By Gary Olson
“To respond to the call of the times, Chinais ready to jointly promote the Belt and RoadInitiative with partners. We hope to createnew drivers to power common developmentthrough this new platform ofinternationalcooperation; and we hopeto turn it into a road of peace,prosperity, openness, green developmentand innovation. And a road bringstogether different civilizations.” [2]
The banishment of selfishness from foreign policy. What a concept. Brotherhood in action.
Further, data show that the cumulative value of trade in goods between China and countries along the BRI routes reached nearly $11 trillion between 2013 and 2021, with a two-way investment reaching more than $230 billion.
In 2017, the BRI was written into the Chinese Communist Party’s Constitution as an indicator of its importance. Australian Professor Jane Colley, who has studied BRI from its inception, believes “They are absolutely still advancing it” and as far as outside pressure, she adds that, “Any idea of containing them or forcing countries to pick a side — it’s a very risky game to play.” [9 ]. And after a comprehensive look at BRI, the mainstream publication EUROMONEY, concedes that,“The BRI is neither dead nor dying but is quietly mutating into something much larger and — whisper it — perhaps better.”[10]
“The U.S. does not tolerate peer competitors. As it demonstrated in the 20th century, it is determined to remain the world’s only regional hegemon. Therefore, the U.S. can be expected to go to great lengths to contain China and ultimately weaken it to the point where it is no longer capable of ruling the roost in Asia. In essence, the U.S. is likely to behave towards China much the way it behaved towards the Soviet Union during the Cold War.” [19]
We are facing a peer superpower — a generationalchallenger…China’s first step is a hegemonicposition over Asia…then from that position theywill be able to gain global predominance fromwhich China will be able to essentially hold swayor influence over the entire world, includingof course, Europe, but also the United States.
Requires that we ruthlessly focus, and that takecontroversial and aggressive steps ready ourselvesnow to avoid worse outcomes later. The problemis that we have not been doing nearly enough ofthese things. On our current course we are courtingdisaster.
It goes without saying that this counter-hegemonicgeopolitical endeavor is much more threateningto the United States than the geo-strategic actornessof China than the territorial empire which is mainlylimited to military actions in China’s maritimevicinity.[22]
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Heaven forbid the US and the West in general, should compete with China for championship of moral rectitude and uplift of its own population. The results up to now are the opposite: every part of life is worse, not better. Your food tastes worse (and less healthy) not better. Your marriage is stronger(teaching breakdown of traditional family is the new normal.)
At this moment in history, with the “lights going out” all over Europe (again!) we desperately need civilised voices like Prof Olson to shake the masses out of their stupor. Thank you for running this article.