Will Trump Really Solve The Border Crisis? The Jimmy Dore Show

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The Jimmy Dore Show
Craig “Pasta” Jardula (The Convo Couch) • Judge Andrew Napolitano • Trends Journal founder Gerald Celente

Editor's Note: The panel interviewed is fiercely conservative, unapologeticlly so, firm believers in the American Dream and the sacrosanct "work ethic", both of which have been amply demonstrated to be more mythological (not to mention lacking compassion for the losers in the capitalist scam game) than real factors in American social mobility. Judge Napolitano is particularly incensed by what he erroneously calls "The Welfare State" as being the reason for the torrent of immigrants at the Southern Border. It's a situation, he complains, whereby the government "takes from the haves to give to the have nots," a Robin Hood redistribution of wealth, which, if it were real, could be hardly decried in a country where wealth disparity has reached obscene levels. Guest host Jardula valiantly (but not too coherently) pushes back that those desperate people did not spring from the ether, out of sheer opportunism, seeking handouts from the US government, but, instead, are product of desperate social and economic conditions brought about by decades of American imperialist meddling, military occupation and exploitation of their home countries. Despite these flaws, and Kurt Metzger's always annoying interruptions, the video is encouraging as it shows that, in the total absence of a real left in the US and the rest of the West, some figures like P. Craig Roberts, A. Napolitano and G. Celente, on the right, are able to see that much of what afflicts America these days is due to systemic rot  (including unwarranted hubris and US exceptionalism) and speak fearlessly against it.

During his recent sit-down with Tucker Carlson, former President Donald Trump said that his number one priority, should he win back the Oval Office, would be the border, along with mass deportation of “criminals” in the country illegally. But Trump had four years to “secure the border” during his previous administration and made very little progress, so why should Americans think he’ll do anything significant this time around?

Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to former Fox News contributor Judge Andrew Napolitano and Trends Journal founder Gerald Celente about Trump’s presidency and whether Americans will sign on for another shipment of Trump-style snake oil.

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