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Salome Zourabichvili with Pelosi. The proud desdendant of an old Georgian gusano family, she might soon conveniently become a US citizen, too.


Yes, I will post Ray Charles, but I am not thinking about Ray’s Georgia. Nope. I am thinking about the frantic Western effort to launch a color revolution in Georgia, because that country’s legislature has the audacity to believe that domestic political groups should report if they are receiving at least 20% of their funding from foreigners. This is just one more example of the stinking hypocrisy I described in my previous article.

The spectacle unfolding in Tbilisi is reminiscent of a Monty Python skit, only this one includes real violence and bloodshed. We have seen the Foreign Ministers of Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland show up in Tbilisi and join the protests, by giving speeches to seething crowds, denouncing the actions of the Georgian legislature. Can you imagine the freakout in Washington if Russia’s Lavrov, China’s Wang Yi, and Hungary’s Szijjártó showed up at a Trump rally to denounce Biden’s policy in Ukraine? Exactly. The United States would not tolerate that shit for one minute. Talk about double standards.

Salome with the EU's Charles Michel.  EU meddlers are welcome.

Then you have the Georgian President, who was born in France and is a French citizen. Salome Zourabichvili, if she had the same pedigree (i.e., born in France but granted U.S. citizenship) in the United States, she would be banned by the Constitution from serving as President. Yet, here she is, [ethnically Georgian 100%] shamelessly promoting foreign interests over those of the people she was elected to serve. And the majority of the European governments, as well as the Biden Administration, are vowing to impose sanctions if the legislature dares to override Zourabichvili’s veto.

It may be that the West, stupidly in my view, sees this as a baited trap to lure Russia to intervene if the color revolution picks up steam. I believe that Russia, in light of its failure to respond to the Maidan revolution in 2014, is not going to sit passively and see how things work out. At a minimum, Russia’s intelligence service is probably passing information to its intelligence counterparts in Tbilisi about the identities of foreign operators working to manufacture chaos and the source of the funds pouring into Georgia.

The obsession* of the West to meddle in other governments and foment regime change must end. I think Russia and China, as a result of their latest summit, are committed to achieving that goal. The weaker nations of the world, especially in the Global South, are awakened to this threat. That’s one of the reasons that the nations in the African Sahel have given the French and the United States the boot. I personally hope that marks the beginning of a welcome turn in world affairs.

* It's actually not an obsession, Larry. It's worse than that. It's merely the ineluctable course followed by all imperialist nations, and the US is the Summum malum of all imperialisms.


3 days ago

Angelo Giuliano put an interesting post on Twitter/X about her:

“She started as French ambassador to Georgia.
She became president of Georgia after getting Georgian passport… seriously.

Meet Georgian president Salome Zourabichvili
– Born French citizen, later she got her Georgian citizenship
– She previously worked in NATO Brussels.
– Worked at French Embassy in Washington
– She is an ex-student of Zbigniew Brzezinski
– She worked as Foreign minister for US/EU agent Mikheil Saakashvili.

She is clearly a foreign agent acting now as Georgian president.

Now you know why she wants to veto the “foreign agent bill”

I don’t think foreign interference gets more blatant than that.

Reply to Michael56

3 days ago

It shows that when you control the media and you can inject millions of USD into a relatively poor country it is easy to capture people who are struggling to survive. They see these phony groups and associations saying IF only you become EU or NATO you will become wealthy. Yes, it is a pipe dream but they fall for it every single time. The US has done this over and over, even though it is a bankrupt country and more of its own people live in poverty than in many of the countries who fall for the trap.

Laurence Johnson
Laurence Johnson
Reply to Jay

3 days ago

Generally true but with the present Georgian relationship with Russia Georgia’s economy is booming. This may be poorly understood by the protesters or perhaps buying rioters with Western dollars is just too tempting, but as in the past joining with the West was not a pleasant history as Russians were being shelled in the south.and Russia did react. It will be proactive again.

