Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Let’s give the Ukrainian Government of Volodomyr Zelensky credit for one thing — they are world-class liars. Yesterday I wrote about the attempted attack on the Russian ship, the Ivan Khurs, by three maritime drones and simply acknowledged that there was a video that claimed to show one of the drones hitting a ship. It was implied that the ship was the Ivan Khurs but there was no identifying information to corroborate the claim.

Today we know the truth. Ukraine lied. The Ivan Khurs pulled into port in the Black Sea on its own power with no visible damage.

This is a consistent pattern for Ukraine. Remember the Ghost of Kiev? That intrepid Ukrainian ace that allegedly shot down six Russian combat aircraft during the first month of the Special Military Operation? Turns out that was footage lifted from a video game and most of the Western media, not to mention several gullible politicians, gobbled up the lie and exulted over Ukraine’s faux victory.

Normally a person or institution regularly exposed as a prevaricator would be denounced and ignored. But not Ukraine. Zelensky and company insisted a year ago that Russia had not taken Mariupol despite conclusive video evidence of the remnants of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi AZOV battalion surrendering to the Russian Chechens as they limped out of the Azovstal steel plant.

Rinse and repeat with Bakhmut. Russia’s Wagner Group was busy hoisting victory flags over the fallen city while Ukrainian political and military leaders continued to insist that their boys were still in the fight. Nope, they were dead, captured or retreating. It was only today that a Ukrainian official, ex-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, finally conceded that Bakhmut was kaput.

The lies and self-delusion are not restricted to Ukraine. In the United States a bi-partisan group of legislators called on Dementia Joe to send Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine:

Yesterday, members of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission, Chairman Representative Joe Wilson (SC-02), Ranking Member Representative Steve Cohen (TN-09) and Commissioner Representative Victoria Spartz (IN-05) sent a letter to President Biden, requesting he grants the transfer of MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine. 

In the letter, Commissioners thank the Administration for its beginning steps on getting F-16s to Ukrainian defenders and emphasize the importance of ATACMS on targeting Russian frontlines in occupied Ukraine as well as pushing back Russian supply chain systems which fuel their genocidal war. During the Commissioners’ recent trip to Ukraine and meeting with President Zelensky, ATACMS were requested for an immediate battlefield advantage. These powerful weapons could provide the advantage Ukraine needs to secure its freedom, and the only remaining hurdle to their delivery is the President’s approval.

This should put Russia and China on notice that it is not just Joe Biden and his inept National Security team that are intent on escalating the war in Ukraine. There also is a vocal, bipartisan group of legislators who are pressing to expand the war and are oblivious to the risk inherent in their proposal of Russian retaliation. The Washington Establishment is still willing to bet the lives of Ukrainians on their illusory vision that Russia is teetering towards defeat and their belief that Ukraine is just one Wunderwaffen miracle weapon from total victory.

I am sad to report to those of you who live outside of the Untied States that most Americans are clueless about the implications of the United States apparent strategy of escalation. Most assume that if Russia can bomb Ukrainian cities then fair play dictates that Ukraine should be able to do the same. The point they miss is that Ukraine is incapable of such attacks without the help of the United States and other NATO countries. Increasing Ukraine’s ability to strike further inside Russian territory will inevitably lead Russia to retaliate against those responsible for making those attacks possible. That means an inevitable clash with NATO. I believe that the United States should be doing everything in its power to avoid that. But it is doing the exact opposite and the potential for something terrible looms larger with each passing day.


Select Reader Comments (ORIGINAL THREAD)

Organic says

27 May 2023 at 00:18

The Ukrainian government demonstrably lies, but there again so does our media, a marriage made in heaven as the latter can cite the former asserting credibility with those ignorant of reality.
Things are happening outside the war in Ukraine that our media also lies about, we are living in an alternative reality. One group espouses a lie then the rest give it life by quoting the former as the authoritive source, and round and round it goes. Where does it all end? With a larger war or is fear like the pandemic to be used to herd us into our pens? The black hats are running the West lock, stock and barrel, let’s hope the other side really are what they proclaim to be.

