The DNC has decided to replace Biden.

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Eric Zuesse

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The DNC has decided to replace Biden.
As David Dayen explains at the Democratic Party’s American Prospect magazine, under the headline “Why Is the DNC Holding an Early Nomination?”, the reason is not in order to lock-in Biden’s nomination early but instead the opposite: to select as early as possible (he thinks it might be as early as July 21st, but I think it might be even a week or so earlier than that and finalized by the Party’s Convention Rules Committee on July 19th in preparation for a formal “virtual roll call” of only DNC leaders, which will then take place perhaps on July 22nd) an alternative candidate (selected by those leaders) who can have enough appeal to the Party’s megadonors so as to be viable against the now even better-funded Republican nominee Trump, and also be attractive enough to the voters in the swing states so as for the Party to be able possibly to win the November 5th election. They appear to have already decided to unburden themselves of the Biden albatross, and so the only question for them now is to settle upon which of the prospective alternative candidates will have enough appeal to both the megadonors and the public so as to become elected as America’s President.

In order for this switch to happen, the megadonors will first need to offer to the Biden family sufficient inducements in order to persuade them to persuade Joseph Biden to withdraw. If Biden won’t do that, then the individuals upon whose generosity he has been relying for legal protection and for a luxurious and honored post-Presidency, and for their support to the Biden family, will instead abandon them, as defective goods, for their ultimate disloyalty to them. Of course, these are not written contracts, but verbal ones, which can therefore be freely violated, like “handshake deals” (which are totally unenforceable — and even criminal — whenever the transaction itself was illegal, such as bribes).

On July 3rd, I headlined “Powerful Evidence Democratic Nominee Will Be Whitmer or Buttigieg, Not Biden” and explained, based upon the Party’s internal polling in swing states and Kamala Harris’s political failures to-date, why the candidates whom the DNC has been seriously considering and privately polling have been Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Pete Buttigieg, and why only Whitmer and Buttigieg appear, so far, to have the best chances for the DNC to unburden itself of the Biden disaster and to open up an authentic prospect of being able to retain the White House after 2024.

If I turn out to be wrong and that the DNC will indeed appoint Biden as its nominee, then I expect a landslide election of Trump and disastrous results for the Democratic Party also in Congress, both of which might turn out to be so extreme as to end the Democratic Party as the Whig Party ended in 1860 and became followed by the Republican Party.

Powerful Evidence Democratic Nominee Will Be Whitmer or Buttigieg, Not Biden

On July 2nd, Peter Hamby at Puck News headlined an exclusive, “Biden Plunges in Swing States in Leaked Post-Debate Poll”, and reported that whereas in the total U.S. electorate there was no significant effect of Biden’s poor debate performance upon voter-preferences between Biden and Trump (which is something I documented by different evidence, likewise yesterday), there were very significant drops in voters’ support for Biden in the few swing states that will probably decide the election’s winner. Those are the states where campaigning has been the most intense, and therefore where voters’ interest in the campaign is much higher than in the other states — so, they had big drops for Biden after the debate. Hamby reported: “Harris, Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, and Pete Buttigieg all poll ahead of Biden in every battleground state.”

Other possible nominees score now marginally better against Trump than Biden does: Buttigieg, Harris, and Newsom. The Puck report also says: “Whitmer and Buttigieg demonstrated serious strength against Trump in the electoral college in a two-way race, with both of them polling above 50 percent in states totaling between 260 and 301 electoral votes. Harris and Newsom, meanwhile, did not benefit from the name recognition adjustment.” This means that the replacement nominee will likely be either Whitmer or Buttigieg.

At this point, I shall comment upon Puck’s superb and comprehensive report (I suggest you read it), in order to provide additional depth to it:

As Hamby noted, most of these findings come from his having obtained access to private (nonpublished) polling by OpenLabs, which the DNC (Democratic National Committee) hires to carry out its unpublished polling. Therefore, a reasonable assumption would be that it was the DNC which selected those four names (Harris, Whitmer, Buttigieg, and Newsom) to test out against Trump. All four of those candidates are confirmed neoconservatives, just like Biden, Clinton, and Obama, are and were — neoconservatism (support for the Military-Industrial Complex above all other federal priorites, otherwise called “hawkishness” or support for expanding even further the U.S. empire) is a prerequisite in order for a U.S. Presidential candidate to be able to raise from billionaires the amount of campaign money that’s needed in order to run a campaign that has a realistic chance of winning. So: if the DNC might otherwise have thought about other potential nominees who aren’t neocons, that reason alone (one’s being NOT a neocon) would still have excluded those persons from the DNC’s consideration.

almost as much money from megabanks as Buttigieg was.

So, the likeliest two to replace Biden are Whitmer and Buttigieg.

probably increases carbon emissions. So, she would be an even better sales-person for her Party’s billionaires than Biden is.

Then there is Buttigieg. On 29 March 2019, an enthusiastic Vox headlined “Pete Buttigieg makes the case for ‘democratic capitalism’”, and reported that Buttigieg told them that “The big issue we have right now is regulatory capture.” His argument for that wasn’t basically the same as RFK Jr.’s is — that the even deeper American problem is the corruptness of our Government (the corruptness that’s built into extreme capitalism or “laissez faire,” such as Reagan introduced) — but is instead that,

When you’re in a system where money can equate to power, even more than it has historically, through the ability to purchase influence in politics, what starts to happen is the bigger you are and the more resources you command, the more you can bend the system to your advantage.

I think that structure helps to explain why our society has become more and more unequal. And all sorts of horrible side effects happen when you have that inequality, in addition to it just being morally upsetting. Look at the way that a lot of powerful businesses get their way in Washington. In statehouses it’s even more pronounced, because there’s less scrutiny.

It also leads to much greater concentration and consolidation in our economy. People are usually talking about that right now in the context of the tech sector, but it’s just as big a problem or bigger in the agricultural sector. This is a nation-wide illness that winds up threatening both democracy and capitalism.

How would that replacement of Biden happen? The Democratic Party’s billionaires would tell Biden that they don’t want Harris, because she couldn’t even make it to the primaries in 2020, and so they want Biden to resign at the Convention and to appoint Governor Whitmer (or else Secretary Buttigieg) to take his place, and that if he will do this, then they will gratefully repay him by funding his family generously and by funding honors to himself as having been the great Democratic President who so wisely chose Whitmer (or Buttigieg) to run against Trump (the Republican billionaires’ nominee).

secrets so that even when a ‘news’-medium says something like “Now, the DNC’s exact roster of current members doesn’t appear to be easily available on its website. But I got a look at a recent membership list, and I’ve posted the names on it here,” that link is either dead or pay-walled or otherwise nonfunctional — so, that that’s just a way of pretending it isn’t secret (that it’s instead public and open to the public’s scrutiny). The CIA-edited and written Wikipedia (which blacklists (blocks from linking to) sites that aren’t CIA-approved) article “Democratic Party (United States)” doesn’t even mention that it’s a private club, much less provide any way to access its membership-list. So, this is how ‘democracy in the United States’ actually works.

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