How the Billionaires Control U.S.-and-Allied Governments

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Eric Zuesse

An artists' mordant representation of the Euromafia: all basically illegitimate leaders at the head of fake democracies.

In virtually every country that's allied with the U.S. Government against Russia and against China, there is a low public job-approval-rating for its head-of-state and for its Government, and a rating that is far lower than is the public job-approval for the leaders of the countries that the U.S. gang are trying to regime-change. If a given nation's leader’s net public job-approval rating (% who approve, minus the % who disapprove) is above 0%, or positive, then that is an indication the nation’s Government is a democracy, because then that leader is satisfying his public (including his political opposition — not merely his own voters) more than dissatisfying it — that leader actually DOES represent his nation. However, if the net job-approval rating is below 0%, or negative, it’s likelier a dictatorship than a democracy (and then the question is: whom does that leader actually serve?).

Every week the Morning Consult polling organization scientifically samples public opinion in 22 countries regarding Approve/Disapprove on the given nation’s leader, including all of the U.S. Government’s allies plus five nations that are on friendly terms with the U.S. Government but not lockstep followers of it: the latter 5 being India, Switzerland, Mexico, Australia, and Brazil. All of the other 17 Governments (which includes America’s own Government) are rabidly hostile toward both of the U.S.-designated top enemy nations, which are China and Russia. So: the Morning Consult pollings include the 17 U.S.-and-allied countries, plus 5 nations that are in some way on the fence between the U.S. Government and its designated top enemies — i.e., America’s targets to be conquered. 

Here is the complete rank-order list of the 22 sampled countries along with the net job-performance rating of its leader by its public: showing the rank-order as-of the 29 June 2023 posting:

“Global Leader Approval Rating Tracker”

  • Narendra Modi (India) +58%
  • Alain Berset (Switzerland) +35%
  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico) +24%
  • Anthony Albanese (Australia) +19%
  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brazil) +9%
  • Giorgia Meloni (Italy) +5%
  • Alexander De Croo (Belgium) -9%
  • Pedro Sánchez (Spain) -10%
  • Justin Trudeau (Canada) -12%
  • Joe Biden (U.S.) -13%
  • Leo Varadkar (Ireland) -18%
  • Mateusz Morawiecki (Poland) -26%
  • Rishi Sunak (U.K.) -28%
  • Ulf Kristersson (Sweden) -28%
  • Jonas Gahr Støre(Norway) -30%
  • Karl Nehammer (Austria) -33%
  • Olaf Scholz (Germany) -34%
  • Fumio Kishida (Japan) -34%
  • Mark Rutte (Netherlands) -41%
  • Emmanuel Macron (France) -43%
  • Yoon Seok-youl (South Korea) -49%
  • Petr Fiala (Czech Republic) -54%

If the top 5, which are not fully U.S.-allied countries (i.e., not fully committed to conquer both Russia and China), are included, then the net job-approval of all 22 leaders collectively is -312%/22=-14.2%. The average performance on the entire list is -14.2%.

If those 5 are excluded and ONLY the 17 fully committed U.S.-and-allied nations are included, then, the net job-approval of those 17 leaders is -467%/17=-28.5%. The average performance of the 17 U.S.-and-allied countries is -28.5%.

In order to determine the net job-approval of the leaders of the two countries that the U.S. Government is especially determined to conquer, China and Russia:

Ever since he became Russia’s leader on 1 January 2000, his average Approve is 70% and Disapprove is 25% for a net +35% over that 23-year period, but recently it is instead 80% Approve and 15% Disapprove, for a net +70%, which is even higher than Modi’s +58% in India.

“How Nations’ Citizens Rate Their Own Government” and reported that of all 28 nations surveyed by the Edelman organization, the trust in the Government was the highest in China, at 91%, while only 39% of Americans trust their Government. Only 37% of Russians do, and Russians have distrusted their Government ever since there has been polling on that — the disparity between how Russians rate their Government versus how they rate Putin is enormous and has no parallel in any other country that I know of. Perhaps local governments are lousy there. It’s a disparity that ought to be examined scientifically. But, also, U.S. President Biden’s saying, of Putin, “For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power” is plain evil, just like his calling Xi a “dictator” is. For Biden, with a net job-approval of -13%, to be saying such things about national leaders who have served their nations vastly better than Biden has been serving his, is hateful, closed-minded, petty, and extremely dangerous both to his own country and to all countries; it is despicable, and clearly marks him as a leader who needs to be regime-changed as soon as possible (but not replaced by anyone in his Administration, since he has surrounded himself with individuals who are just as dangerous as he himself is).

Biden hugging WEF's head Klaus Schwab. As committed globalists, they have no use for actual sovereign democracies.

So: in the U.S.-and-allied world, the publics constantly hear and read that their own country is a “democracy” but that China and Russia are “dictatorships,” and this hate-machine is nonstop. It’s an upside-down ‘reality’, which produces “manufactured consent” (but NOT democracy). It produces wars. It produces invasions, coups, and sanctions. And profits for the owners.


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