Joseph Adam-Smith says

27 May 2023 at 04:22

The joke is: Mention Big Brother to the average westerner and they will think of….. The “Reality TV” show! They do not know (?) about 1984, even though it is mentioned continuously. Now, a Conspiracy Theorist would say that the whole IDEA of the TV show is to take away what people understood about Big Brother…..

  • JVC says

    27 May 2023 at 18:53

    Gave a copy to my 15 year old grandson. Happy to report that he actually read it, and talked with me a bit about it. Maybe not all is lost yet.

hung time says

29 May 2023 at 05:59

As the reply chain ends with JVC, I use your comment to reply to him.

@JVC: Don’t forget to tell your grandson that “1984” was written by a MI-6 stooge who was in Burma, and in Catalonia as a British spy on the rebel anarchist movement. It is important that he learns in his age how deep the deception goes in the west, and how fudged biographies of writers on wiki and such use to be.

The message of this depressing book is “resistance is futile”. But as we now realize, to resist and to refute NOW is the only way out of the technocracy the deep state that took over the west in the last hundred+ years want to put on the world. So “1984” is talking about times [that] absolutely must to be avoided, and btw., as most what Orwell has written, very depressing and disturbing literature.

I preferred Pohl/Kornbluth, “The Space Merchants”, 1952. It also shows the trap very better the west is moving into, without being such a depressive quest into suicide Orwell’s books use to be.

Paul Greenwood says

27 May 2023 at 02:34

Ukraine is run by a TV Production Company called Kvartal95 owned by Zelinsky who put his production team in key positions.

They are masters of Green Screen and CGI and what more do Western media companies really wish for ?

They have for years shown “prepared packages” from various lobby groups whether Gates Foundation or WEF or WWF or Greenpeace or Unit 8200 and spliced them into their “News” output without attribution – what is so different now ?

Journalists are Lobbyists and Propagandists – they are not Reporters of Fact

Westerners cannot see they are caught up in Class War – this is how the Moneyed Elite manipulates the agenda – foreign distractions and domestic ‘Panem et circenses’

The one thing YOU must not do is to question private jets, luxury homes, ostentatious spending, egregious wealth, destruction of privacy, increasing control over everyday existence………….

You are given colour-coded badges of “Hate Him, Support Them” and slogans to match – you get wall-to-wall advertising to promote the brand on TV and repeated slogans from the Puppets – Nolan Bushnell’s Pizzatime Theater on Capitol Hill

A. Dane says

27 May 2023 at 05:15

”Normally a person who is regularly exposed as a prevaricator would be denounced and ignored”.
Larry you are way too soft with your selection of the word (prevaricator).

The word Prevaricate means that the person is not purposely lying.
The word Equivocate means that the person is deliberately using words that have more than one meaning as a way to conceal the truth.
The word Lie means that the person is intentionally dishonest.

In the case of the War propaganda coming out of Kiev, Washington, London, Brussels and every western Mainstream media, the word Lies is the appropriate word to use, because they are intentionally dishonest, in order to mislead the Western population.

The US is now escalating toward World war III with Russia:
60.000 US troop deployed in Poland.
The 1st US Airborne division deployed in Romania.
The USS George W.H Bush (nuclear powered) deployed in the Adriatic Sea.
The USS Gerald Ford /nuclear powered) deployed in the strait of Skagerrak.
The US accepting F-16 delivery to Ukraine.
The US CSCE demanding ATACMS to Ukraine.
NATO conducting exercise Air defender 2023 in June.
NATO conducting exercise Artic Challenge in June.

And its 5, 6, 7, open up Pearly Gates.

Mac says

27 May 2023 at 12:01

True – they seem oblivious to the fact they’re being played. Russia is content to not escalate and keep destroying NATO equipment at a leisurely pace, while dramatically expanding their military production capabilities. They’re in for the long haul, understanding what’s at stake, while the combined “west” is stuck on a century old idea:

As he states, failure is not an option, but it’s inevitable. That’s the conundrum we’re seeing play out.

