World to Biden: We Don’t Need a “Leading Power”

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Karl Sanchez
Karlof1's Geopolitical Gymnasium

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Karlof1's Geopolitical Gymnasium at One Year of Age

In June of 2023, I made the decision to move my writing platform from VK to substack for greater audience exposure since many people couldn’t access VK due to Western censorship. I was rather hesitant since substack was already populated with many geopolitical writers, although most were unknown to me. A few trusted souls urged me to make the move, so in July I made the switch and published my first essay which is still very timely as you’ll soon see. Over the year, I’ve published 535 articles or about 1.5 daily, and I’ve accumulated about 2,500 subscribers, almost all free, and have yet to implement the paid function, although that will soon change. Yes, more pledges would be nice, but I didn’t begin writing at VK for the money nor is that my goal here either—the name I chose informs the fact that I aim to inform readers of geopolitical aspects they are unlikely to learn and use primary sources as much as possible in doing so. I also assumed readers would also provide additional information via the comments, and I’m happy to report that assumption is finally being proven correct. According to the stats substack provides its writers, the gym gets an average of 6,666 views daily. There’re subscribers in all 50 states, California being #1 with 133, and globally the Gym’s viewed in 108 nations, with the English-speaking top 4 portion accounting for 54% while Brazil is the top non-English speaking nation with 5% or 117 subscribers. Yes, I’m very pleased with the Gym’s progress. Thank you readers!!!

For my anniversary entry, I’m republishing my first article with a few modifications to the format, not to the textual content which remains very viable.

World to Biden: We Don't Need a "Leading Power"

The most infuriating thing about the US empire is that it accuses others of what it does itself.

Sputnik highlights the #1 world problem that was confessed by Biden today. But before we go further, I highly suggest viewing the above political cartoon again.

"Biden Believes China Wants to 'Replace US as Leading Power'". IMO, the problem is the mindset that the world needs/wants a "leading power" at all. Recall the basis for the UN Charter--all nations are to be considered equal; all are to have the same weight with regard to their voice in international affairs. And clearly with China's Three Initiatives, that's their basic philosophical foundation. The basis for the centuries of competition, rivalries and conflict between nations is based on the Zero-sum idea that One Must Be King of the Hill--that's precisely what's behind the Ukraine Crisis and the Nazi ideology driving it. The Zero-sum garbage of the past is not what China or the RoW desire. What they do desire is Win-Win cooperation where all work together to advance all.

Here are some of the things Biden said that Sputnik reported:

"I'm confident he wants to have the largest economy in the world and have the largest military capacity in the world,' Biden said.

He added that Xi also wanted to rewrite certain rules of the international order, but "not all of them."

"I think so. Not all of them. But he pointed out to me and said we weren't there when those rules were written ... But I don't think he wants, he's looking for a war conflict, expansion of territory," Biden said.

It's plain to see Biden is projecting. Plus, Xi has said he obeys the UN Charter which is the genuine International Order, which is reflected in China being a co-founder along with Russia of the group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter--if the Outlaw US Empire was truthful about obeying the UN Charter, then why isn't it amongst its defenders? Well, we know very well why that is.

Editor's Note: Some astute foreigners may have noted that America, the most marinated country in the world in terms of capitalist values, has an obsession with "leadership", it's always talking about "developing leaders," yada, yada, yada. There are all kinds of corporate-sponsored contests for the young to "stimulate leadership" (READ: create division according to rank and privilege). Where is this coming from? Older cultures —despite their numerous flaws—did not think in such terms. It stems from the capitalist DNA, the corporate culture, which is essentially a competition jungle, with everyone jockying to displace others and reach the top. Capitalism's most brutal offshoot, Fascism, takes this to the max. That's why in both Germany and Italy the top leaders were literaly revered for their "leadership". Hitler was der Fuhrer, and Mussolini, "il Duce." In Germany, leaving nothing to chance, they even developed the "Fuhrerprinzip". Even the CIA-redacted Wiki has this to say:

In the political history of Germany, the Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) was the basis of executive authority in the Government of Nazi Germany (1933–1945), which meant that the word of the Führer is above all written law, and that government policies, decisions, and offices all work towards the realisation of the will of the Führer.

As for China wanting to have the largest economy, with 1.4 Billion people, it ought to have the largest economy and already does if honest measures were taken. And if there's to be a "World Leader," that person ought to be the United Nations Secretary General, not some national politician. The Era of Great Powers is over and with it the Age of Plunder. Those who are incapable of evolving will be left behind as the world moves to the cooperative basis Nature will dictate that humans will need to adapt to.


Short wasn’t it? I’m adding this citation from my last article that deals with the Outlaw US Empire’s rationale presented to the public that the confrontation between China and the Empire is a natural outcome of history as proven by a very significant prior event—the stated reasons behind the Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens:

One last note on the veracity of the Thucydides Trap hypothesis that’s a clear example of revisionist history that borders on falsification as proven by Dr. Michael Hudson and discussed in his The Collapse of Antiquity on page 111:

The “Thucydides trap” theory recently in vogue trivializes this conflict [The Peloponnesian War] as one simply of geopolitical rivalry, depicting the War as resulting from Spartan jealousy of Athens as a rising rival. But the conflict was domestic as much as foreign, because it was fundamentally about democratic attempts to limit oligarchic wealth. There was no commercial rivalry between Sparta and Athens, because Sparta was not a commercial economy. The conflict was between oligarchic and democratic power and the alliances resulting from domestic class antagonisms. This conflict existed within both Athenian and Spartan society, not merely between the two. [My Emphasis]

A great many people were deluded by the hypothesis and tried to use it as justification for a more aggressive Outlaw US Empire policy toward China, which IMO is why the hypothesis was formulated. Hudson proved beyond doubt that Sparta wasn’t a commercial/trading nation so there’s no way any sort of rivalry/jealousy could emerge between Athens and Sparta on those grounds. The difference is as summarized above and explained further in the text that preceded it. And the differences between China and the Outlaw US Empire are rather similar in that they’re grounded in their political-economies and governing philosophies which are the reasons for China’s rise and the Outlaw Empire’s fall.


Thanks again to all the readers and subscribers that continue to provide the motivation for me to do what I’m doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can only hope Year Two will be as successful as Year One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like what you’ve been reading at Karlof1’s Substack? Then please consider subscribing and choosing to make a monthly/yearly pledge to enable my efforts in this challenging realm. Thank You!

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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