The Big Lie is pushing the US Empire and its vassals toward social pandemonium, nuclear confrontation, or both

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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable
Patrice Greanville


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Trump PA attempt

Trump at PA rally at the moment one of the bullets whizzes past his head. (Click to enlarge the picture and see the trajectory).

The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump highlights the depth of political, social and moral decomposition currently engulfing American society, and its appalling degree of political ignorance and confusion. Trump's MAGA followers are of course one example of alarming self-delusion, born, understandably, of anger and despair. For we all know that in large measure MAGA is a product of the liberals' treachery, their cold-blooded betrayal of the working class. But the millions who still pledge their loyalty to Joe Biden or the demonstrably criminal Democrat party (the more cynical face of the duopoly, "the Blue Cult"), are no less guilty of massive naivete and self-inflicted ignorance, harder to explain considering that many in this tribe see themselves as well-educated and fairly sophisticated in the art of political interpretation. 

Against this backdrop, it is nauseating to see the rabid partisan hacks on CNN, MSNBC, and innumerable other outlets, lamenting the violent reality that they have created while ignoring and denying their own singular culpability in shaping this fetid status quo. 

Drenched in hypocrisy, the presstitutes and media whores (best personified by cretins like Jake Tapper, Joe Scarborough, Dana Bash, Rachel Maddow, 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley, and so many others of that ilk) have been painted into a corner and must denounce the violence that is the logical response from anyone who truly believes the rhetoric that these media whores vomit nonstop and try to instill as deeply and widely as possible, into the collective psyche.  So, yes, in moments like this, they must lament and denounce political violence while ignoring the fact that the only logical response to the rhetoric that they work overtime convincing people is true, will absolutely inspire violence in anyone foolish enough to believe their lies.  The lamentations are stomach turning because those making them (and their invisible patrons) refuse to be held accountable or to take responsibility for their own tremendous influence in shaping this status quo.

Totalitarian Deception

There is a dearth of honesty and truth-telling from all sides.  Lying with impunity is an absolute and intrinsic feature of oligarchy pretending to be “democracy”.  Despite the pervasive systemic fog, the people are getting more disgusted by the day with what they intuitively perceive as the lack of truth, transparency, accountability, and actual democracy.  Yet they are without options, as the system’s entire existence rests upon a mountain of lies and is intractably divorced from objective reality.  Truth is simply not an option, accountability is impossible, and democracy means nothing less than an end to the current oligarchic system.  So the empire stumbles on as if controlled by a genocidal auto-pilot that can only achieve chaos, anarchy, and destruction.  Meanwhile, the wealthy and powerful have no chance of saving their empire, so they engage in an increasingly frenzied looting of the planet, sacrificing entire societies in the process.

The one thing that the people need and want more than anything, is to see the powerful held to account.  This is Trump's primary appeal: he sells the idea that he is hated by, and opposed to, the corrupt ruling establishment and that he will clean house, throw them out of power, and hold them to account once he takes office. This is the lie that Trump is selling and which he will likely ride all the way into the White House (if he manages to survive).  It is impossible to overstate the significance of how the failed assassination attempt will aid him in selling this idea to the masses.  Of course, once he returns to the White House, he will undoubtedly be every bit as feckless and impotent as he was the last time he was there.  Nevertheless, what a glorious vision Trump is offering.  If we ignore his disgusting nativism and his thinly veiled appeal to some of the worst aspects of white America, what could be more inspiring than the idea of a working-class champion coming to power on a tidal wave of popular support and destroying the corrupt oligarchy that has absolutely engaged in a deliberate (and indeed, experimental) effort to destroy the minds of the American public and led the planet to the brink of environmental destruction as it mindlessly murders its way towards nuclear war?

Trump survives

These images are now political gold. Trump is suddenly perceived by many as an iconic hero, an American Braveheart.

But Trump is nothing more than a callous, self-interested salesman, selling us the idea that he is a genuine Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, or Ho Chi Minh, while he simultaneously upholds the lie that socialism is evil.  I mean, what a fucking farce all of this is.  Trump is trying to sell us on revolution while he must simultaneously pander to the inculcated biases of the masses and affirm that history’s actual and authentic revolutionaries, were “bad”.  This is the pathetic state of Western society:  The lines that divide the people against themselves, to the benefit of the oligarchs are imaginary and not based on any sort of actual fundamental political or economic reality.  What a monumental brainwashing success this has been and what an accomplishment for their system of indoctrination, confusion, and control.  They have succeeded in destroying the minds of the masses and they have divorced the masses from reality itself.  But the oligarchs have miscalculated if they believed that such a state of affairs will be sustainable.  They have miscalculated if they believed that societal brainwashing and the arbitrary factionalizing of the masses into meaningless and nonsensical categories, could achieve a sustainable and perpetual system that they could control, dominate, and exploit in perpetuity.

