Conservative vermin like former Judge Andrew Napolitano [left] are eager to sharpen their spears to defend capitalism, all according to the most savage libertarian ethic. It was inevitable that—after recuperating from the shock of watching what seems like an activist Pope who is NOT a reactionary like most preceding him—they would quickly rally to admonish the pontiff to mind his own business (i.e., keep you papal ass put of politics). Another typical case of double standard for which the right is so well known. These folks never got so agitated or cared to admonish the Polish Pope, for example, a diehard reactionary, to mind his business. But now…well, we’ll see. Maybe Francis will simply fold and that will be that. In any case, read the tract below and observe how the enemies of the people spray their propaganda. You won’t learn anything new, probably, but at least the Napolitano arguments can serve as a free emetic, if needed. —Sean Lenihan (Dublin)
Napolitano: Pope Misguided on Capitalism
By Melanie Batley
“The Pope seems to prefer common ownership of the means of production, which is Marxist, or private ownership and government control, which is fascist, or government ownership and government control, which is socialist. All of those failed systems lead to ashes, not wealth,” he writes.
“What shall we do about the Pope and economics? We should pray for his faith and understanding and for a return to orthodoxy. That means the Holy Mother Church under the Vicar of Christ — saving souls, not pocketbooks.”