Is Russia really getting ready to attack Europe?

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Thomas Fazi

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NATO members are engaged in massive military escalation against Russia, and are deliberately creating conditions that will inevitably lead to a conflict with Russia.

That said, of course Russia is “preparing for a large-scale conventional conflict with NATO”, given that NATO members are engaged in massive military escalation against Russia, and are deliberately creating conditions that will inevitably lead to a conflict with Russia — as they did in Ukraine, but on continental scale. Whether this is NATO’s intended outcome or not is beyond the point at this stage (though there is reason to believe that it is).

It’s not surprising that the ISW is at the forefront of this propaganda campaign. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the ISW has become the mainstream media go-to think tank for information and analysis. But the ISW is far from a neutral think tank.

The president and founder of the ISW is Kimberly Kagan, a military historian who is married to Frederick Kagan, who is also a military historian and does work for the ISW. Frederick is a well-known neoconservative — though not as well-known as his brother Robert. In the 1990s, Robert Kagan, along with Bill Kristol (who is on ISW’s board), founded the Project for a New American Century, which played an important role in convincing George W. Bush to invade Iraq.

Moreover, Robert Kagan’s wife — and Kimberly Kagan’s sister-in-law — is none other than Victoria Nuland, the former US State Department official who played a crucial role in orchestrating the 2014 US-backed coup in Ukraine that led to the outbreak of the civil war and kickstarted the disastrous chain of events that led to Russia’s invasion in 2022.

So it goes without saying both Kimberly and Frederick Kagan have very cosy relations with the Pentagon and the US military-industrial complex more in general. Indeed, as Robert Wright explained in an article for Responsible Statecraft, “over the years [the ISW] has gotten funding from various corners of the arms industry — General Dynamics, Raytheon, lesser known defense contractors, and big companies, like General Motors, that aren’t known as defense contractors but do get Pentagon contracts”. And the ISW itself is staffed with neocon war hawks.

So go ahead and use the ISW maps, they’re great. But when it comes to their “analyses”, know that you’re reading propaganda aimed at furthering US imperial interests — which in this specific case means drawing Europe closer and closer to an apocalyptic war with Russia.

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France considering Ukraine military deployment – Odessa MP

Troops may be sent to the regions bordering Belarus in order to free up Kiev’s units to be sent to the front

Odessa MP A. Goncharenko

Odessa MP A. Goncharenko

According to Goncharenko, who represents the city of Odessa in the Ukrainian parliament, Paris is considering deploying a military force to the Ukrainian regions bordering Belarus, discussions about which “are proceeding effectively.” 

“I’m in contact with my French colleagues. And I can already say that everything is serious... There is talk about a deployment of European soldiers to the border with Belarus, [a mission] that will free the Ukrainian military stationed there and allow it to move to other directions. This will help strengthen our eastern and southern fronts,” Goncharenko wrote.

According to the MP, his sources close to President Emmanuel Macron claim the French leader is “very determined” to send troops to Ukraine, but the number of soldiers is still being discussed. Goncharenko claims that in order to form the force, France wants to create a coalition of allies, which could include Poland and the Baltic states. Germany is unlikely to join the effort, he notes, as Berlin sees boots on the ground as “an unnecessary escalation” and is “afraid of a direct confrontation with Russia.” 

The MP also stated that Macron wants to create “a joint base for training [of military personnel] and the production of ammunition” in Ukraine. Two locations in the West of the country are currently being considered for the purpose.

“It looks like France is tired of Russia. Europe is preparing to show strength, ”Goncharenko concluded.

Macron said in late February that he “cannot exclude” the possibility of Western soldiers being sent to aid Kiev in its fight against Moscow. His comments triggered a barrage of criticism from other NATO member states, who mostly disavowed his proposal and claimed that they had no plans to send troops to the conflict zone. 

However, earlier this week, the head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service, Sergey Naryshkin, claimed that a force of up to 2,000 troops was being prepared by France for a possible deployment to Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin also said this week that Western mercenaries, including French nationals, are already taking part in the conflict. 

Commenting on an outright NATO deployment to the front lines, the president warned that Moscow would consider it the start of a direct confrontation, which would be “one step shy of a full-scale World War III.”

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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