Nicaragua takes complaint to UN over US refusal to pay compensation for backing death squad

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The US hegemon never forgets or forgives—unless it is expedient to its ultimate goal of global domination. Because of this, after declaring war on Nicaragua back in the 1970s for its sovereign wish to choose its own type of government and economic system (not US-style capitalism), Washington and its henchmen have tried for decades to topple the Sandinistas by all methods available in the arsenal of imperialism, from economic sabotage and strangulation ("sanctions"), a type of modern siege,, as they have done with Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc., to outright armed interventions. (See Iran-Contra campaign).  A more recent method is the hyper-hypocritical approach developed by political scientist Gene Sharp, the so-called "color revolutions". These rely on hybrid war using a complex variety of tools, from penetration through the "weaponisation" of US pop culture memes and social media, to campaigns of deception by prostituted media, to phony political parties and bought politicos,  to outright coups and massive social disruptions organised by Western NGOs, which many countries in the "Global South" have now in the hundreds, like vermin crawling all over their bodies. In addition, in most nations around the world, US embassies are centers for subversion coordination. This applies to friend and foe, since the hegemon really has no allies, only vassals and enemies. Examples of "color revolutions" can be found everywhere around the globe. The "Maidan revolution in Ukraine (2014) is one of the most dangerous and notorious. In Nicaragua, the Mother Theresa nuns—an NGO— were recently expelled for meddling in anti-government politics, something that the phony Mother Theresa did for decades to much praise by the global elites. Not for nothing was "Mother Theresa" honored by Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, the Clintons, and the Polish Pope—all rabid anticommunists and unyielding enemies of the poor.  Note below how the filthy US media presents the well-deserved expulsion of these nuns as a sign of "Nicaraguan authoritarianism".

Nuns Expelled From Nicaragua For Speaking Out Against Government

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