Dave Smith CRUSHES Vaush In Debate

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Sabby Sabs

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Who is the AGGRESSOR in this conflict? In the Israel/Palestinian conflict, the aggressor has been Israel, from the very beginning. This is not opinion. This is fact. The same for the Ukraine War. The US and its puppet NATO alliance literally provoked this conflict. The US and "the West" have been provoking Russia at least since the US "Orange Color Revolution" of 2004, which failed, and later, under Obama, the CIA coup in 2014, which put fierce anti-Russians in power to this day. But the plot against Russia goes back far longer, perhaps (at least) to the close of WW2, when the US CIA began to cultivate fanatical anti-Russian nationalists and Nazis in Western Ukraine to work as underground anti-communist terrorist cells. By 1980s as the USSR was unfurling its perestroika and glasnost reforms, the West promised the Russians that NATO would not move an inch East beyond Germany's borders if Moscow allowed the reunification of Germany. This promise was not kept, of course. In the two decades that followed, NATO systematically expanded toward Russia's "existential borders" by subverting (regime-changing or corrupting existing governments) and taking over many of the former Soviet-sphere states. Again, this is not opinion.  This is fact.

Why would anyone want to debate Vaush, a certifiable pro-Imperialist narcissistic bread tuber who specialises in pedantic, oft abstruse manure throwing, is certainly beyond me, but, as this encounter demonstrates, despite Vaush's dishonest rhetorical tricks and posturings, a solid debater like Dave Smith can easily clean the floor with this pretend intellectual. In fact, Vaush reminds us a lot of supreme poseur Bernard-Henri Lévy, and that's obviously no compliment. 

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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