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Nakba trek—a trail of tears for the victims of Jewish colonialist settlers. The Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles would understand.

A curious effect inevitably results when a trendy term, a slang neologism, or a catch-word is used to death.  It loses all meaning along with its currency and is dropped from hip vocabulary.  This fate impends for the hysterically abused pejorative “anti-Semitic”.

The term had a legitimate beginning, as used to describe the historic persecution of Jews in ignorant, Christian-indoctrinated Europe where vicious pogroms occurred in many countries over hundreds of years.  It found its perfect application when applied to the industrial-scale murder of Jews by the monstrous Nazi death machine during WWII, which exposed the psychotic prejudice that fueled that detestable, methodical slaughter.

After the horror of the Holocaust was known to the world, the term underwent a subtle modification in connotation, from being a direct indictment of murderous prejudice, to being conceived as a kind of conceptual shield, a defense against any criticism of the de facto transformation, by violence, of Palestine, with its long established population of Arab people, into Israel.

The chief proponents and prime movers in this transformation, by which the state of Israel was created, from the initiator of the Zionist idea, Theodore Herzl, through Chaim Weitzmann, its forceful lobbyist and Israel’s first President, David Ben-Gurion, its first Premier, and Moshe Dayan, its early Military Chief, were all of one unified mind in regard to that process.  Their intent was to colonize Palestine and forcibly eject the Palestinian people, and it was stated in speech and writing by all of them, without any equivocation or evasion.  They agreed that the Palestinians they intended to displace, remove, and eliminate to create Eretz Israel, were, and would remain, their enemies, but that their expulsion was the only solution, and they would see to it that it was done.

The psychotic rape of European Jewry by the Nazis had done more than killed millions of them; it had created such deep and ineradicable horror in those who survived that it became the absolute determinant of their psycho-emotional response to expressed prejudice.  Opposition to the inundation of Palestine by refugee European Jews after WWII was declared anti-Semitic by Zionist officialdom.  This was a shift in use of the term that, in defending the influx of Jews, evaded the point of opposition: the overwhelming of the native population by Jewish immigrants.  Driving this subtle shift in connotation was the determination of Zionist leaders to create a Jewish state, no matter that it could only be done by violence, and the theft of Palestinian land.

In 1948, after months of intermittent mayhem, Zionist organized military power attacked a people with scant means to defend itself.  Palestinians were assaulted in their villages, brutalized and murdered, until some 700 thousand had been evicted from land  their ancestors had held for centuries.  Their claim to the land was historic occupation; the claim of Zionists—fantastic on its face—was based on imaginative legends in which a putative god of ugly, demented ferocity had helped them murderously subdue it thousands of years ago.  This mythic yarn supposedly gave Jews clear title to a land where they had not lived for millennia.


The village of Safsaf (“willow” in Arabic) appears on page 490 of the newest edition of Walid Khalidi’s All That Remains, a seminal book that catalogues 418 Palestinian communities that were destroyed and depopulated during the Nakba. A Palestinian eyewitness account describes the day when Zionist forces conquered the village and rounded up its residents in October 1948:

As we lined up, a few Jewish soldiers ordered four girls to accompany them to carry water for the soldiers. Instead, they took them to our empty houses and raped them. About seventy of our men were blindfolded and shot to death, one after the other, in front of us. The soldiers took their bodies and threw them on the cement covering of the village’s spring and dumped sand on them.

After the Nakba—The Catastrophe, to Palestinians—Jewish rule was supreme.  Hostility in Arab states erupted in wars that Israel, increasingly powerful, won decisively, while abuse of its captive people and serial theft of their land engendered disapproval in much of the world.  As Israel evolved from its Socialist Labor beginnings into a massive Corporate Capitalist, militarist state, it strove to justify itself by making “anti-Semitism” the reason for any challenge of its right to do with Palestinians as it pleased.  The dehumanizing terror Israel inflicted on them, created the backlash of Intifadas, which brought only greater violence from the apartheid military tyranny that Israel had become.

Guilt felt by the vastly wealthy, world Jewish elite for their having escaped Nazi bullets and ovens made them powerful advocates for the establishment of Israel, and they gave enormous sums to promote it, and fund Western political leaders to build influence in their nations.  Their money bought slavish support for Israel in American and European governments, and succeeded in painting all criticism of Israel as “anti-Semitism”, in spite of its brutal record of abusing, punishing, and killing Palestinian people.

