ALEX STRAUSS—It’s not enough to implore today’s capitalists to take note because they are bound by the dynamic sway of the system itself–growing profits and shareholder value, year-over-year, or bust. Fundamentally, global capitalism, which has stretched its tentacles to every corner of the Earth in its quest for value and infinite growth and expansion in a world of finite resources, poses an existential threat to planetary life.
Posted by Addison dePitt
MOA—Unlike western European countries, Russia is not led by yapping poodles. The Russian government and its people will not roll over. They have historically never done so. President Putin will start his period of governance on May 7 with a war cabinet structured and manned for conflict. He expects a long fight.
STEPHEN LENDMAN—Israeli and Saudi human rights abuses are similar, including torture and other mistreatment, arbitrary arrests and detentions, political imprisonments, denial of due process and judicial fairness, support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, as well as restrictions on speech, media, academic, and public assembly freedoms, among others. Israel terror-bombs and lethally shoots Palestinians in cold blood. The Saudis prefer public beheadings and whippings. Neither regime tolerates dissent. Guilt by accusation is automatic when trials are held – in Israel for Palestinians, in the kingdom for anyone.
PAVEL KOSHEVNIKOV—So, I went into the sauna; a stout man was sitting on the upper bench. He was the same age as I. Many of the older men in America call ourselves “old farts.” The name is not offensive to us, because we really do not care about our image, and because we like to make jokes about everything, mostly about ourselves. Usually, we old farts are nice, we love to talk, even in the sauna. Young people nowadays do not talk. They turn on their phones even in the sauna – I bet they do not know how to talk with other people. They cover their “secrets” in towels while we do not – we do not have any secrets anymore.
This is a detailed summary of military and political developments in Syria since the start of the Russian military operation until now. (2015-2018). It was prepared by Suthfront, a Russian group of independent journalists.