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A Hard Day of Reckoning is Upon Us

by Paul Edwards
Published: Updated: 5 comments 13 minutes read
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Paul Edwards

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'Gaza and Ukraine: These repugnant bloodlettings share one great similarity: both are funded by The Empire. Americans pay for the Zionist genocide, and the proxy “war” in Ukraine, and seem glad to do it. They feel justified, sure that these shows of organized mass murder deserve their support...'

Bloodletting at the barber-surgeon's salon in the mid-17th century. The occasion was often accompanied by drinking and merrymaking.

I’ll bet you thought this was going to be about Gaza and Ukraine, right?  Well, it is.  Those two hideous, psychopathic exercises in mass murder can’t be avoided in any discourse now.  Even in essays about gender dysphoria or oyster farming, those ghastly, nouminous horrors hang behind them, loom over them.

Bloodlettings are what these horrors are.  We know what we mean by that.  We mean wholesale slaughter of human beings.

The term originally described removing blood from a patient to cure a condition, a foolish, and frequently fatal, piece of medical hocus pocus, solemnly practiced in its benighted era.  Only recently has it come to refer to organized military murder.

The abattoir of The Somme in WWI, in which thousands of men were fed into an imbecilic mass death machine popularized it.  Since then it has been applied to any grand disaster in war.  Of course, Gaza is not a “war”at all, nor is Ukraine a real one.

The Empire calls them “wars”, because that designation makes them acceptable to our morally zombie public, apathetic to the point of catatonia.  “Wars”, it tells its vacuous masses, are waged to defend The Empire, and since people have to die in them, it’s better it’s someone else instead of you.  All you slugs need to do is to support our killing.

Gaza, as all the cowardly world knows, is a simple massacre.  It is the indiscriminate murder of civilian people because of their race.  Nazi Zionist Israel—the 4th Reich, the avatar of Hitler’s Germany—is murdering Gaza’s people, and those in the West Bank, because they are Palestinians from whom they stole the land their sick, vicious, illegal state is built on.

When a people steals another people’s homeland, as was done routinely in European colonial expansion and which was the founding basis of the United States, it cannot rest secure until and unless it has exterminated that people.  It won’t do to just conquer and occupy their land; they have to be removed from it, and since keeping them out is difficult, the simpler answer, as the founders of Zionism knew and stated, is to kill them all.

Israel did an extensive, but not sufficiently thorough, job of exterminating Palestinians in establishing their Ganif state in 1948.  They left many of them alive and have lived to regret it.

Six-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab was cold-bloodedly murdered along with five relatives and two medics sent to rescue her during an Israeli tank attack in Gaza City on January 29, 2024. Besides being shelled routinely to smithereens, or buried under rubble, numerous Palestinian children are shot deliberately in the head by IDF snipers, a depraved practice the world continues to ignore. 
(Photo: family photo)

Palestinians—those left—were not reconciled to being raped of their land.  They clung to life and organized efforts to regain it.  They have failed repeatedly, but never given up, regardless of the immense suffering inflicted on them by sick, subhuman Nazi Israel, which is now attempting to eradicate them altogether.

"Seldom does an entire country merit dissolution, but the rabid fanaticism of the vast majority of Israelis demands it.  With few dissenters, its evil racist mentality is ubiquitous and ineradicable..."

For more than 80 years Palestinians have been forced to live like perennial migrants in their own homeland, while being deprived of the most elementary human rights.

It will fail, and destroy itself in the effort, which will be justice.  Seldom does an entire country merit dissolution, but the rabid fanaticism of the vast majority of Israelis demands it.  With few dissenters, its evil racist mentality is ubiquitous and ineradicable.

Barring a war it is insanely seeking, that will leave it a pulverized inferno, its end will come from its own raging poison, as when a wasp or scorpion, believing itself attacked, stings itself to death.

Ukraine’s story, very different, is comparably ugly. Precipitated, by The Empire’s anxiety over its displacement as world hegemon, it aimed to defeat Russia by driving supine NATO’s expansion to its borders, using Ukraine as its latest pawn of choice.  If this is not clear to you by now, it’s because you refuse to know it.

The mechanics of the two bloodlettings are distinctly different.  In the one, an evil nation commits genocide against a helpless people; in the other, a puppet clique is paid to feed its country’s men into a human meat grinder against an invincible adversary.

They share one great similarity: both are funded by The Empire.  Americans pay for the Zionist genocide, and the proxy “war” in Ukraine, and seem glad to do it.  They feel justified, sure that these shows of organized mass murder deserve their support.

Both our Presidential candidates support the genocide.  One is running a campaign of “joy'”, the result of her endorsement of it, perhaps.  The other agrees, but won’t pay for Ukraine’s suicide.  Americans will be shocked when both horrors end badly for The Empire, after having invested in them so much idiot emotion.

The process of maintaining one’s ignorance is difficult when it means flatly ignoring facts.  That it is also contemptible, only becomes clear when events make it impossible to pretend.  Then, one has to admit to being the egregious ass one is.

This is what awaits most vacant, oblivious Americans.  In the best case, we will be seen as the most despicable herd of moral defectives since Germany under the Nazis.  Far greater danger exists in the potential each horror presents for world war.  If it comes, Americans will find their own suffering much harder to take than that of the people of Gaza and Ukraine they funded.

Bloodletting as a treatment, though useless, fooled all Europe in its time.  The same can be said about The Empire’s propaganda.  For decades the stream of exceptionalist bullshit has inundated Americans, reinforcing their stupidity, and compounding their ignorance.  Like bloodletting, though pernicious, it has continued for generations, doing immense harm to the body politic.

It is now, at last, being exposed, by the principled and heroic, for what it is: a hollow, dangerous, debilitating sham.  There is a great race now underway between the awakening of a morally torpid people, and the destruction and dissolution of their sick and evil state.  How ironic to awaken to the sound of your own explosive demise.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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James Edwards

Not just Americans. The West.


Thank you for this short, clear, write up that sums up the current US government and its owners. I am disgusted with so many of the people I know that will vote because of Trump or Kamala might end the world, blind to the fact they are one and the same. I suppose they have been totally brain washed by our propaganda media.

William C Crain IV

This heinous cult called Izreal, is a diabolical cesspool of depraved Genocidal maniacs…


Everything you wrote with few exceptions can be applied to the UK today and more importantly to its imperial past. Genocide and bloodletting was a characteristic feature of the rapacious imperialist British Empire commencing in the 17 century and continuing under the guise and protection of its successor the US Empire until today in Gaza and Ukraine. This is what makes the relationship between the US and the UK so special and indispensible. If anything the US has learnt and built upon the excess and extravaganza of the Brits Empire to promote and develop a system of imperialism and culture… Read more »

Default Editor Patrice de Bergeracpas

The editors wish to commend RICK for this splendid comment.

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