A Dream Match

Dateline: November 19, 2009  [print_link]

Nader v. Dodd


Ralph Nader: Rightwingers hate him.  Establishment liberals despise him (proving their political idiocy). He remains the most underappreciated statesman in America.

Ralph Nader: Rightwingers hate him. Establishment liberals despise him (proving their political idiocy). He remains the most underappreciated statesman in America.

THERE IS A WORD; a name actually. The very pronunciation of which sends a deathlike chill down the gelatinous spinal column of the self-styled “progressive” Democrat. Democrat media talking heads have even a more violent reaction. A reaction that is similar to that of the mythical, bloodsucking, soul-destroying vampire when confronted with the light of day.

There is a very good chance that Ralph Nader may run for US Senate in Connecticut in 2010. Ralph told Politico reporter Glenn Thrush “You can’t believe the number of people asking me [to run]… Right now I’d say I’m agnostic”.

Connecticut voters finally realized Dodd is a do-nothing corporate Democrat for whom they have been voting pretty much out of mindless habit. However, now that most cognizant voters realize that it was the repeal of The Glass-Steagall Act (which separated commercial and investment banking firms) that was the root cause of our current economic crisis, voters everywhere, Connecticut being no exception, are taking a hard look at corporate Democrats from Barry The Bomber on down.

The Big Five

Democrats all! Yes, the lesser evil party which has done so much to oppose the right-wing in the last 30 years it would take a volume at least the size of an entire postage stamp to enumerate.

Lemons for Clunkers
not even Bush did that!

Caution: The Green Party
The Connecticut Green Party has already announced that it would welcome Ralph Nader into the 2010 race for U. S. Senate and thinks he would have a good chance to win against current Senator Dodd.

In meeting with Green Party officers, nevertheless, Ralph should wear a large chain of garlic and carry the largest cross available since the Green Party sees itself as nothing more than a special interest group within the Democrat Party. Instead of backing Nader in 2004 and 2008 it gave indirect support to the Democrat candidate even rigging its own convention so that Nader could not possibly win the nomination. Nevertheless, the Greens are in perhaps greater need of absolution than the Democrats. Absolution is, after all, part of the last rites. Even with a Nader candidacy it is doubtful that the Green Party will see Resurrection Day.

The Corporate Parties
At least three Republicans have announced their intension to run against Dodd! They think he can be defeated too. Connecticut, despite Lieberman and Dodd, is nevertheless a liberal stronghold and it would be difficult for a Republican to win unless the Democrats (as may very well happen) stay home in droves.

The Democrat Party of Connecticut seems unable to come up with a viable primary challenge to Dodd, leaving the door open for Ralph Nader to run as an independent. Of course, Ralph could run as a Democrat. Sure he could, and the Pope could become an Anglican!

The Nader Virus

To be trite: a bull in a china shop.

If Ralph Nader were to be elected to the Senate from Connecticut it would not be long before we saw a newspaper article looking something like this:

WASHINGTON Senator Ralph Nader issued subpoenas today for the CEO’s of Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson…



You Don't Need a Trojan Horse When You Live in Troy

Obama’s Fake Fight for Reform

By JOE BAGEANT  [print_link]

Joe Bageant

Joe Bageant

Almost a year after the Great Giddy Swarming of the Obamians last November, some of the revelers are waking up with one booger of a hangover. And they are asking themselves, “What were we thinking when we had that 10th drink of Democratic Party Kool-Aid?” It was a clear cut case of seduction and date rape. The spike in the drink was of course, hope. Poor pathetic American liberals. Forever doomed to be naive freshmen at the senior beer bash.

We try to take comfort in that we won’t have to listen to or look at John McCain or Sarah Palin for four years, except in the American Legion Magazine and in Palin’s case, as a centerfold in the next issue of Middle Aged Skin.  OK, we really are grateful. But could the pathetic McCain-Palin clown act possibly have created much more havoc than what we are seeing?

Case in point: I got up this morning to the headline: “Social Security Checks to Shrink.” Surely this makes a slew of generation Xers cackle with glee. But some of us are trying to stay drunk on that check until our date with a heart attack or one of those death panels the Republicans are yammering about. Since January I’ve been telling my wife we could expect Social Security to start shrinking. Ever the concerned citizen, she replies “Cant you find another jag to get on? Eight months for god sake!”

To be honest though, I wasn’t sure just how the Social Security scam would be run on us. All I knew was that the steady stream of payments into Social Security represents the last big hog still running the woods. Sooner or later corporate interests would gut it.

Corporate interests? Yup. It’s like this. Congress and the president hands the public treasury to elite financial corporations, via bailouts, special tax breaks and cash stuffed aircraft carriers bound for their fortified French villas.   Then Congress and the administration go looking for some new scheme to the pay for the Congressional Country Club out there in Bethesda, MD, the White House heating bill and money to keep Air Force One in toilet paper and armengnac marinated quail breasts.

This newest Social Security shell game is quite a bit slicker than the previous one. The old one consisted of simply ripping the money out of the SS fund, and replacing it with bad paper — IOUs repayable in up to 100 years. Since our Social Security checks cannot be cut by law, the boys on the Hill had a problem. The solution was to raise the Medicare prescription drug premium deducted from SS payments. Now I ask you, could the old zombie war hero and the semi-slutty Alaskan have come up with anything like that? I doubt it. It takes a Harvard degree in constitutional law and a devil on your shoulder named Tim Geithenr whispering the game plays in your ear.

