ANNALS OF DISINFORMATION: Polls Show Americans Wildly Deceived About Gaza War

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Eric Zuesse

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Anti-Israel protester in London. Britain has been the center of massive anti-Zionist demonstrations since this phase of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict began on Oct. 7. The British Government is working double time to quell the protests in the name of anti-Semitism. Similar demonstrations have been seen across Europe and the Global South.

74% of Americans think Hamas wants Genocide of Israelis; 31% think Israel wants genocide of Gazans (which Israel has actually wanted ever since Israel was founded in 1948). Americans also falsely believe that Hamas (which is supported by 88% of Palestinians) is rejected by Palestinians. How can a democracy exist in America if the public are so extremely deceived as this? It can’t (and doesn’t). So: these poll-findings are of wider significance than merely the Gazan war.

Here’s the evidence:

Field Dates: December 13-14, 2023
This survey was conducted online within the United States from December 13-14 among 2,034 registered voters by The Harris Poll and HarrisX.

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“Should Israel cease all hostilities now [37%Yes] or keep going until Hamas is defeated and the hostages released?” [63%Yes]?

Do you think Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza [34%Yes] or is Hamas a terror group that rules the people of Gaza with force and fear and is not supported by them [66%Yes]?

Who is primarily responsible for triggering the humanitarian crisis in Gaza - Hamas [73%] or Israel [37%]?

Palestinian poll shows a rise in Hamas support and close to 90% wanting US-backed Abbas to resign

W. 13 December 2023, [atrociously written, and without appropriate context] by KARIN LAUB
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A wartime opinion poll among Palestinians published Wednesday shows [strong public support for Hamas and rejection of its competitor the Palestinian Authority, which rules the West Bank and which is led by Mahmoud Abbas.] …

57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes. …

88% want Abbas to resign, up by 10 percentage points from three months ago. In the West Bank, 92% called for the resignation of the octogenarian. … nearly 60% now saying it [the Palestinian Authority] should be dissolved. In the West Bank, [the U.S.-Government-backed] Abbas’ continued security coordination with Israel’s military against Hamas, his bitter political rival, is widely unpopular [amongst Palestinians even in the West Bank]. …

The level of anti-Americanism and anti-Westernism is huge among Palestinians because of the positions they have taken regarding international humanitarian law and what is happening in Gaza. [See this and this.] …

The survey was conducted from Nov. 22 to Dec. 2 among 1,231 people in the West Bank and Gaza and had an error margin of 4 percentage points. In Gaza, poll workers conducted 481 in-person interviews during a weeklong cease-fire that ended Dec. 1.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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