Like the ideology of Zionism, their self-serving efforts to further their own short-term interests were destined for long term failure, as things would inevitably spiral out of control for the future generations tasked with managing these hubristic and experimental projects.  We are beginning to see the culmination of the capitalist experiment, and it illustrates the need for and superiority of socialism.  As Lenin understood, imperialism is the highest —and most depraved—stage of capitalism, when the internal rot and built-in contradictions reach incurable dimensions. Indeed, as history shows, if left unchecked by an outside force (like a strong communist party), capitalism ultimately results in a monopoly of political power, a brazen tyranny in the hands of a cunning and ever richer and more concentrated wealthy elite which will then use all the tools at its disposal to keep amassing power
to the detriment of the masses.  And when one of these tyrannies manages to subjugate and integrate its rivals, even its class fellows in various lands, the resulting entity, sociopathic by definition, becomes a menace to all living things. This is where we are at.

The Biggest Lie of Them All: Our Malignant Foreign Policy

A recent piece by investigative historian Eric Zuesse zeroes in on this largely submerged (for a reason) aspect of our national identity.  Speaking of the many dishonorable and downright criminal ways the US oligarchy has sought for more than a century to neutralise and destroy Soviet and later Russian power, this vile quest recently manifesting itself in the Ukrainian War project (which always included as one of its main objectives the enabling of a "first strike" capability to insure Moscow's "nuclear decapitation"), Zuesse reminds us that:

To put it bluntly: The U.S. was planning to ‘win’ a nuclear war against the Soviet Union, which then did what it needed to do in order to prevent that from happening. And, subsequently, starting on24 February 1990, U.S. President GHW Bush started secretly and privately instructing his vassals such as Kohl and Mitterrand, that on the U.S. side, the Cold War and the expansion of NATO right up to Russia’s borders, would continue, notwithstanding Russia’s ending the Cold War on its side, and would do this so as to become able to get a U.S. missile as close to The Kremlin as possible and so capture Russia.
Euphemisms such as ‘containing’ Russia would be the cover story for the U.S. regime’s Russia-policy, but America moving forward to become the exclusive controller over all other nations, and weakening the U.N. even further so as to edge it out into irrelevance, was going to be the realstrategy. The goal wasn’t to ‘contain’ the Soviet Union; it was to capture the Soviet Union (add it to the U.S. empire). This was the same GHW Bush who had earlier instructed his agents to communicate to Gorbachev that if the Soviet Union would end, NATO wouldn’t expand “one inch to the east [i.e., toward Russia].” And, so, the entire "collective West” lied to Gorbachev — double-crossed Russia — in order to become enabled to get its missiles sufficiently close (for a first strike) to The Kremlin. The U.S. regime was and is the aggressor in this; Russia is merely defending itself from it. But U.S.-and-‘allied’ propaganda asserts the exact opposite. In fact, the Warsaw Pact (countries that Russian forces liberated from Hitler) were never expanded westward. Nor was any such thing ever intended by Russia’s Government. The aggression (not merely invasions, but also coups, and more) came entirely from America. The propaganda simply lies.

Zuesse somberly concludes:

The U.S.-and-‘allied’ (or actually colonial) publics have been totally lied to, deceived in order to support their Government’s hegemonic imperialist foreign policies, which benefit only their super-rich. It’s tragic, really. If they knew and understood, there’d be an uprising, maybe even a revolution. But they don’t; and, so, they’re just confused and apathetic. The propaganda can achieve that, and does. 

(See, How The West Double-Crossed — and Aims to Conquer — Russia).

The elites don’t have a plan.  They don’t have a vision for humanity based on a genuine and honest commitment and desire to common sense principles of development, peace through mutual prosperity, cooperation, and the uplift of humanity.  On the contrary, capitalists are preoccupied with conquering markets and resources, maximizing short term profit, solidifying political control, and eradicating what they consider to be ideas that are dangerous to their very narrow interests, like collectivism, altruism, and a dedicated effort to overcome humanity’s biggest challenges.  This is the fundamental distinction between capitalism and socialism and the only ideological dogma that truly exists:  Capitalism is a system that serves the interests of the wealthy elite, and socialism is a system that serves the interests of collective humanity.  One is vastly superior to the other, and this is becoming more obvious with each passing day.

The rulers and their proxies in the media need to be held accountable for their lies. They need to be held accountable for their mis-leadership, for their lack of interest in the well being of the masses, and for their cynical manipulation and exploitation of righteous moral principles, in order to further their own ignoble, vile, and murderous, narrow imperialist ends.  Watching the “news” these days couldn’t make this any clearer."


What to do? We certainly don't have the luxury of a great deal of time (or resources) but it's obvious we need to redouble our efforts at mass education and grass roots mobilisation. In this, the creation and defense of "people's media" is essential, for mass communications remains the people's enemies' strong suit and our most disabling weakness. This is now thankfully changing, at a growing pace, thanks to the sprouting of vibrant and highly original alternative media personalities, the dynamism of the Internet, and—perhaps equally important—the sheer unsustainability of a regime of corporate media lies and imbecilic distractions when confronted with unyielding truths. Yes, the system is usually its own worst enemy. Its media reflects its antisocial values, its rotten priorities, and decrepitude. Let's put it out of its misery once and for all. 

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Associate Editor Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. He hosts the Blowback roundatable.  You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.   

Patrice Greanville is this publication's founder and editor-in-chief.

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