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Paul Edwards

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Merkava tank

IOF soldiers milling around Merkava tanks, until recently thought to be invulnerable to most forms of attack. Hamas has changed that perception forever by destroying scores of these beasts, using, in many cases, homemade light weapons. (TGP screenshot)

Unlike the Laws of Gravity and Thermodynamics, the Law of Unintended Consequences has never been formally defined. That  said, everybody has a pretty solid notion of it.  It might be loosely stated like this: Any action is certain to have results not foreseen, that may be contrary to, or mitigating of, your intent.

You’d think—after thousands of years of nations taking dramatic actions and being roughly used, overthrown, dismantled, even destroyed—that countries would have become exceedingly wary of indulging in precipitous actions subject to serious blowback.

Well, you’d be wrong.  They continue to do it.  They never learn.  The ugly history of colonialism is one long narrative of complete and devastating reversals after a brief orgy of piracy and rapine that drove most of Europe—England, France, Holland—home, tails gripped between legs, and soundly beaten up in leaving.

Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan are later examples.  Borne on the hot winds of furious rhetoric emitted by high-octane maniacs, they decided to make war on nations many times as populous, rich, and industrially powerful as themselves, blithely ignoring the likelihood that they’d be pulverized and incinerated in doing so.

The Nazis learned their lesson too late—or did they? 

The Nazis didn't learn the lesson, and neither did the collective West. Overt fascism is now popular in so called "liberal democracies".

Then there was Vietnam.  America decided that if it had elections, Communism would take over Asia.  The Vietnamese hated their native ruling class that enslaved and starved them, but that didn’t occur to our grandees, so we ran a long, brutal, stupid massacre that got us humiliated, whipped, and run out.

The flops and failures of the ludicrous “War on Terror” in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria were really blatant profiteering exercises for the War Machine—among whose victims American taxpayer were one.  In each case national humiliation was bought by a bonanza for the Merchants of Death that own our country. 

When the Law of Unintended Consequences so indisputably prevails, how is it nations operate as if it didn’t?  Consider The Empire’s cynical idiocy in Ukraine.  This bit of dirty pool is also a huge money-maker for the War Machine, with the American people the big loser, as money that should have been used for their needs is burgled to enrich that obscenity that sucks their wholly-owned government dry.  This con was sold as stopping Putin! and Russia! from again, as in the 50s, taking over the world by attacking our 800 military bases in a hundred plus countries.

One by-product, aside from hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian peasant boys, is the great wave of hatred for America that is billowing all around the world, except in debased, lackey Europe which, against all evidence, still thinks it matters.

So, I guess it should be no surprise that Zionist, Nazi Israel launched a self-declared genocidal assault on the Palestinians of Gaza.  Having stolen their land in 1948, and abused them as detested, despised prisoners for decades, they found, on October 7th, that their relentless, remorseless cruelty had not crushed out their victims humanity, and they were stunned.  

The attack they suffered was not terribly damaging but it was an insult of the highest order to that theocratic, apartheid state.  Their response was raw fury.  It was to mortally punish the entire people of Gaza.  This reaction is not unusual when a dominant power is shamed and insulted.  It is what The Empire did after the Towers went down.  It waged open-ended war on the whole of Islamic civilization.  We continue to live in the disastrous after effects of that decision, and will, for the forseeable future. (1)

"Israel meant to destroy Hamas and Gaza and it has failed.  It may yet get the war with Iran it has sought, or a far larger, deadlier one.  What is certain, though, is a consequence which, of all those possible, it would least have wanted.  Its barbarity has caused an enormous rise in hatred of Jews around the world..."

Israel swiftly set out to obliterate Gaza and the Gazans in it, and they have wreaked enormous human destruction in addition to destroying the means of survival for those not blown up.  It has not, however, been what some Neo-Con idiot said Iraq would be: “a cakewalk”.   It has been a hard slog, bloody fighting, with the Israeli Wehrmacht hard hit by Hamas fighters, much harder to kill than the mothers and babies that are their favored targets.

IOF tank hit by a homemade Hamas Yassin rocket. (TGP Screenshot)

Gaza's rubble is now Hamas' advantage.

Hamas fighter stalking an Israeli tank in Northern Gaza. The Palestinian resistance is far from eliminated.

So, acting on impulse, claiming “self-defense”, asserting that condemning its horrific assault is “Anti-Semitism”—meaning just Anti-Jew bias, since Palestinians are Semites—Israel unleashed its self-touted, unrestricted, unlimited program of Palestinian annihilation.  It has gone on, with all the world watching, for four months with the civilian death toll at 30,000 [not counting those still buried under rubble].  The International Court of Justice has ruled against it and required it to cease what may legally, technically be termed genocidal violence.

Israel meant to destroy Hamas and Gaza and it has failed.  It may yet get the war with Iran it has sought, or a far larger, deadlier one.  What is certain, though, is a consequence which, of all those possible, it would least have wanted.  Its barbarity has caused an enormous rise in hatred of Jews around the world.

Most of humanity knows nothing of Zionism, and nothing of the bloody origin and criminal history of that fierce, brutal, militant state.  It knows only that Israel is a “Jewish homeland”, and what it does is done by Jews.  In endlessly playing the Holocaust Card, Zionists have persuaded the world that its racist, apartheid, military state represents all Jews worldwide.  That it does not, and that colonial Zionism does not have the allegiance or loyalty of world Jewry is a subtlety the world cannot and will not parse.  It has watched Israel commit mass murder and blames Jews.

In its ferocious, apocalyptic, inhuman assault on Palestinians, the Zionist monsters have created the greatest, most widespread wave of anti-Jewish hatred in history.   The nonexistent “Anti-Semitism” Israel hid behind will now be made real in a tsunami of outraged prejudice that will devastate that ugly, racist asylum.


(1) Many people in America and around the globe continue to believe "9/11" was a self-inflicted wound, a provocation executed by the highest tiers of US power, to justify the imperial wars that followed in the Middle East and Central Asia, zones of vital strategic interest to the US empire. (Ed.)

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