Edward Curtin and Regis Tremblay look at the Empire’s War Against Russia, and the rise of the CIA and the Deep State

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US History – Story of Demonic Possession


An Interview with Regis Tremblay from Crimea

About the authors
Regis Tremblay is an American from the state of Maine who has been living in Russia for nearly four years. He is a veteran filmmaker who has led a life of adventure and worn many different hats. He spent 30 years in a religious order and 14 years as a Catholic priest. He taught high school journalism in Tucson, Arizona, which, he says, planted some seeds, such as his love of story-telling and the many films he eventually produced. While in Arizona, he raised a family, ran a successful consulting company, and later, started a nonprofit. After that, he returned to Maine where he worked as a radio show host.

Ed Curtin was educated in the classics, philosophy, literature, theology, and sociology, He has taught sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His writing on varied topics has appeared widely over many years. He writes as a public intellectual for the general public, not as a specialist for a narrow readership. He blogs at Behind the Curtain.

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Edward Curtin on Perspective, with Jesse Zurawell

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Jesse Zurawell interviews Ed Curtin

The U.S. War Against Russia That Will Soon Escalate Dramatically

GUEST OVERVIEW: Edward Curtin is a writer, researcher, poet, essayist, journalist and novelist. His new book: Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies Nov. 1,2020. He is educated in the classics, philosophy, literature, theology, and sociology, Edward teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His writing on varied topics has appeared widely over many years. Edward writes as a public intellectual for the general public, not as a specialist for a narrow readership. He believes a non-committal sociology is an impossibility and therefore sees all his work as an effort to enhance human freedom through understanding.

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Edward Curtin: There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 & Covid-19

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Edward J. Curtin

Posted on Nov 9, 2021 by in Podcast |

Edward Curtin returns to discuss deep politics and what links the assassination of JFK, 9/11, and Covid-19.
No president since Kennedy has dared to buck the Military-Industrial-Complex, including Trump, who is part of the same system that produced both Obama and Biden. He discusses the 1967 CIA memo which told mainstream media to use the disparaging term “conspiracy theory” to quell all deviation from the official narrative, and how this propaganda technique has continued to function from JFK to 9/11 to Covid-19. Many of the same actors involved in the MIC and 9/11 continue to be involved with the drug companies, CDC, WEF, WHO, Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. It’s very obvious, but the story is so frightening, people don’t want to do any homework. Too many people think there is this war going on between the right and the left, in the larger frame of reference there is no difference, it’s the warfare state against the regular people, the rich versus the poor. The 4IR is an effort for total political and economic control of peoples all over the world. He believes the purpose of the vaccine mandate is for political control. Ultimately, we are in a spiritual war.

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Show Notes

WATCH: COVID19/11 – Ed Curtin https://off-guardian.org/2021/09/30/watch-covid1911-ed-curtin

The Banners of the King of Hell Advance http://edwardcurtin.com/the-banners-of-the-king-of-hell-advance

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA https://covertactionmagazine.com/2021/10/01/a-company-family-the-untold-history-of-obama-and-the-cia


Website http://edwardcurtin.com

Twitter https://twitter.com/edward_curtin

About Edward Curtin

Educated in the classics, philosophy, literature, theology, and sociology, I teach sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. My writing on varied topics has appeared widely over many years. I write as a public intellectual for the general public, not as a specialist for a narrow readership. I believe a non-committal sociology is an impossibility and therefore see all my work as an effort to enhance human freedom through understanding.

*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience. 

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
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Ed Curtin: Renaissance man, rebel, anti-imperial fighter on China Rising Radio Sinoland



Ed Curtin: Renaissance man, rebel, anti-imperial fighter on China Rising Radio Sinoland 190406

Pictured above: Ed Curtin, mulling over humanity’s existence, with tremendous empathy and often carrying a wry smile on his face.

