Trump’s Acceptance Speech

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Trump’s Acceptance Speech

Listening to Mr. Trump:  If you take a look at the video, in the first five minutes he plays the god card and turns his bandaged ear to the audience time after time again, so that it becomes so noticeable. What is worse, listening to Mr.Trump, or to Zelensky? It is necessary to listen though in order to get a glimpse of what he is planning.

Nothing new – Iran is in the crosshairs, China is in the bullseye, zionism is better than good Italian ice cream. A few comments:

-’I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created

-I think [Kim Jong-un] misses me

-We want our hostages back:  Donald Trump threatens Gaza: ‘We better get our hostages back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price.’  Whether it’s Trump, or Biden, or another Democrat, genocidal slaughter using US bombs will continue against the people of Gaza.  Trump or Biden, it does not matter, genocide has a green light.

-We’re gonna build an iron dome over our country  (Comment: perhaps he had not yet heard what the Houthis AND IRANIANS did.)

-Trump, about the Peace negotiations with the Afghanistan Taliban:
“He called me ‘your excellency.’ I wonder if he calls [Biden] ‘your excellency.’ I doubt it”

There is very little new here. The RoW faces a repeat of the previous Trump administration, because Trump is not able to understand that many of the ‘international crises’ were of his doing. I don’t see, intuit or sense a change. I don’t find an understanding that the problems are US Policy and not so much what he did, or what Biden or anyone else did.  It is systemic and long term.

THE US EMPIRE IS INCORRIGIBLE—Whether it’s Trump, or Biden, or another Democrat, genocidal slaughter using US bombs will continue against the people of Gaza.  Trump or Biden, it does not matter, genocide has a green light.

I want to add here a comment by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, before Trump’s acceptance speech. At the time of writing, it is not yet published on the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but our trumpeting Global Times had an excerpt:

The US should immediately correct its wrongdoings, stop deceiving the world with lies, cease slandering and smearing other countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Friday commenting on the report of US Marine Corps’ release of official doctrine on how it employs deception.

The US should provide an explanation to the international community for spreading false information for its own benefit, said Lin, adding that the US should also provide an explanation for the serious harm caused to developing countries by its “deceptive” strategies.

From former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo publicly admitting that the US lied, cheated, and stole, to the recent disclosure of the Pentagon’s disinformation campaign against Chinese vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic, to the latest doctrine released by the US military titled “Deception,” who is spreading false information globally? Who is conducting cognitive warfare against specific countries? Who is engaging in cyberattacks and information warfare on an international scale, Lin asked.

The US is accustomed to pursuing its own interests in the name of the so-called international morality, spreading false information through deceptive propaganda, and using public opinion and cognitive warfare to suppress other countries, the spokesperson said.

He noted that the international community has seen through these tactics and remained vigilant against them. The era when the US could continue to lead the international community by deception is long gone, Lin stressed.

This is how the Chinese Foreign Ministry did a front-run on Trump’s acceptance speech.

In terms of Zionist Israel, Netanyahu canceled his trip to the US to speak before the House.  I believe that between now and the election, Netanyahu will do anything he can, to wait for Trump, as it is so that de facto Trump is taking over the presidential tasks and duties.

Finally, two comments from Mr. Lavrov’s presser after his speeches at the UN Security Council.

“After the United States and its allies imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia, Iran, Venezuela, China and other countries, African and Latin American countries began to think about ways to protect themselves against such tantrums. After all, no one can be sure who the Americans will get angry at next.”

“The United States should simply accept the reality and stop claiming it will be in charge of everything everywhere.”

“Under our leadership The United States will be respected again and no nation will question our power, no enemy will doubt our might, our borders will be totally secure, our economy will soar … we will restore peace and harmony all throughout the world.”  Trump.

He continues to list the wars and threatening wars and of course, he will solve it all.  If we can only do what Mr. Lavrov says: “The United States should simply accept the reality and stop claiming it will be in charge of everything everywhere.”

Trump started in savior mode and continued in savior mode.  But he has it in for Iran.  His administration will tell every country that if they buy from Iran, they will never do business in the US and he will put tariffs of 100% on every product.  He brings the old ‘Iran is close to having a nuclear weapon’ bugbear.   As I said, it is the same, just expressed kindly while turning a bandaged ear to the MAGA spectators.  Trump is not going to accept a ‘no’ from anyone else in this world of ours.  One tries to remain calm, but the strike at Mexico is completely warlike.  No green cars, factory being built and operated in Mexico will attract 100 to 200% tariffs.  I did tell you it is just the same – The China Virus gets its turn.

Our esteemed colleague Garland Nixon's assessment of the Trump speech. 


AMARYNTH is a longtime antiwar and anti-imperialist activist, and founding editor of GLOBALSOUTH.CO, which she directs. She previously (among many other tasks) supported the Vineyard of the Saker website, technically and editorially. 

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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