So almost 20 years after the new century started we finally got around to building our own little app: Tyrion, named in homage to the dwarf hero of Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister, a man unusual for his time on account of his search for justice, good leadership and respect for reason. Tyrion is not an app liable to set the world on fire or dazzle the younger generation accustomed to a lot of high-tech magic. But we think it does simply and well what it was designed to do: give mobile devices a way to link with our sites and their resources, at least some of them for the time being, more will be added later. Once installed on your iPads, iPhones (or smartphones of any kind), you’ll have access to posts, pages, podcasts, videos, our Twitter and Facebook pages, (for both The Greanville Post and China Rising), and associate editor Jeff Brown’s estimable collection of commentary and news on Soundcloud.So scan the app’s QR code and happy browsing.
Just one more thing: Be sure to pass this on to friends, kin and office mates. You now why it matters.
—Patrice Greanville