Nakba 1948 Palestine - Jaramana Refugee Camp, Damascus, Syria. Refugees not from a natural calamity, but a man-made one. (Public Domain)

Ever more rightist, viciously racist, and totalitarian in its elected status as a Jailer Society, self-mesmerized by its hoary mantra, “Never Again”, and denying any mercy to its victims, there seems now no other choice for Israel but to take its odious, insane inhumanity to the limit, though it will break them.  Hence, their intent to raze Gaza and annihilate the Palestinians, for a suicidal Hamas attack that embarrassed the neo-Nazi Netanyahu regime and showed that Palestinian will to resist cannot be eradicated.

There is, at this moment, no knowing how the Gaza debacle will end.  There may be a ceasefire and no invasion, freezing matters and guaranteeing unending misery, cruelty and strife.  There may be madness that could trigger regional, or even world, war.  All that is certain is that the threadbare cliche of “anti-Semitism” is dead, murdered in public—as Israel has murdered Palestinians— by its most fervent and cynical proponents, the Zionist monsters who own and run Israel.  Its falseness will no longer suffice to camouflage the blatant historic villainy of that criminal state.

And what of the ugly prejudice toward Jews it was always used to condemn?  Has its use eliminated that prejudice in the world?  Or has it functioned to nourish it?  Specifically, has its ghastly blitzkrieg against Palestinians won many hearts and minds to warm admiration of Israel?  I think not.  The horror of Israel’s inhumanity now seen openly has likely broadened and deepened prejudice against all Jews; a grim, ironic result, not deserved by Jews as a people, perpetrated against them by the Zionist criminals who claimed the whole race as complicit in their evil.

Associate Editor Paul Edwards is a genuine Renaissance man, gifted with many talents and participant in many events and struggles of our tormented times. Our colleague Jeff Brown, who did a fine interview with him, sums it up thusly: “Paul’s life story is worthy of a biography: a rebel youth growing up, traveling and working around the world and then a long career as a Hollywood writer. Through it all, he has never lost his lifelong wrath against US imperialism and global capitalism, while seeking social and economic justice for humanity’s 99%…”

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G. F. Rochat

Politically one can expect that there will be a ceasefire because Netanyahu takes his orders from Washington. The reason why Uncle Joe came was to impress on all players that there should be no invasion of Gaza. The attack on the (Christian) hospital was a response to get the fierce reaction from the Moslem world and a go-ahead to invade Gaza. Embroiled in the Ukraine war, the US does not need another debacle on its agenda of controlling most of the world and pressured the Moslem world with its war ships in the Eastern Mediterranean to stay away from any… Read more »

G. F. Rochat

Class wars and power games. Dr. Wolff in Counterpunch argues that there is no connection, that powerful entities like BRIC and the G7 compete and that class wars are only between employer and workers, but that is a redundant argument. Powerful countries and powerful organizations and corporations compete, but it is on the shoulders of the exploited populations. After all, where does their power come from? It is in fact by underpaying and subordinating the workers who are the underpinnings of society. Only an acerbated class war by exploiting foreign soil and workers gives national establishments (which are the hubs… Read more »

Eric Arthur Blair

Once upon a time, a self declared “Master Race” used indiscriminate violence and murder to terrorise the “untermenschen”, who were forced to flee the homes of their forefathers and were herded into extermination camps, so the Nazis could have more “lebensraum”. For the past 75 years, the self declared “Chosen People” have used indiscriminate violence and murder to terrorise the Palestinian “human animals” who were forced to flee the homes of their ancestors in Nakba1. Gaza became a de facto concentration camp, however it is now a de facto extermination camp. Under Nakba2, the Zionists stated plan is to force… Read more »

G. F. Rochat


G. F. Rochat

What is never published is that there was/is a large segment of Jewry that does not support or like the establishment of Israel. Probably because they were aware of the results, which would revert back onto Jews allover. In this world where opinions are molded by the media one sadly has to be extra careful about the consequences of one’s behavior.

G. F. Rochat
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