Scott Ritter has had enough, and we can’t blame him.

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Scott Ritter
Billy Bob (and Blowback Roundtable) • AniaK • Carl Zha

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"The West's double standard is outrageous!"

Scott Ritter is a voice of sanity still largely ignored in the national debate, which is a disgrace, product of a deliberate establishment information blockade. After a lifetime dedicated to nuclear disarmament and the quest for peace and justice in a world that remains largely ignorant, indifferent and often hostile to his message, Scott Ritter, now confronted with the latest criminal insanity of the Ukraine War, that is, the West's latest provocation on Russia (blowing up Moscow's nuclear alarm radars to facilitate a sneak US "first strike"), has had enough. He's giving up on the human race, especially the brainwashed masses in the captive "collective West", and we can't blame him for that. No decent person can avoid feeling despair and even angry frustration at the state of the West, and especially the Hegemon itself, where, in a trifecta of circumstances, ignorance reigns supreme as poverty stalks the land, while the top 0.0001% accumulate ever larger fortunes to do their evil work. (This is the inevitable result of living under a compulsively warmongering oligarchy instead of a democracy). The symptoms are everywhere, mirroring the dilapidated state of America's infrastructure, once the envy of the planet. In this benighted land, as social focus and priorities are wasted on huge imbecilities, the depraved political and media classes work nonstop to push the US and the world toward a wholly unjustified nuclear Armageddon. The situation is so serious and urgent that truthful information has become akin to oxygen—indispensable to everyone alive. Below (courtesy of Billy Bob, Reporterfy Media and AniaK) the materials you need to start paying attention, and, hopefully, join the conversation.—PG

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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