Caleb Maupin dispatches: “Ukraine Did It!” and much more

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Caleb Maupin

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Streamed live on Mar 31, 2024
Caleb examines the reasons why it is undeniable that Ukraine—a puppet of the West—was involved in the Crocus City Hall mass murder, part of the collective West's strategy of terror by proxy as an effort to hide and distract from the defeat of Ukraine in the battlefield, now next to impossible to deny, and to harass its designated global enemies (China, Russia, Iran, etc.) indefntely.  Let us recall that the Ukraine War itself was a Neocon project designed to wound and ideally dismantle and take over Russia as a competing power in world affairs. Obviously, Russia, a country of immense natural resources, has always constituted a wet dream for Western capitalists to exploit. Under Putin, however, and in great measure by utilising the magnificent infrastructure inherited from the Soviet Union, by nationalising crucial sectors of the economy such as energy and defence, along with the nation's outstanding human capital, Russia was able to recuperate from the prostration and savage capitalist looting of the Yeltsin years, reaffirm its sovereignty, and once again take its rightful place among the greatest nations of the world. The US empire is clearly in decline as a global hegemon. Peer nations such as China, Iran and Russia are rising inexorably, and enabling other, smaller nations, to shake the Western imperialist yoke. With that, they are also finally shaking off the irrationality of the market and the idea that all economic production should be a question of profit and not human need.

Today, says Caleb, while the West is trying to keep smaller nations from industrializing—"degrowth"—through a variety of arguments and coercion, China and Russia are busy industrialising and helping other nations build their economies. Not all the countries in the anti-imperialist bloc are fully socialist. Russia itself went recently through a capitalist counter-revolution and is now slowly developing a strong mixed market economy with a strong central planning component. And socialism is also changing. Now more socialist countries are permitting a "market" sphere. The results are promising. 

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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