Climate Change & Global Warming Debunked by Mainstream Media

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EDITOR'S REMINDER: Whatever the truth about "climate change", there is absolutely no denying the dreadful environmental effects of reckless anthropogenic activity on the planet in the last 250 years. Just think what we have done to the Amazonian rainforest, the oceans (massive dumps for plastic junk, industrial refuse, etc.), or the Gulf of Mexico—every single day at risk of another "BP disaster". Not to mention the vast ecoanimal destruction. Overall, as a proud Indian who wishes to see his nation make more rapid strides in the "development" aspect, and a member of the country with the largest population, he obviously has an emotional stake in debunking the climate science advice promulgated by the WEF and similar globalist cabals. And he is absolutely correct in his criticism of the billionaire class's enormous hypocrisy, which he lucidly sums up in his closing paragraphs.

Climate Change & Global Warming Debunked by Mainstream Media

A surprising chart from Washington Post

Take a look at the chart, which shows the earth’s temperature over the last (nearly) 500 million years:

Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years

This chart reveals three facts that destroy some core principles of climate change narrative:

  1. Climate always changes: Look at the chart and you see that the global temperature varies from 50 degree F to 95 degree F. Yes. It seems simple, but just the phrase “climate CHANGE” is a stupid marketing term, which implies that climate is not supposed to change and our weather/climate should be like a hotel room with an air conditioner and heater. And now we are told to lose our head because the earth’s temperature has increased by TWO degree F over the last 175 years!

  2. Temperature changes without human activity or industrial CO2 emissions: All the hysteria about “anthropogenic” global warming is nonsense, as we can see that nature has its own way. For 500 million years, temperatures went up and down even though there were no coal plants, cars, industries, farting cows etc.

  3. We are at the COLDEST point in 500 million years: Look at the chart again and you see that we are living in the coldest period! How’s that possible when we are repeatedly told by sensational headlines that every year is the hottest year on record? It’s because they are lying through omissions. They are using the year 1880 as a reference. Everything about the global warming is based on cherry-picked data.

Also, if you look at the temperature over the last 1 million years, you see much clearer cycles of global warming and global cooling. This is the reality of earth. Up and down, up and down.

Modern science is very reductionist and is also heavily influenced by billionaires, globalists, corporations and politicians. They pay scientists to rig the data and logic.

The reductionist approach in modern science is also why nutrition, psychiatry, Big Pharma and much of healthcare are inherently wrong.

The fear about fat and saturated fat are as ridiculous and misguided as the fear of CO2.

To have doctors who specialize in various parts of the body is very dumb, since all organs of the body are inherently connected.

To try to discover a gene for specific function or disease is also almost always absurd. (There seem to be a handful of exceptions).

Treating the world as a machine, worked to some extent in the beginning of industrial revolution. But that approach has limits.

We can see how artificial intelligence is so hard, even with models trained with 100,000 GPUs. When someone asked OpenAI, “Can my mother marry my father,” the AI responded, “In many countries, marriage within family members is prohibited”!


So, why did the globalists decide to spread the climate change propaganda? It’s probably a tool to hamper the growth of developing nations and to control the world’s population.

—S.L. Kanthan
Geopolitical analyst, columnist, blogger, author, podcaster.

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