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Paul Edwards

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America, The Indispensable Empire, has reached perigee.  This undeniable low for “the greatest nation the world has ever seen” is put beyond question by three prodigies of fecklessness.

First, The Powers jettisoned their addled CEO and raised to the exalted status he enjoyed a few days ago, Kamala Harris, to be its woke champion in the war against the Dark Lord of Chaos.

Second, it welcomed to address his Congress, America’s great patron, Benjamin Netanyahu, for the fourth time—one more than Winston Churchill—to provide us his sage, humane guidance.

Third, in not preventing an attack on Trump with its lax security, The Empire bestowed on him hero status through media theater.

It is hard to conceive of a set of incidents that could better define and embody the sheer maladroitness of our Empire in extremis.

Consider: After months of being solemnly assured the President was compos mentis and vigorously up to his duties, he revealed, inarguably, that he was not.  Many were disturbed by his sad pratfall.  Many, who never bought it in the first place, were not.

Mr. Biden, after a lifetime of subversions and betrayals of every aspect of honorable leadership, and a rap sheet full of personal deceit and rife with character toxins, besides a more recent array of criminal hustles, was brazenly presented to a bonehead public as a noble warrior for good and an avatar of Franklin Roosevelt.

That he bore no resemblance at all to him didn’t trouble Party Mafiosi, who had long abandoned concern for FDR’s people, and served only their Zionist billionaire owners and the War Machine.

In any case, once Biden had blatantly flashed his truly pathetic incapacity, The Family had to eighty-six him.  After backstage trading, smoke emerged from the synod chimney.  The Capi di Tutti Capi had consensus, and their choice was nobody’s darling,  but Kamala had clearly gotten her nose under the tent.  She is a genial, amoral mediocrity, a shill for corrupt war in Ukraine, and Zionist genocide, but it won’t matter.  She hasn’t a Brat prayer.

At least as tremendous a victory for the forces of out-and-out lunacy was Congress hosting the vicious, Zionist murderer and indicted war criminal, Netanyahu.  This latter-day Himmler, this foul, homicidal monster, was cheered by our Freak House of mental clodhoppers and ethical ghouls and their prissy nebbish Speaker for one reason: psychotic, gore-soaked Israel owns them.  Virtually everyone in the House and Senate has taken big bribes from AIPAC, that slush fund of billionaire Zionist Jews.

Always before, the fallout of misery was confined to only those directly under its misrule.  Never was there an empire whose malignant brutality entangled all the world, until America...

The cynical and meshuggenah whining and hand-wringing about poor humane Israel, and the massive wave of anti-Semitism in America, is vintage bullshit propaganda.  There isn’t a wave, but soon there may be, for though U.S. Jews are not wild Zionists and oppose the criminality of that illegitimate state, in the eyes of the world they are all seen as culpable.  It has nothing to do with anti-Semitism and everything to do with the horror of Israel’s race murder pogrom, and its repulsive, smirking Dybbuk leader.

Allowing the psychotic Gauleiter of that vile, Nazi asylum to enter our own Evil Empire is—given the whoring cabal of hillbilly thugs that run it—not surprising.  When a country’s entire governmental apparatus is funded by a foreign nation, it is clearly no longer a sovereign state, but a wholly owned subsidiary of its financier.

This sad remnant of an empire, soaked in endless bloody crimes against humanity, and guilty of cruel abuse of its own people, is locked in crash mode, and there is no bottom to its degradation, as official celebration of Israel’s monster has shown the world.

Prior to this disgusting genuflection, a young assassin’s bullet came within centimeters of killing Donald Trump.  Only the random turning of his head prevented his death.  No amount or quality of security can prevent absolutely the possibility of public murder of the celebrated and notorious, but the state’s laxness in this case was egregious.  As a result, the mere fact of his eluding his death both electrified and galvanized his faithful, and cloaked him in an aura of heroic invincibility that won him wide, general approval among the heretofore unpersuaded.

Though it’s clear that none of these game-changing events was consciously, intentionally arranged, or effectively planned, by the massive, fumbling powers that own and operate our government, they all were due to blundering loss of control of the vaunted, failsafe management system.  The fact that they occurred proximately was purely accidental, but what they demonstrate, each in its own particular way, is how pathetically inept our government really is in defending its vulnerable core interests.

It can be ignored, judged unimportant, or laughed about, as just one more set of the lapses and losses that have become routine in The Empire’s staggering decline and decomposition.  And yet, disintegration of an empire is a solemn, inexorable process that, once begun, cannot be stemmed, and a descent into chaos is always dreadful for those in its thrall.  Always before, the fallout of misery was confined to only those directly under its misrule.  Never was there an empire whose malignant brutality entangled all the world, until America.

Under whatever catastrophic complex of disasters The American Empire finally crashes and burns, there is not a nation on earth that will not suffer severely the shock of its fall.  To imagine the magnitude of tragedy is not possible.  There is no precedent. There can be no winners when the game, the game board, and the casino are all incinerated.

There may be left, in Mark Antony’s dark words over murdered Caesar, only “carrion men, groaning for burial”.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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