Russia Must Lead a Global Effort to Fight U.S. Terrorism

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John Varoli

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Moscow should rally the global community against U.S.-sponsored terrorism, bring formal charges against White House and Pentagon officials, and bring them to justice.

Most of the world already sees America that way, but Americans are still largely reluctant to accept that reality, and the media don't help.

I never thought that I’d ever have to write these words, and as someone who once believed in America, I take no pleasure in doing so. But the facts are clear, and denying them would leave one morally bankrupt. The U.S. is the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world; the most destructive, dangerous and destabilizing country on earth.

So far, Moscow hasn’t taken the bait. But such a cautious approach will be harder to sustain as the Russian people increasingly demand revenge after each U.S.-sponsored terrorist attack. Barely three months have passed since the U.S. and its Ukrainian proxies were implicated in the Moscow theater attack that took more than 120 lives. And U.S.-sponsored terrorist attacks (via Ukrainian proxies) occur almost daily in Russian cities such as Donetsk, Gorlovka, Belgorod, etc.

Yesterday’s attack on families resting on a beach in the city of Sevastopol (Crimea) has American fingerprints all over it. It was carried out with ATACMS missiles, using real-time U.S. intel from a Global Hawk drone over the Black Sea. Also yesterday, Islamic terrorists believed to have ties to western intelligence services carried out deadly attacks in Derbent, Russia’s southernmost city.

An ATACMS missile (pictured) targeted a Sevastopol beach

The White House would like Moscow to retaliate against a NATO base, providing the justification to mobilize for total war on Russia, which in the end would lead to the deaths of millions, (even if the conflict didn’t go nuclear). Certainly, the murder of children in Crimea is a horrible tragedy and emotionally charged, but the Kremlin understands that retaliation could ignite World War 3 and thus it’s not the right solution. With this in mind, what can Moscow do? What options are there?

First, the Russian Foreign Ministry needs to diplomatically isolate the U.S. and its liberal vassals by building a global movement against terrorism and U.S. militarism. This entails strong measures such as cutting all diplomatic and economic ties with the U.S. and Europe. This means total negation of the U.S./ Europe as geopolitical entities. Sure, there’ll be economic pain, but it’s a far better option than World War 3.

If Moscow could get even 30 countries to go along with such a total negation, it would be a huge blow to U.S. authority and prestige, which in the end is the foundation of the American smoke-and-mirrors financial system. Increased isolation of the U.S., along with its humiliation and discrediting as a terrorist state, might precipitate a financial crisis that could bring the liberal regime in Washington to its knees — which is the only peaceful way to rid the Earth of this scourge.

Second, Moscow needs to vigorously conduct a criminal case that goes after the real perpetrators — both the decision makers in U.S. and European capitals who provide weapons and financing to Kiev’s totalitarian regime, as well as the U.S./NATO soldiers carrying out orders and pressing the button on any weapons systems.

Terrorist ringleaders must be brought to justice

Moscow needs to investigate and prosecute Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Lloyd Austin, etc in arming and financing Kiev. International arrest warrants need to be issued and Moscow should foster an international coalition that will generate a credible threat of arrest once those villains step outside of the U.S.

Third, along with allies, Moscow needs to go after the source of terrorist financing. No matter where in the world, assets with the slightest ties to the U.S. war machine should face the threat of confiscation. Then, proceeds from the sale of these assets can support victims of U.S.-sponsored terrorist attacks, as well as rebuild war-torn regions such as Donbass, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Belgorod.

One’s initial reaction to the feasibility of my proposal might be highly skeptical. But daring plans can succeed if fostered with decisive action and determination. Russia and its allies certainly have sufficient human and financial resources. But do they have the will?

The above are just a few possible tools that Moscow can utilize to strike at the roots of U.S.-sponsored terrorism. The Russian people want justice. Give it to them, but in a smart and calculating manner. Taking rash action that could ignite World War 3 and kill millions of people certainly is not the answer in fighting U.S. terrorism.

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  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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