Paul Greenwood says

27 May 2023 at 02:37

Oh….your history is just so flawed……..

China remembers how Westerners burned their historic cities and occupied their territory………they KNOW how the Hong Hong Lease came about

Russia remembers Crimean War, invasion by Poles, Swedes, Germans……….and Americans 1918 and Japanese 1918, 1939, …….and British and French………and

Look at what EURASIA is and why they KNOW what US really is

Brad Patton says

27 May 2023 at 00:57

The Kiev thieving clique are all actors and video producers. Really the perfect background for any politician. It’s been deadly and effective. At the very beginning I sort of believed Russia was killing civilians just like I thought the video yesterday was possibly real. But I was able to by pass the truth blockade of the West and found videos like Lancasters that can’t be faked and show Russians to be a mundane disciplined army. Also there is a video of Ukrainians shooting bound Russians and gouging out the eyes of an old man the sounds could not be faked. They have the bad evil actors.
I’ve absolutely no doubt Ukrainians did the Bucha killings but what a good cover up! The NYT recently came out with “comprehensive” proof of it over a year late. Why them? Why no autopsies immediately after? (and a 100 other things). What conceivable motive would Russia have to do this and then artfully arrange the bodies to be found. It is so stupid. But it worked the first thing out of western politician mouths is Bucha.
They fooled the Pope and now that dumb Italian PM Meloni. (she is a complete dud).

JaKo says

27 May 2023 at 22:39

As you, Mick, mentioned, there is an obvious doubt: Is the cabal running “the west” really willing to sacrifice the majority of humanity in WWIII nuclear Armageddon, or are they just bluffing???
Sooner or later the “defensive” installations in Romania and Poland, a few satellites and several US/NATO UAV’s etc. will get annihilated, and the response of the “Joe Biden” entity will determine the outcome / answer to that question.
OTOH, the Russians could just wait until “the west” declares bankruptcy and then take all the offending systems / structures out, by whatever means…
(Me thinks the latter proposed outcome will become reality soon)
Cheers, JaKo

Rokossovsky says

27 May 2023 at 11:42

It is starting to dawn on the Western elites what is happening,

“The world says NO to US domination” – Fiona Hill, John Bolton’s Assistant, Brookings Institution

The whole lecture is here:

Lennart Meri Lecture 2023

So, the more they escalate the worse it gets. Glen Greenwald devoted about a third of his Friday 5/26/2023 show to this speech. FYI

Elial says

27 May 2023 at 07:24

I came across this official briefing from Maria Zakharova, on the active black market organ harvesting trade on the Ukrainian front – the fate of the new conscripts and those injured on the battle field.

The article “Bloody Squad of Elisabeth Debru” was published in the March edition of the Serbian weekly Pečat. This is the name of a doctor from the Netherlands who arrived in the vicinity of Artyomovsk shortly before that. Previously, operations to remove organs of Ukrainian servicemen who died or were seriously wounded in Donbass were mentioned in a testimony by a former member of the Ukrainian security service…

This is not the first time illegal transplantology in this region came into focus of journalists’ investigations…

We are all perfectly aware of the fact that this harrowing bloody “business” wouldn’t exist without patrons at the highest state level. This is no coincidence. The problem of human trafficking in Ukraine has existed for a long time now and has repeatedly come to the attention not only of our country, which has brought everyone’s attention to it, but, most importantly, international organisations, in particular, the UN bodies which deal with human rights…

The illegal transplantologists’ activities in the warfare area have become a separate issue now. Even the first head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, noted that he saw corpses with open stomachs and chests and had information about illegal seizures by Ukrainian nationalists of anatomical materials of prisoners, local residents and wounded soldiers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Unfortunately, these chilling finds are not uncommon…

Against this background, the real reasons behind the Ukrainian side using field crematoria remain unknown to the general public.

JMF says

27 May 2023 at 10:05

Deborah Armstrong (and Sonja Van den Ende) have written about this in depth. Not at all a pretty story!

