Demonising China: Insidious television for recalcitrant fools

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the establishment media is an enabler of endless wars and illegitimate oligarchic power

Patrice Greanville

American television—especially when it comes to its "news programs"—is supremely insidious. Mind you, I use the word advisedly. The dictionary tells us that in·sid·i·ous is the equivalent of underhanded, sneaky, deceitful and dishonest. You get the point. This is their default mode, learned in over a century of promptly executing the desires of their masters, the shady billionaires whose cliques control the shaping of all US international policy. Because US foreign policy is imperialist, that is, it sees the world with malignity as only comprised of vassals or sovereign countries to conquer, the system's mainstream media‚ in reality a gigantic machine of distraction and propaganda, is well trained to deliver the requisite poisonous slant when covering a particular nation in America's cross-hairs. Right now, China, Russia, Syria, and Iran are in the cross-hairs, along with North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, and newcomer Venezuela. There are others, of course, as the Hegemon has no sense of humor, is compulsive in its bullying and meddling, and never forgets an offense, the cardinal one being a country who refuses to worship Neoliberalism. 

So watch this closely. I can tell you that everything this correspondent says, an old hand at this game of character assassination, is basically tainted with a big lie, the lie in this case being that China has committed great human rights crimes against the Uyghurs. Devoid of honest historical context, such insinuations stick to the back of people's minds, with the persistence of some insolent dirt that refuses to be wiped off.  Which is what these low-down hypocrites and contemptible disinformers want. So watch this filthy "report" with Elizabeth Palmer and then do yourself a favor: read some credible dispatches on this issue. The Grayzone has many articles on this topic that can help you clarify your mind. Some date back to 2018 or even earlier. The US has been trying to blacken China's image for years, and more recently, via Taiwan (another probable proxy like Ukraine in the Far East), even threatening an all-out war to stop Beijing. This disgusting and immoral policy first materialised under Obama and his "pivot to Asia", when the US elites realised that China's peaceful growth was likely to leave the US empire in the dust. A key stipulation in the US empire's Neocon doctrine is not to allow any nation to match, let alone surpass, the Empire. Resting on its trillion plus "defence" budget, the US empire is all about undisputed supremacy. Period. Unipolarity forever. Unfortunately for these believers in "exceptionalism", with the rise of Russia and China, that ship sailed some time ago and is not likely to return. Ever. And indecent lying will not help matters much, either.

After its hypocritical participation in the despicable Gazan genocide, the wholesale destruction of Syria and Libya, the US now expects us to believe its gives a hoot for the fate of some muslims in Xinjiang?

Rebranding China's conflicted Xinjiang region as a tourist destination

Incidentally, my friend and colleague Godfree Roberts, a recognised expert on China, has this to say on this issue:

There is zero evidence of mistreatment of Uyghurs in China. Zero, despite the fact that we have been sponsoring terrorism there for 70 years, as US Ambassador Chas. H. Freeman, Director for Chinese Affairs at the U.S. Department of State from 1979-1981, said:

"The CIA programs in Tibet, which were very effective in destabilizing it, did not succeed in Xinjiang*. There were similar efforts made with the Uyghurs during the Cold War that never really got off the ground. In both cases you had religion waved as a banner in support of a desire for independence or autonomy which is, of course, anathema to any state. I do believe that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones applies here. I am part American Indian and those people are not here (in the US) in the numbers they once were because of severe genocidal policies on the part of the European majority”.

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 29. 54 countries on Tuesday jointly voiced their support for China's counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures in its Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at a UN session. Belarusian Permanent Representative to the United States Valentin Rybakov presented the statement on behalf of the 54 countries during a discussion on human rights at the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, also known as the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee. Noting China's people-centered development philosophy and remarkable development achievement, the statement spoke positively of the results of counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang. These measures "have effectively safeguarded the basic human rights of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang," according to the statement delivered at the session. The statement expressed opposition to relevant countries "politicizing the human rights issue" and called on them to stop baseless accusations against China.

No cultural, religious repression of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang: Pakistan diplomat
A senior Pakistani diplomat on Thursday put up a staunch defence of the controversial education camps in China's volatile Xinjiang province where thousands of Uighur Muslims have been reportedly detained, saying there is no forced labour or cultural and religious repression in the region.

China recently took diplomats from 12 countries with large Muslim populations, including India and Pakistan, to its Xinjiang province where tens of thousands of members of the minority Uighur Muslims have been interned in education camps.

"During this visit, I did not find any instance of forced labour or cultural and religious repression," Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the Charge d'affaires, Pakistan's Embassy in China, told The Times of India.

"The imams we met at the mosques and the students and teachers at the Xinjiang Islamic Institute told us that they enjoy freedom in practicing Islam and that the Chinese government extends support for maintenance of mosques all over Xinjiang," said Baloch, who visited Xinjiang as part of delegation of diplomats.

"Similarly, I did not see any sign of cultural repression. The Uighur culture as demonstrated by their language, music and dance is very much part of the life of the people of Xinjiang," she said.

Asked about the security situation in Xinjiang, which has been "beset by terrorism", Baloch said, "We learned that the recent measures have resulted in improvement of the security situation in Xinjiang and there have been no incidents of terrorism in recent months."

"The counter-terrorism measures being taken are multidimensional and do not simply focus on law enforcement aspects. Education, poverty alleviation and development are key to the counter-terrorism strategy of the Chinese government," she said.



Media critic Patrice Greanville is The Greanville Post's founding editor.

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