Presidential Debate? Here Are The ONLY Voices Americans Need To Hear Tonight

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There’s nothing the miniature corporate ghouls on the CNN stage tonight will say of any consequence. Our morality drained away to an endless pool of blood and our throats cut by our arrogant national

Listen To The True ‘Voice Of America’

Gaza Mark Taylor 3

By Mark Taylor (6/27/24)

On this night of a “debate” between two of the most vacuous, vapid, morally devoid and intellectually empty sock puppets in the country, the only voices Americans need to hear tonight are of the screams and sobs of the children we and our NeoNazi Israeli owners are systematically shredding, dismembering and killing in Gaza.

We need to contemplate the shrieks of their grieving parents and devastated grandparents and the stunned silence of their traumatized siblings.

We need to hear the horror of our murderous foreign and military policy and endless echo of our 2,000-pound and illegal fragmentation bombs ripping through tent camps of innocent homeless, starving refugee families … our 21st Century National Anthem.

There’s nothing the miniature corporate ghouls on the CNN stage tonight will say of any consequence. Our morality has drained away to an endless pool of blood and our throats cut by our arrogant national cruelty.

Listen to the children.

Rise up against the murderous bastards.


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Gaza Angels

"Mass street protests and prolonged civil disobedience are our only hope. A failure to rise up — which is what the corporate state is counting on — will see us enslaved and the earth’s ecosystem become inhospitable to human habitation. Let us take a lesson from the courageous men and women who took to the streets for 14 years to save Julian. They showed us how it is done."

— Chris Hedges, "You Saved Julian Assange”



Recommend DeMOCKracy.Ink to the readers of Patrice’s Newsletter

We hear endless platitudes about ‘American Democracy’, but whether it’s voter suppression, gerrymandering, corruption of corporate money or a supine press, the US is a bipartisan mockery of democracy.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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