Here’s Deborah’s 3-part series, well worth a full read:
Human trafficking in Ukraine, an investigative series. Part one: Illegal Organ Harvest

Human Beings Disassembled “Like Legos”
Part 2 of an investigative report on human trafficking in Ukraine

“When You See It, You Won’t Forgive”
Part 3 of an investigative report on human trafficking in Ukraine

maskazer says

27 May 2023 at 01:35

The fact that the US and its puppets have lost all credibility is very well known to people who are informed and mostly those outside the western matrix. Thanks to the Neocons, the west is today one giant bubble of financial corruption which hopefully will soon disintegrate. It’s expected that Russia-China + allies will further push dedollarization process. Last week, Iran-Indonesia reached a deal using their own currencies. Those that stay in the dollar zone would suffer tremendously since they are the ones paying the US’ debts at the end of the day.

Paul Greenwood says

27 May 2023 at 02:39

A tactical exchange of nuclear warheads between the two

Sorry, you seem deluded…………

Russia has stated that Europe is irrelevant……….the Puppetmaster is USA

Therefore any tactical exchange of nuclear warheads as such will involve Continental US targets NOT European

Russia is the MOST powerful military force on the European Continent bar none

Antforce says

27 May 2023 at 04:50

Nick says

27 May 2023 at 08:06

You are delusional if you imagine Europe will avoid nuclear strikes in a nuclear exchange.
Brussels and London at minimum.
Likely also Rammstein and some Polish locations with NATO troop accumulations.

Paul Greenwood says

28 May 2023 at 01:18

None of those targets require nuclear attack……….conventional weapons work just as well…….Ramstein is only important as a drone command centre as is the one in Sicily……..

London – all you need is to knock out power supply and telco/Internet links and probably satellites used by Goldman Sachs and other banks

ISL says

27 May 2023 at 02:37

Of course, correct that this is widely believed: “Most assume that if Russia can bomb Ukrainian cities then fair play dictates that Ukraine should be able to do the same.”

but what’s good for the goose also would be good for the gander. Will US cities be bombed (the wealthy neighborhoods – the poor neighborhoods already appear well bombed out) before the NATO-Russian war is over?

Hubert A. Monteiro says

27 May 2023 at 02:54

Although I have lived in the US for 46 of my 69 years on earth, I never, ever realized until recently, the effectiveness of the press’s suppression of facts from the American people. They know full well that they can count on a community of hundreds of millions of “headline readers” and utterly clueless simpletons.

I thought most modern Americans were smart enough to double check info they get on issues of importance to the nation, in view of the tidal wave of fake news we are innundated by, daily. I also never realized how, in spite of this practice going back over a century and a half, people still don’t seem aware of it and continue to “scarf” down everything they see and read in the news media.

It is almost the same behavior Americans display, when it comes to religion, i.e., they go to church, sing hymns, pray, listen to a sermon and go home, their religious duty fulfilled, hip, hip, hurray…, so too, they tune into their favorite channel, watch the news… never mind if what they heard jives with reality and truthfulness or not!

Since that was never lost in the enemies’ perception of Americans’ utter, abject gullibility, they upped the ante and “normalized” criminality, like the practice of stealing elections, calling the God-fearing and the law-abiding, family-oriented “domestic terrorists”, making DJT into “enemy numero uno” and the nation cheered and clapped.

I am sure, for example, that after the Arizona judge in Kary Lakes’ lawsuit tossed it out, even after an appeals court remanded that the issue of 250,000 ballots, whose voter’s signatures did not match (she lost by 17,000 votes or .67%), be examined… and that sounded just fine by the people, because the overwhelming majority never bothered to look a single “millimeter” beyond what they heard on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC…

What can be said, in the face of Americans having allowed their nation to reach the status of “triple banana republic”, thanks to their utter laziness and idiocy?


About the author
Former national security analyst Larry Johnson is the founding editor of his blog Son of the New American Revolution.

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