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Paul Edwards
Crossposted with Information Clearing House

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In this era, as our government is putting itself to such trouble to help us understand what they need us to understand, as they want us to understand it, and to give us the tools to help us believe what they know we should believe, language matters.

A New Battle of Communications

Our government is so concerned with the forms of information that it has identified all types that are out there for us.  Real information is the kind our government provides you to protect you from mis-, dis- and mal- information.  Mis- is information our government knows is wrong.  Dis- is the kind it finds misleading, while Mal- is just intentionally malicious.  Everything is now being done to identify and exclude—as opposed to censoring—all kinds of information except that which is good for you.

And this battle—for it is a battle—is not just about information.  It extends to all of etymology, because our government’s deep concern with words and their true meanings is vital.  It is critical that the meaning of words be exactly what our government means them to mean, or rational discourse becomes possible.

“Free speech” is a term of such perfect, indisputable meaning that it cannot be challenged by rational minds, yet it has recently been attacked by those who would invalidate it.  It clearly affirms one’s right to say anything at all, no matter how rash or wild, without let or hindrance, that is affirmed by our government.

The extremist (sic) threat

There are “extremists”—which, btw, refers to those who attack anything our government defends—who would subvert the hallowed doctrine of Press Freedom by refusing to acknowledge that the essence of it is to present, fully and fairly, openly, and without the least bias, the information our government provides.  Can there be a worse violation of that freedom than to work to undermine its truth as some so-called “journalists” do?

In that light, the term “real journalist” is specific to those beacons of integrity who report, always and only, the actions and events our government has vetted and authorized as true.  Those who seek to obfuscate or distort the truth by refusing that information are a threat that must be silenced and punished.

This is not to “censor” them.  Proper oversight of disinformation can never be censoring.  Censoring happens when anything officially true is denied or falsified to the public.  Treasonous “so-called journalists” do it, reporting wild, unauthorized stuff.  Press Freedom is far too precious to allow our enemies to do that.

Israel introduces a new concept of architecture to the people of Gaza.

One term with only a single true meaning has come under attack by slackers and evil-doers but has now been codified precisely by our government: “Anti-Semitism”.  That attacks have been made on its meaning is a measure of the contempt in which our American Democracy is now held by so many students, and a vast majority of our voting public, infected by misinformation.

At last! Simply and Succinctly — Anti-Semitism Properly Defined

Fortunately, our Congress has clarified this term and made it law that “Anti-Semitism” is exactly this: conveying, by word or deed, any criticism of the State of Israel.  That ends the controversy.

Some will say there has never in our history been a legal ban on criticizing a government, and this is true.  Our answer is that there was never a need for one, because there has only been one Chosen People, one nation among all others, that is favored by God.  A nation so favored must be reverenced and protected above all others, or God will be displeased, and who knows what He might do?  Would you discredit his justice?

The attempt to obscure and obfuscate the meaning of “Anti-Semitism” has resulted in trials for Israel and for our government, its greatest ally.  The recent gory, bloody, mindless, lunatic, ugly, vicious, rabid, unprovoked massacre by Hamas on October 7th, required that Israel defend itself, continually, for seven months, in Gaza.  In this defense against their powerful, heavily armed and supplied enemy it was necessary for it to employ military force.

Everyone is complicit

Since, as Israel’s highest officials stated, the entire population of Gaza is complicit and all its people are therefore soldiers, in self-defense, Israel has had to bomb, dynamite, and destroy all of it, along with many thousands of its brutal defenders, most of whom were elderly, female, children, and unborn babies.  This is war, which has been well-defined elsewhere.

Anti-Semitism—defined above—has raised the unjustified cry of “Genocide”, in total defiance of what the word means.  The term arose from the Nazi effort to annihilate Jewry in WWII, and is defined precisely to mean the effort countries make to destroy Jews.  Jews, who survived their great historic genocide, have vowed never to let it happen to them again.  The murder in Gaza is obviously not genocide, because it is not happening to Jews.

There has been a great outbreak of Anti-Semitism due to misuse of the term “genocide” in the disturbance in Gaza, and much of America has promoted it.  Our government is working hard to atone for its citizens’ error by judiciously modifying their speech.

* * *

Okay… it’s satire, but we are being choked to death on this kind of bullshit thinking.  When does this passive, mentally castrated genuflection to institutionalized deceit end?  Are we determined to crucify ourselves on the cross of demented groupthink?

Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at:|
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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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