Reply to Michael56

3 days ago

“She is an ex-student of Zbigniew Brzezinski”

They should hang her. In public. Then bury the body in an unmarked grave.

3 days ago

The fact that the USA, UK, Australia and others (the EU is currently considering such a law, along with its hypocritical total ban on Russian media in Europe) all have exactly the same laws in place requiring foreign agent registration just highlights the incredible hypocrisy at work here.

3 days ago

The Georgian government backed by Russia will do what China did with HK unrest fomented by the West. Allow it to run to gain maximum information about the dissident forces and then crack down on it…. conclusively. If the West wants a tide of Georgian refugees it can give them passports and take them in…. Or send them where the West needs bodies- on the Russian front. They can fight and die gloriously for their ideals.

There are not going to be any more pushover revolutions.

3 days ago

Larry you are absolutely right to focus on Georgia. It is becoming clear to me that Ukraine is far from the only game in town for our globalist masters. They are determined to take down (or rather over) Russia and pinch its resources and don’t care who they sacrifice in the process. It’s easy to buy up/blackmail/intimidate most Western leaders. If all else fails they will try to kill them (Fico). Rent-a-mobs are also relatively easy to conjure up with the right resources. As for the presstitute media, they are the worst type of lying scum.

When Ukraine has had enough, Georgia, Moldova, and Lithuania (think Kalingrad) are in the wings. Think of a top professional boxer up against inferior sparring partners. Throw enough of them at him, he’ll eventually be beaten. That’s their thinking, I imagine. They are not going to give up until and unless the mugs being thrown into the fight wake up. I hope and pray that the wretched Ukrainian population – at least those that remain – will soon realize they’ve been suckered by their western supposed allies. Ditto the populations of those countries who’ve been impoverished by their deeply corrupt ‘leaders’. The upcoming European elections are critical. I also think Trump’s choice of Vice President is equally important. I fear he’ll be talked into appointing another Establishment shill like Pence was. I fear the UK – my own country – is beyond redemption. (Incidentally, if someone can explain to me why our Indian Prime Minister with his Indian wife and her billionaire father-in-law, will decamp to the US, where he’s already a citizen, the moment he’s booted out of Downing Street), cares so strongly about Ukraine, I would be most grateful? It can’t be money, which easily explains Buffoon Boris)

3 days ago

“We have seen the Foreign Ministers of Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland show up in Tbilisi and join the protests, by giving speeches to seething crowds, denouncing the actions of the Georgian legislature.”

I’d suggest the only “president” that needs to be called is sitting in Columbia University. S/he has a delinquent recidivist in the international “Home Science” department cooking up hate-cookies again. If V. Nuland is not behind this, I’ll eat my hat (figuratively speaking).

Based on the other comments (herein) this Salome Zourabichvili seems like a slippery eel to deal with. She’s unlikely to call for help (from Russia). And the Russians have plenty on their plate to deal with at the moment. But hopefully they act swiftly — as they did in Kazakhstan (2022?) once help was requested. I think one seemingly eternal ongoing “cat playing with a soon to be dead mouse” game in the Ukraine is enough for the public bloodlust moment (neocons exempted).

Reply to Wolf69

3 days ago

I agree about not voting as some wag said “it only encourages them”. I haven’t voted in UK national elections for thirty years. Tweedle dum and Tweeedle Dee. Don’t give them legitimacy – not that they care, but true freedom is being able to think for oneself. I’d lay odds that Trump will surround himself with as many Neocons if he’s elected as he did last time, with son-in-law Jared still skulking in the background.

Last edited 3 days ago by Winchcombe

Jack McCord
3 days ago

Sounds like it’s time for some counter-riots at the US Embassy. Not to mention arrest, expulsion and lifetime bans of all foreigners involved in the protests. The ‘president,’ herself an obvious foreign agent, should be deported back to France and have her Georgian passport revoked.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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