Home ACTIVISTS & HEROES A Debate That Exposed Political Collapse

A Debate That Exposed Political Collapse

From Stem to Stern, This Debacle Exposed the Rot of a Political System in Rapid and Irreversible Decline

by Garland Nixon
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Garland Nixon
Political Superfood

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A debate between a man who has little, if any, understanding of complex geopolitical issues and a brain-dead warmonger who was never the sharpest knife in the drawer has exposed the irreversible decline of the US empire.

If we use a baseball metaphor, Donald Trump looked like a pitcher coming off injured reserve who had trouble getting his pitches over the plate. Trump had one pitch, immigration, and that pitch was placed lazily and haphazardly throughout the debate in a manner that made him appear unprepared and not overly focused on winning the game. In the context of that same metaphor, Joe Biden looked like a player that had been dragged into the dugout and beaten mercilessly about the head and neck with a 54 ounce Louisville slugger.

THE SETUP: The debate was moderated by accomplished ruling class insiders Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Bash, is a Jewish woman who was born in Washington DC and just happens to be married to a guy who served as Chief of Staff for both the CIA and the Department of Defense. Tapper, who is also Jewish, was born in New York City and once served as press secretary for congressional democrat Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (PA-13). There was no audience and the candidates were not allowed to interrupt each other. When each candidate spoke we were allowed to view the reaction of the other in a side by side screen view. In modern America, being Jewish does not automatically imply support for Zionism, but in this case both moderators have a long history of supporting the Zionist ideology along with an aggressive militaristic US foreign policy. This was clearly intended to be a debate that would in no way stray from the orthodoxy and dogma of empire and militarism.

THE VIEW: There are political analysts who argue that the most important part of the debate is what the audience sees. They claim that you can learn more by watching a debate with the sound off than listening to the conversation of the adversaries. If there is any merit to that argument, Joe Biden had a bad night. The President’s limp eyed open mouth stare created the appearance of a feeble weak old man who may not be able to attend to his daily needs of personal hygiene. Trump looked like.. well.. Trump. He was not particularly energetic and, in a split screen view with Joe Biden, looked to be struggling to decipher the incoherent mumblings of his opponent. This was a massive advantage to Trump.

THE DEBATE: The issue of the night was President Biden’s ability to mitigate the concerns about his competence, and in particular, to overcome the growing chorus of claims that he suffers from an irreversible cognitive decline. On this point, he crapped the bed in the worst possible way.

Biden looked dazed and confused. He was unable to maintain a coherent line of discussion and his words ran together in a manner that sounded like a drunk at closing time trying to convince his friends that he is sober enough to drive. He failed miserably, no keys for you Joe Biden, you’re taking an Uber home tonight. His cringe worthy attempts to go on the attack sounded something like “get off my lawn you little punks, and if your frisbee comes over this fence again I’m keeping it.” Trump mostly avoided the obvious freak show and seemed to spend most of his time straining to understand Biden’s comments, as did we all. Trump was a one trick pony who turned every question into a referendum on immigration. His narcissistic tendencies were glaring as he constantly referred to his alleged accomplishments as the best, greatest ever, and pretty much unmatched in human history. It was clear that Trump had spent little time in preparation and was content to run through his limited list of talking points regardless of whether they were relevant to the issue at hand. Trump was lazy, Biden was intellectually incoherent. Massive…INCALCULABLE advantage to Trump. If there is a single working brain cell amongst the democratic party elites (and I am not convinced that there is) this was a stake through the heart of the Biden campaign. BUT THEN AGAIN…

THE CONSPIRACY THEORY: It’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which the oligarchs were shocked by the outcome of the debate. Joe Biden has been in clear and obvious cognitive decline for years. It was a topic of constant discussion in the alternative media sphere and mainstream articles alleging that he was sharp behind closed doors paradoxically exposed his supporters acknowledgement that the discussion was legitimate. These people worked around Biden on a daily basis and they clearly knew, long ago, that he was “losing his fastball,” to be charitable. That being the case, the blatant rigging of the primaries makes perfect sense. If the elites knew that they were going to replace the President over the summer they could not allow a contender that may not suit the machinations of the neoliberal war machine. RFK Jr. was easy to scrub from the scene. After the October 8th incident, RFK Jr took the position of the ruling elite which was both politically suicidal in that it infuriated his base and setup the conditions for them to insert a CIA operative as his campaign chair. After Dennis Kucinich resigned, RFK Jr brought in former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox Kennedy to run his campaign.

Spurious Spy Now Runs RFK, Jr. Campaign 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign for president is now being run by his daughter-in-law, who happens to be a former employee of the CIA—the same agency that RFK Jr. believes played a role in the 1963 murder of his uncle, the 35th president, and his father…
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Her book “Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA” implies the obvious. At any rate, “someone” then convinced Kennedy to exit the Democratic primaries and run as an independent which opened the door for total oligarchic control of the primaries. A number of states then announced that, even though Marianne Williamson and Dean Smith were running in the primaries, they would not allow their names to be placed on the primary ballot and the primaries were effectively rigged. The elites had a clear path to scrap Joe Biden at a time of their choosing and there would be no one in second place to argue that they must be considered as a replacement. In that context, the debate was a setup. They put Joe Biden in a position that they knew would expose his obvious shortcomings and they could then have an open debate about who THEY would replace him with ZERO input from the voters. A perfect storm of elitism and the end of the illusion of democracy. A plan that is so brilliant that the dupes would thank and support their rulers for ending any hope of democratic participation. The greatest con is one in which the mark thanks the con man for taking their money. Their plan was brilliantly diabolical and seems to have worked on a political cult that was so gaslit and brainwashed with Russia gate that they would believe that Martians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump if Rachel Maddow gave them the green light.

Biden Trump debate
Dana Bash Jake Tapper

"Journalists" Jake Tapper and Dana Bash—two reliable Zionist imperialists pitching the questions. The Empire managers didn't have to worry.

POST ELECTION PROPAGANDA: The media was clearly given a narrative to insert after the mother of all debacles for Joe Biden. Donald Trump is an evil liar and Joe Biden, despite his obvious short comings, is a decent human being who was merely a victim of a cold, a lifelong stutter, and possibly.. just maybe.. a teeny weeny bit of cognitive decline. But after all, who would you rather have, a good guy who makes a few minor errors in good faith or an evil pathological liar. The interesting twist to this fable is that the party elites are open and honest about Biden’s issue while the every day voters post memes such as this.

Kimmel quote

The party rank and file is so brainwashed that their leaders can openly admit that Biden is damn near catatonic and they will grasp pathetic super hero memes that defy reality. I present this as incontrovertible evidence that the US political parties have become little more than brainwashed cults.

Biden Trump debate

LOOKING FORWARD: This prediction is easy. The party elites will replace Joe Biden. The most likely choice is the guy that they have been parading around for the last year as a shadow nominee. The fact that we were told in February that Gavin Newsome would not replace Joe Biden makes it clear that he is the choice and the setup is almost complete. The last domino to fall is to double down on the lawfare against Donald Trump, jail or otherwise remove him from the race, and make sure that the GOP presents some iteration of John McCain (Nikki Haley?) in a “heads we win tales you lose” scenario for the voters.


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By Garland Nixon · Launched 3 years ago
US and International Politics

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  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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G. F. Rochat

Truly Marx was correct: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
From the Roman empire to the US empire……

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