Live from the streets of China, Jeff 

Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), YouTube video, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RUvid and Ivoox (links below),

Interviewing Ed Curtin on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s 1967 “he signed his own death warrant” speech, Beyond Vietnam: a Time to Break the Silence, and his cold blooded assassination at the hands of the US government exactly 365 days later, was a meaningful, memorable time. After hanging up, I felt better about my global point of view and the future of humanity, against all the odds. He told me that in two months, he is being pushed out of his 20-year professorship at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. This school and its students will be greatly diminished by his involuntary departure.

Ed Curtin was educated in the classics, philosophy, literature, theology, and sociology, he teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His writing on varied topics has appeared widely over many years. He states: “I write as a public intellectual for the general public, not as a specialist for a narrow readership. I believe a non-committal sociology is an impossibility and therefore see all my work as an effort to enhance human freedom through understanding.”

Contact Ed:

His website: http://edwardcurtin.com/

On The Greanville Post: https://www.greanvillepost.com/?s=curtin

During our discussion, he mentioned several books that have transformed his arc of existence. Please buy them from a local book store or check them out at your public (socialist) city/county library, and not make Jeff Bezos richer on Amazon.

In Solitary Witness, by Gordon Zahn

Bread and Wine, by Ignazio Silone

The CIA as Organized Crime, by Douglas Valentine

JFK and the Unspeakable, by James Douglass

A Lie Too Big to Fail, by Lisa Pease

Lyrical and Critical Essays, by Albert Camus

All works by Leo Tolstoy

Ed also told me he routinely studies the following websites for current events, so do yourself a favor and sign up for their email newsletters,

The Greanville Post (https://www.greanvillepost.com)

Global Research (https://www.globalresearch.ca/)

Off Guardian (https://off-guardian.org/)

Dissident Voice (https://off-guardian.org/)

Enjoy and learn from a professor of life, Ed Curtin.

Ed and I both use cultural references a lot in our work. He said that there is much resistance to empire and injustice to be found in popular culture, which is true. To wit, here is a jaundiced sociopolitical song expounding on the human existence, The Smartest Monkeys, by one of my loved pop/rock groups, XTC, from one of my fave CDs of all time, Nonsuch. With so many lyrics that cut to the quick of hypocritical capitalism and empire, the album has several songs which dismantle all the Western lies and myths,

And here is The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead, a scathing indictment of John F. Kennedy’s obvious US government murder, as well as his brother’s, RFK,

XTC has many other songs like these. Who says popular culture cannot make a difference? You just need to know where to look…



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Jeff can be reached at China Rising, jeff@brownlanglois.com, Facebook, Twitter and Wechat/Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

 Be sure to check this page on his special blog

Edward Curtin: False Flag Operations Will Start New War (Podcast)


IDF jet of the type downed by Syrian defenses. One of the many tools used by Israel, the empire and its vassal states, to instigate mayhem around the world, especially the Middle East.

Edward Curtin: False Flag Operations Will Start New War #075

Professor of Sociology Edward Curtin discusses the attempts by the US, Britain, NATO and Israel to create false pretexts for an invasion of Syria and war with Russia. He discusses how the Deep State has concocted RussiaGate and how media and propaganda make it difficult to tell fact from fiction.

Show Notes

Triggering War. A Manufactured “Catalytic Event” Which Will Initiate An All Out War? Are We Going to Let this Happen Again? https://www.globalresearch.ca/triggering-war-a-manufactured-catalytic-event-leading-to-all-out-war-are-we-going-to-let-this-happen-again/5632549

Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game http://edwardcurtin.com/further-signs-of-more-war-a-most-dangerous-game

The Coming Wars to End All Wars http://edwardcurtin.com/the-coming-wars-to-end-all-wars

Denying the Obvious: Leftists and Crimestop http://edwardcurtin.com/denying-the-obvious-leftists-and-crimestop



Educated in the classics, philosophy, literature, theology, and sociology, Ed Curtin teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His writing on varied topics has appeared widely over many years. He states: "I write as a public intellectual for the general public, not as a specialist for a narrow readership. I believe a non-committal sociology is an impossibility and therefore see all my work as an effort to enhance human freedom through understanding." His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/ .

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
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