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Larry Johnson

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I am not Chicken Little aka Henny Penny — “a little chicken convinced that the sky is falling and that life as we, or at least as chickens know it, is over.” So, when I write that the world sits on the precipice of disaster as the West continues to promote war as a solution to Russia, China, Iran and the Palestinians, I am not hyping for the sake of getting attention. I hope for the sake of your children and grand children that I am wrong, but the escalating bellicose rhetoric in the United States, Europe and Israel signals that our future is filled with the potential for horrific destruction not seen since the end of World War II.

Clayton Morris and I discussed the latest developments with NATO on Monday afternoon — the video was posted yesterday. There have been a couple of developments that are sending mixed signals. First, the United States is trying to create an obstacle for Donald Trump — assuming he wins the Presidency — if he acts on his promise to bring an end to the war in Ukraine:

NATO countries are set to sign off on a new plan for the alliance to take over from the U.S. in coordinating military aid to Ukraine.

The shift is broadly perceived as a move by European allies to “Trump-proof” the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, given the possibility that former U.S. President Donald Trump could return to the White House in November elections. Trump is seen as likely to roll back U.S. commitments to Kyiv.

On the surface, this appears like the United States is backing away from Ukraine. But that is not the case. It is reported that the current commander of the U.S. European Command (EUCOM), General Cavoli, is going to be replaced and he will takeover as NATO Commander of the military aid program. In other words, the U.S. will be using NATO as a fig leaf, but will continue to call the shots.

Second, a more alarming development came in Sweden yesterday, 18 June, with the Swedish parliament giving the green-light to turn Sweden into a U.S. aircraft carrier:

Swedish lawmakers on Tuesday, June 18, adopted a controversial defense deal with the United States, which critics fear could lead to the deployment of nuclear weapons and permanent US bases in the country.

The Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) is a major step for a nation that in March ended two centuries of military non-alliance to join NATO.

The Swedish Parliament: Another warehouse filled to the brim with sellouts, cowards, and suicidal imbeciles.  "Kyss mig, jag är dum" (Wiki)

Signed by Stockholm and Washington in December, the deal gives the US access to 17 military bases and training areas in Sweden, and allows the storage of weapons, military equipment and ammunition.

Sweden, in accepting this deal, has made itself a primary target of Russia. This is akin to Cuba signing a deal with Russia to bring Russian nukes to Cuba and grant Russian forces access to Cuban military bases. This is suicidal. It is the Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, only on steroids. This is an act of brazen provocation by the West, and we should not be shocked when Russia responds forcefully to prevent the U.S. from placing nuclear weapons intended for use against Russia on Swedish territory. Just one more flash point in an already tense world.

Then there is Israel. Over the weekend, Netanyahu dissolved the six-member war cabinet, which included members of the opposition party. Unlike the United States, where the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, this power resides in the cabinet in Israel. This means that Netanyahu’s original cabinet — with bona fide terrorist crazies like Smotrich and Ben Gvir in place — has made Israel more likely to take reckless, foolish military actions, such as invading southern Lebanon.

Doug MacGregor, during an hour-long chat with Danny Davis today, raised the specter of Israel using tactical nukes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. I think he is right. Here is the relevant portion of that podcast.

The only way to put the brakes on this — barring a devastating preemptive attack by Hezbollah on key Israeli military and nuclear sites — is for the U.S. to suspend all aid to Israel until it comes to its senses. I think that is highly unlikely, which means that the Zionists surrounding Netanyahu are prepared to initiate a new offensive, which will set the Middle East on fire.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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