[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s common knowledge and public record that the West has intensified its anti-Russian propaganda operations over the past year, but up until now, no direct link could be proven between its cyber warriors abroad and its assassins in Ukraine.

That all changed due to the latest revelation by RT, which showed that the Mirotvorets online hit list was unsurprisingly registered by a Ukrainian agent of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (СCD-COE). This entity is based in Tallinn and responsible for waging information war against Russia and the resistant population still residing in Ukraine. 


Oles Buzina

RT reminds everyone that the hit list published the information of Oleg Kalashnikov and Oles Buzina no more than 48 hours before they were assassinated, all to the unsurprising deafness of the Western mainstream media. Nonetheless, these same blind and unscrupulous journalists were quick to jump to the gun when Boris Nemtsov was assassinated two months prior, largely echoing the allegations of ‘opposition’ leaders that ‘Russian propaganda’ and its ‘atmosphere of fear’ was to blame.

Oleg Kalashnikov —another victim of the recent wave of murders and strange "suicides" of people opposing Kiev's policies.

Oleg Kalashnikov —another victim of the recent wave of murders and strange “suicides” of people opposing Kiev’s policies.

According to their false narrative, Russian information mediums had ginned up such a patriotic fervor that the everyday Ivan and Olga were just clamoring for the opportunity to kill some opposition members in order to prove their loyalty. That obviously wasn’t the case whatsoever, but the myth disturbingly becomes truth when applied to NATO’s information operations in Ukraine, indicating what may in hindsight have actually been a Freudian slip by the mainstream media’s deep state handlers. 

NATO-supported Mirotvorets functions as an online kill portal where the name, photo, address, phone number, and other personal information of so-called “enemies of the state” of Ukraine are published. Wannabe assassins eager to prove their loyalty to Kiev’s regime could then take ‘patriotic’ matters into their own hands by killing the individuals marked for death in the hit list. This mechanism of fear, intimidation, and, as already has been seen, actual murder doesn’t have an equivalent in any other war-torn countries, to say nothing of the peaceful and stable Russian Federation. It’s a postmodern creation thought of in the West, supported by the West, and designed to pursue the interests of the West, and it owes its inspiration to none other than the Nazi regime. Twenty-first century Ukraine is thus nothing more than a testing laboratory for its larger application in other forthcoming targeted states, and it’s presumable that NATO’s other global proxies, specifically ISIL and its associated terrorist hordes, will now start utilizing this political technology owing to its demonstrated lethality. 

In the given context, the purpose of NATO’s cyber information operations is to insinuate murderous thoughts into the minds of besieged populations, hoping that pro-Western supporters will act on their externally constructed impulses and NATO-provided targeting information to carry out pro bono assassinations. It’s a win-win for NATO either way, since even if it doesn’t manage to cull a couple free assassins, it still succeeds in constructing an atmosphere of fear and paranoia that does more to censor on-the-ground dissent than any physical media censorship ever could hope to do.