The stubborn rejection of modern Zionism by many orthodox Jews disrupts the argument that anti-Zionism is always antisemitism...

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Paul Edwards
Guest Editorial


The slaughter of the people of Gaza by the Zionist Nazi state of Israel continues as the world, largely appalled at the depth of its depravity, the ferocity of its cruelty, toward victim Palestinians,  watches sickened but afraid to act to stop it.  Rationally so, since all pleas to halt it have been flatly rejected, and to intercede by military force risks a regional, and quite possibly a world, war.

In vengeance for a savage, stunning Hamas attack on sacrosanct Eretz Israel, its Oberkommando, under their blood-lusting Fuhrer, Netanyahu, has directed its Wehrmacht to ravage and destroy, by Blitzkrieg, the entire population of their captive victims.

To see this people, Zionist Jews, whose forebears were nearly eradicated themselves by a psychologically identical, maniacally vicious nation of braindead Ubermenschen, adopt this hideous rassenhass is astonishing: the mind rejects the idea.

And yet, it can’t be denied; it must be comprehended.  Zionist Israel, a fascistic, militarist nation, is bitterly divided over its own religion.  The brutal, xenophobic state, flaunting its worship of violent force—in celebration of which its fanatic, racist people dance and chant—has turned its back utterly on the core morality of Judaism.  True practitioners of the ancient faith, the Haredim, are harassed and persecuted by the police and the army, and considered enemies of the state for fiercely opposing its secular immorality, its using Judaism as Christianity is used by the American Empire, to buttress a de facto tyranny.

Americans, especially the great propagandized majority who are so morally dead they defend Zionist genocide, need to be very clear, while this murderous, inhuman crime is in full swing, that it could not be done without the express permission and full complicity of The Empire.  Israel exists because of The Empire’s backing—financially, politically, militarily—to be an outpost of its Exceptionalist fantasy, a bulwark against Moslem cultures that—shameless pretense notwithstanding—American elites hate and fear.  Because Zionist money elects and owns our Congress via AIPAC, its lobbying arm, our bought politicians, against all logic and self-interest, put Israel’s welfare above that of the country they swore to serve.  This is treason, by definition.

Orthodox Jews USA

NYC area Hasidic Jews convene at the Nassau Coliseum in 2018 to hear why true Torah Jews are and should remain anti-Zionists.

The American Empire, as though it were not already sufficiently tar-babied with its tanking Ukraine shitshow, is now in an even more painful posture, joined at the hip with the Fuhrer’s excellent Gaza adventure.  To show its fealty to the Zionist Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem, our feeble-minded CEO has sent two aircraft carriers to back the massacre of civilians.  In so doing, he risks two grave outcomes.  One is, that carriers that dominated at Midway and Leyte Gulf are now simply huge, static, gas cans for the sophisticated missiles Hezbollah and Arab states possess.  The second is, that aiding the Zionist butchery of innocents, he risks alienating the entire Moslem world permanently.

The idiotic bind that The Empire is in is one they chose by their long, duplicitous, two-faced vaudeville act in the Middle East.  This Gaza slaughter has drawn the curtain exposing The Great Oz, and made starkly obvious the payoff for playing both ends against the middle.  If it backs the murderous Zionist Reich, it must see its cringing romancing of previously wholly-owned tyrannies such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey end forever.  There is no clean, or even dirty way—as in Afghanistan—out of this political iron maiden in which it has sealed itself.  Official America backs wholesale murder of children and no spin can hide that.

As the horrifying devastation continues with intentional targeting of any possible refuge of safety for helpless civilians—schools, hospitals, refugee camps, even designated escape corridors—it is clear that Netanyahu’s indiscriminate bombardment has eliminated the need for the Einsatzgruppen Hitler used in his murder machine.  Extermination now is done better remotely.  Of course, there is still a role for Zionist Totenkopf regiments, to do by hand what escapes the wholesale devastation of ordnance.

Orthodox Jews Jerusalem

Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem: By an uncomfortable majority they oppose the State of Israel and Zionist ideology in general. One of Israel's many internal contradictions, pointing to its unsustainability.

Zionist Israel makes much of its putative history as related in the Torah and Tanakh, in supporting its right to occupy Palestine.  It prefers to forget how the Jews’ mightiest prophets were its most damning critics when Jewish power transgressed the law.  The words of those rebellious martyrs come back aflame today.

Micah said ( Micah 6:8) “What hath the Lord required of you but to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?”

Isaiah said (Isaiah 28:15) : “For we have made a Covenant with Death, and with Hell are we at agreement.”

The supreme irony and greatest tragedy for the Jewish people of many races and nations is that Zionist Israel, in claiming to be the great center of resistance to anti-Semitism, has now appalled and alienated most of the world, which does not understand that the vast majority of Jews are neither Zionists, nor its supporters.

Israel has shown the world its true nature in images of wanton, barbaric horror that are ineradicable from human memory.  It stands revealed as what it is: a nation without conscience, mercy or justice, begun and sustained with murderous violence, and eager to maintain its exclusive, apartheid tyranny by genocide.

The doom Israel has contrived for itself is based on the fact that the lesson Zionists took from the nightmare of the Shoah was that power is the only sure defense against inhuman cruelty.  With the mantra, “never again”, they swore not to be victimized, but in their rage and pain they did not comprehend that justice demands all people be spared the odious violence they suffered. They adopted the evils of the monsters that had nearly destroyed them and, in so doing, betrayed the conscience of their race.

And Matthew asked (Matthew 3:7) “O, Generation of Vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro speaks at the Nassau Coliseum just before the start of the convention of Torah Jewry Against Zionism on Sunday, June 3, 2018. More than 15,000 Jews attended the event.

Associate Editor Paul Edwards is a genuine Renaissance man, gifted with many talents and participant in many events and struggles of our tormented times. Our colleague Jeff Brown, who did a fine interview with him, sums it up thusly: “Paul’s life story is worthy of a biography: a rebel youth growing up, traveling and working around the world and then a long career as a Hollywood writer. Through it all, he has never lost his lifelong wrath against US imperialism and global capitalism, while seeking social and economic justice for humanity’s 99%…”

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G. F. Rochat

Though one can share the outrage of Edwards, his comparison with the German Reich is too strong. and frankly unjustified. Many Israelis do not share their government’s policies, just read Haaretz and one can see this. However, it is surely true that the Israeli Zionists are like the Bourbon rulers of France of whom it is said after the Revolution and the Restoration, that they had not forgotten anything nor had learnt anything. And that is how Israel’s leaders can repeat the tragedies of the 1930’s/1940’s with a closed conscience. Despicable indeed is the reaction in the US ruling circles… Read more »

G. F. Rochat

‘Zealot’ is a Hebrew name for the resistance against the ancient Roman occupation. The Big Lie touted on all US television stations is that the protests against Israel’s actions are antisemitism. That false kind of identification is exactly what increases antisemitism because many zealots join the protesting crowd. If anything, these demonstrations will divide the US public even further than MAGA, a real threat to the status quo against which the establishment, who to their own loss of power are quite blindered.

Last edited 8 months ago by G. F. Rochat

Brought tears and rage to my heart. A beautiful expressed declaration of what many humanity feel right now, and for that I thank the writer and this magazine for running it. I also agree that we all need to push back on the false equation distributed by the Israeli/US/EU press that antisemitism = antiJewish. That is lie!

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