STEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. His new site is at http://stephenlendman.org
If Confederate statues warrant removal, should others of slaveholding presidents come down? Twelve owned them: Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren, WH Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, A Johnson and Grant. Should George Washington University change its name? Should the University of Virginia disavow its founder Thomas Jefferson? Should Chicago’s Washington Park be renamed? What about Jefferson Colleges in various cities, several Andrew Jackson high schools, others bearing James Madison’s name, some named after James Monroe, other presidents honored the same way?
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Thorough cleanse of odious history required. Who gets to write the “official story”? Also give entire country back to it’s rightful heirs. Europeans stole it from native Americans atop the food chain when they arrived but who did these guys steal it from etc. – all the way down. The good guys in this tale are scarce.
Should we blow up all the pyramids in Egypt ? they were built by slave labour. Where does it end ?
My thoughts the other day on this: What is it about humans and “memorials” to themselves? The whole concept is vainglorious auto-eroticism. The idea that we should revere anyone of us above all others enough to melt down resources and make a permanent idol to worship makes us only a filament away from the caves from whence we came. Evolved people wouldn’t worship any of the men who took credit for encoding that the rich land-owners still had all the power, and tried to pass it off as “freedom.” I mean, all they did was change the ruling class from… Read more »