Who is María Páez Víctor?

Dr. Maria Páez Victor is a sociologist, born in Venezuela and educated in Caracas, New York, Mexico City, England and Canada. For several years she taught the sociology of health and medicine as well as health and environmental policies at the University of Toronto. Dr. Páez Victor has national and international experience in policy analysis and impact assessment, with expertise in the areas of health, environment, and energy. She is an active member of the Latin American community in Canada.  She administered the Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships, an international graduate grant program of the G8 energy companies, 2002-2011. Lecturer at University of Toronto, she taught Sociology of Health and Medicine course; Health and Environment Policies course, part-time, 1992-96 and 2003-2005. She obtains her Ph.D. (Sociology) at York University, Toronto, Canada 1987. She was voluntary work, in Mater Misericordia Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya, 1985-1987.