Biden is Finished, But Trump Probably Won’t Live to Re-enter the White House

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John Varoli

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Biden's last chance to win in November failed yesterday when Trump survived an assassination attempt that has the White House's fingerprints all over it.


On Monday, July 8, Joe Biden made the above threat against Donald Trump while speaking before some of the most powerful officials and oligarchs in the Democratic Party. In attendance were “hundreds of top Democratic donors and bundlers in the president's National Finance Committee.” Politico described the event as a last chance to save Biden’s presidential campaign.

If the U.S. had an independent justice system staffed by men and women with integrity, there’d already have been a raid and search of the White House. Biden’s threatening statement is sufficient to ignite a strong reaction from law-enforcement. (And if you don’t believe me, just try making a similar threatening statement against your local Congressman or Senator).

But, the U.S. is a banana republic where the Justice Department is directly controlled by the White House, allowing it to rule the country above the law, (no matter which political party controls the presidency). The White House and the oligarchs tried to jail and bankrupt Trump, but that only made him more popular. So, they decided to physically eliminate him.

Think about it — the oligarchs tried to blow Trump’s head to pieces live on TV. The photos would have been horrifying, and that’s what they were counting on. To send a message to the American people and the entire world — “We will kill anyone at any moment for any reason we see fit. Don’t get in our way.”


For the first time in many years, the BBC did real journalism useful for society. Look at this interview above — Trump’s security is either entirely incompetent, or they were told to stand aside in order to let the shooter take his shots at Trump.

By the way, Kimberly Cheatle, the head of the Secret Service, was appointed by Biden in Sept 2022, and she has refused Trump’s requests for more security. (Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr’s request for Secret Service protection has been entirely denied!)

In addition, the Democrats in Congress have been trying to strip Trump of his Secret Service protection due to his recent criminal conviction. Why? To make it easier to kill him, of course. By the way, since late 2016, Democrat supporters have made many threats against Trump, and no one has ever been charged with incitement to violence.

In our view, the author's conclusion is a bit too optimistic. No US politician at this point, lacking a powerful movement capable of taking on the US oligarchy, can change the direction of the US hegemon. Besides, how could such a politician rise to prominence without his own architecture of power, including mass media outreach?

As a humorous aside — let’s look at this image below. It’s an interesting take on the assassination attempt by French social media users. Vincent Van Gogh died 18 months after suffering his self-induced ear-slicing incident. Trump probably won’t last so long.

Despite his frequent bumbling appearances and horrendous record on America’s bloodiest and most violent foreign policy since the Vietnam War, Biden spent all last week insisting that he would beat the immensely popular Trump, no matter what.

Clearly, Biden had an ace up his sleeve, and we saw it yesterday in Pennsylvania. But it didn’t work. The oligarchs now have no choice but to turn on Biden and throw him overboard. However, that doesn’t mean they’ll hand Trump a victory.

The Republican national convention takes place this week (July 15-18) and we’ll finally learn of Trump’s choice for VP, who in turn will most likely be the next U.S. president. The oligarchs prefer Nikki Haley, who has pledged to continue the imperial wars abroad and ramp up censorship and repression at home.

I suspect that the oligarchs will offer Trump a deal — They’ll promise him and his family safety and security, in return for Haley joining as his VP. (Of course they’ll renege on that deal, probably poison Trump and then Haley will take over the White House and it’s back to business as usual).

Or maybe I am wrong, and there could be a positive outcome this week. Perhaps libertarian Vivek Ramaswamy will get the VP nomination. In that case, it’s a whole new ballgame, and it might be possible to save the United States and the world.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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