The Mass Murderer is Still At Large

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Billy Bob's Dispatches

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Guest Editorial

After a tsunami of triumphalist lies, the MSM is now preparing the public for Ukraine's inevitable defeat.

It's not just that the US chose to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, to further its imperialist interests. I mean that would be bad enough on its own. But what the US actually did was to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in the *false hope* that this sacrifice would be beneficial for their imperialist interests.

But does anyone really believe that the failed war in Ukraine and Russia's inevitable victory will be beneficial for Western imperialism? Don't get me wrong, the Ukrainian people themselves share much of the blame for allowing the West to co-opt their government and dictate this ruinous and calamitous policy, but my god, what an indefensible, blood-drenched, debacle!

In a sane world where people were held accountable in a way that was proportionate to their crimes, there would be mass executions throughout the entirety of the Western ruling class as well as within the current puppet government of Ukraine.

But alas, ours is nowhere close to a sane society and this most recent murder of hundreds of thousands of people, is nothing new for the gangsters of western capital. There will be no accountability for these blood-drenched murderers just as there was no accountability when they genocided about two million "leftists" in Indonesia and East Timor, in the mid 60's. Millions more leftists were genocided in Central and South America during the late 70's and early 80's during the CIA's dirty wars in that region. Millions more were murdered in southeast Asia during the war in Vietnam and surrounding countries. More recently, millions more have been murdered in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya. There is no accountability whatsoever for these most massive and horrific crimes of the late 20th and early 21st century.

By typical standards then, the eagerness to gamble the lives of half a million Ukrainians on the false hope that this sacrifice would somehow benefit Western imperialism, is a quite humble and relatively subdued effort, when compared to other Western genocides in recent history. But times are changing and the Western ruling class is in decline and they will soon be unable to engage in such massive murderous criminality with the impunity they have enjoyed so far. Thank god for that!

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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