"We are an impotent people, ignorant, full of confusion and anger that the vast majority cannot understand."

by Paul Edwards
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Paul Edwards

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It's murder.  Slaughter.  Extermination.  It’s the vengeful killing of masses of innocent people.  It is a criminal act by a rogue state.

Because Nazi Israel is a psychopathic entity of vicious, fanatic, hateful, propagandized people that is funded and backed by The Empire, nations fear to intervene.  Its mass murder is not stopped because the whole world fears eruption of a war that could destroy much of it.  Terrified of that prospect, justifying moral cowardice on that basis, the world allows the mass murder to continue.  It is its standard response to cruelties of vast scale.

Moral cowardice will not guarantee that major war will not occur.  Netanyahu wants it.  He has always wanted it, either persuaded that his country is proof against attack, or indifferent to the fate of his people, which is either delusion or psychopathy.

Israel has killed key leaders of Iran, Lebanon and Palestine and admitted their murders before the world.  There has been no commensurate response, though dire retaliation has been vowed.  Israel has now said it will attack Iran’s military bases because Iran rained missiles through its porous “Iron Dome”, promising a restraint it has never showed in Gaza, Iran, or Lebanon.

Netanyahu’s assumption is that in war with Iran The Empire will be compelled to support him with the full commitment of its sophisticated weaponry, regardless of risk, the extent of which will only be known when and if its engagement begins.

War between Israel and Iran with the participation of The Empire cannot be contained, and all potential combatants know it.  If The Empire assists Israel to ravage Iran, Russia will enter the war on Iran’s behalf. If this occurs, it will threaten the entire world.

The morally cowardly world runs less risk in uniting to stop Israel’s mass murder now, based on international law, than in watching passively as Netanyahu attacks Iran.  Uniting to stop the murder can and should be done forcefully and diplomatically, thereby greatly lessening the risk of war.

The Empire would have to be confronted, but not militarily.  It could still opt for world war if Israel attacked Iran massively but, facing united opposition to that lunacy, it would have to act in defiance of the wishes of the nearly united world.  Even our jejune, shallow, reckless minders would have to give that decision grave thought, or their defective version of it.

Contrary to various mythmakers, we are in a circumstance that has no parallel in history.  There have been empires before run by men both stupid and insane that, in their delusion, made rash, addled hubristic decisions that worked their destruction.  And there have been crazed minor states run by maniacs who made decisions that led to their obliteration.

There has never been a huge empire that, instead of making its decisions on the basis of enlightened self-interest, has allowed itself to be parasitized by agents of a small, poisonous pirate state that determines its behavior and jeopardizes its existence.

America is owned and run by evil, billionaire Nazi Zionist Jews.  They have bought and paid for our government, and done all they can to force Americans to support one of the most vicious people in history, unworthy of anything but hate.  It has subverted our right to speak honestly about that hideous nest of monsters and the horrors it has inflicted on masses of innocent victims.

And what of our own contemptible, decayed, blood-soaked country?  Since we have nothing left to be proud of, what, if anything, might we hope for?  Or is the question even relevant?

We are an impotent people, ignorant, full of confusion and anger that the vast majority cannot understand.  We exist under a Capitalist tyranny driven by the sole desire to extract wealth from the natural world and humanity, as sources of profit.  Our rotted polity has been taken over, like an inefficient business, by virulent parasites, the Zionist Jew billionaire junta, and is served by highly paid Goy pimps in the Finance and War Machine complex, as its shock troops and implementers.

We are about to elect—if that absurd term can be employed—one of two obscene, symbolic creatures of that ruling clique, to drag us further into chaos and disaster.  It is not our non-existent “democracy” that is at stake, but our viability as a people.

Admittedly, we are not, as a people, worth saving, as we have done nothing, in our dull, vacuously entertained torpor, to create a counterforce to our tyrannizing, but have performed as trained seals do, barking and flapping our flippers for stinking fish.

Why, then, write about our apathy and degradation?  Because resistance to tyranny in any form is never wrong, however futile, and fighting for justice is always right, even, as in Gaza, when it brings misery and death.  So far, one is not shot here for thinking.

The People want hope, want answers, but they want them to be provided.  They’ve been fed unmitigated bullshit for decades that has told them they deserve privilege, that it’s coming, and will be theirs, but they never get it, and they know that now.  The vast wealth they generate in dull, tedious work ends up with their owners.  They are angry, but lacking vision and courage, they look to “leaders” who are tools of the enemy, the Capitalist elite.

This is why, in our furious faineance, we have the horrors of Gaza and Ukraine on our dead consciences, and why we may be herded like hogs into our obliteration.  Our owners, our “leaders” and our “elites” are bent on our ruin.  Nazi Israel’s evil is just the projection of our own Potemkin government’s subservience to boundless Capitalist villainy, and its lustful embrace of a Death Wish its mindless automatism cannot comprehend.

Special Addendum
A small, but eloquent video produced by Al Jazeera, puts to shame the entire constellation of cowardly and complicit Western media.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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