issue and express firm support for the reconstruction of the war-torn country on Wednesday - the same day as Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang started a two-day visit to Uzbekistan where he will also attend the fourth Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan in Samarkand. 

Analysts noted that China is taking concrete measures to push further coordination on the Afghan issue and together with regional countries to help with Afghanistan's reconstruction and revitalization.

The paper, titled "China's Position on the Afghan Issue," lists China's adherence to the "Three respects" and "Three nevers," as the first point. These are respect for Afghanistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, to respect the independent choices made by the Afghan people, and to respect the religious beliefs and national customs of Afghanistan. China never interferes in Afghanistan's internal affairs, never seeks selfish interests in Afghanistan and never pursues so-called sphere of influence. 

Afghanistan is in a crucial period of moving from turbulence to stabilization. To fully outline China's policy and propositions in a systematic way and build consensus and synergy among countries in the region and elsewhere on stabilizing and helping Afghanistan, the foreign ministry released China's Position on the Afghan Issue, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Wednesday.

Wang noted that the fourth Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan will be held in Samarkand on Thursday and China is willing to work with neighboring countries to help Afghan to walk on the path for stable development and to realize regional peace and prosperity. 

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin will attend the fourth Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan in Samarkand, Uzbekistan and visit Uzbekistan from Wednesday to Thursday, according to information from the Foreign Ministry. 

Observers said that the paper on the Afghan issue came on the heels of a 12-point position paper on Ukraine crisis which was released in February, also highlighting China's consistent stance in seeking and making peaceful solutions for heated geopolitical issues.

Qin will meet with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and hold talks with Acting Foreign Minister Bakhtiyor Saidov. They will exchange views on bilateral relations, high-level exchanges between the two sides and international and regional issues of shared interest, according to Foreign Ministry.

Qin's visit will further deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and bilateral relations with Uzbekistan and Central Asian countries to inject stability in the region amid global spillover effect of the Ukraine crisis, analysts said. 

The Wednesday paper which collectively and thoroughly elaborates China's stance on Afghan issue will help coordinate neighboring countries' stance and push a different way from the West and the US in solving conflicts within Afghanistan through political dialogue, Zhu Yongbiao, director of the Center for Afghanistan Studies at Lanzhou University, told the Global Times on Wednesday. 

The international community, especially regional countries, expect China to play a more active role on the Afghan issue given its selfless assistance to Afghanistan people, Zhu noted.  

The third Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan was held in Tunxi, East China's Anhui Province in 2022 and foreign ministers or high-level representatives from China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan drafted a joint statement and an initiative in pooling resources and coordinating to increase their support for Afghanistan, analysts said.   

The paper released on Wednesday showcases China's efforts in promoting mechanism of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan neighboring countries a step forward to bring more light to Afghanistan reconstruction, Hu Shisheng, director of the Institute for South Asian Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times. 

Hu noted that currently, Afghanistan is facing new historical changes - after the withdrawal of the US and Western troops, the country has seen no proxy wars and more autonomy. …

the U.N. that Truman had created.

About the author
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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