A poster on AlterNet named monkeywrench observed that Obama couldn’t have handed the corporate owners of this country more if he had been a Trojan Horse candidate. So prescient was the poster that I have highjacked his chain of thought herein. Could Obama be a Trojan horse? Maybe, but it would be a waste of time and effort. Trojan hoses are not necessary in a country that has only one political party anyway Big Business. You don’t need a Trojan Horse when Troy is your home. The Republicans vs. Democrats mock combat are mere bread and circuses for the clamoring crowd. Personally, I have no problem with that. I fully understand I was born under a corpocracy. But I do wish our masters grasped the importance of free alcohol in the suspension of disbelief.

Despite the traditional honeymoon, Obama marriage to the people did not start on a good note. The checking account and all the credit cards were solely in the groom’s name. Consequently we had the direct cash handout to Wall Street (smootch, smootch … Married one month and already the guy has another dame!). We howled when Bush did the same on the way out. But when Obama did Bush one better, or actually many times better, we all prayed he knew what he was doing in doing. Which was CPR on expiring bankers. But who knew? Perhaps pumping money into the bloated carcass of klepto-capitalism might revive the old trollop, eliciting those watery coughs and glazed blinks seen in drowning victims. So imagine our surprise when the ailing patient got up and kicked the hell out of the rescuers. “Whadda ya mean help out mortgage victims with some of this dough? Their job is to pay the friggin freight, stay in debt, not get out of it.” Just down the beach the stock exchange lay, also flattened by the exploding housing bubble. Aroused by the smell of money, the market sits up for a moment, manages a weak smile, then plops out again. Then sits up, then buckles … sits … buckles … sits … buckles. This is what you get for 8.5 trillion samolians?

Doc Holmes, an economics professor at our local University, a fellow much given to driving caps and whiskey sours, tells me: “The economy will fire up next year, we will see a recovery.”

“Why?” I ask.

“At the right times there will be new kinds of stimulus money.”

“So it’s like squirting starter fluid into the carburetor?”

“Sort of.”

“What if there isn’t any gas in the tank?”

“Then it will be a limited recovery.”

For this you must study eight or ten years? Now I know why I like garage mechanics better than economists. Mechanics assume the goal is to get down the road more than a mile or so.

Meanwhile, the much anticipated and loudly ballyhooed healthcare reform bill is on the stretcher and suffering a definite code blue. Not only has someone hidden the defibrillator, but packs of orchestrated brownshirts beat on the body as it is wheeled through Town Hall. Folks like monkeywrench are somewhat suspicious of the weak fight Obama has put up against the brownshirts. Millions of us watching the healthcare fight from the cheap seats have been yelling to Obama, “Punch back for christ’s sake! We know you can dance like a butterfly. Now sting like a goddamned bee!”

But we’ve seen our guy take a backroom dive for Big Pharma already. And he was barely out of the arena dressing room before he ditched the public option from his fight kit. Now he’s trying to stuff it back in without being too noticeable about it. At this point though, it doesn’t look good. And why are the GOP bookies all smiling? Dammit, they are the minority party. Doubtlesly though, we will see “The Bill” passed, then carried through the streets of the city on the shoulders of laurel crowned senators. But it will be too weak to sit up and wave at the crowd.

Stepping outside the healthcare fight arena to catch a breath of fresh air, we feel heat on the neck from our newest war, Afghanistan, which is getting hotter by the day.  Sticklers remind me that it is an expansion of an old war. Agreed. Old or new, it’s getting bigger and hotter and promises to be longer and more expensive than anyone mentioned when we agreed to pay the tab. Personally, I don’t remember agreeing to anything, but Obama calls it “our” action on behalf of democracy, so I maybe I did. I forget a lot of stuff these days. And besides, democracy, blue fingers, Afghan women set free to wear thongs in the bazaar and watch Oprah? What more could any freedom loving American ask? Well, some do ask for more; Haliburton is in Afghanistan and wants a bundle for doing the same bang-up job it did in Iraq.

Come to think of it, a lot of Americans would ask for a job. Now if anybody thought an Obama administration would be a job creation administration, they surely must be running down the street pulling out their hair and screaming, “Oh prince of my days, darest thou have me drink of this bitter betrayal?” We’ve seen an outright rejection of job creation, except for a few small showcase programs for PR purposes. So called shovel ready stuff, easily photographed and conveniently located in blue state strongholds. But then too, the bankers needed the money more.

This morning we got a new “interrogation agency” With the FBI, the CIA and the U.S. Army, we need one more? Apparently. This one is to be overseen directly by the White House. Liberals had a shit fit when Bush and Cheney did essentially the same thing. Ran a slap shop out of the White House. And they did so, we might add, without the expense of creating a new agency. There they were, just two guys smoking cigars and riding their tricycles around the Oval Office and signing off on torture memos. Now how expensive could that be?

Also, we thought it had been established that the White House was not supposed to be in that business. I might be prudish, but it’s rather unseemly for a president to be personally in charge of the republic’s ball shockers and the waterboards. We hung Saddam Hussein’s ass for that very thing (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2269346183614501083). The Obama victory was supposed to be proof of our national rejection of this.

Oh, but how could I have forgotten? We will use more fully trained “interrogators” Isn’t it at least a little chilling how that term has become so easily accepted into our daily language, or that TV series based on interrogation are broadcast into the nation’s living rooms? Spooky damned country we’ve got here.

We are assured however, that these people trained in coercion, people convinced they hold the life or death of this nation their hands, and who are sanctioned by the President of the United States himself, would never torture anyone. Never, never, never. Not even when left completely alone in some unknown site with a “high-value detainee.” Never, never, never, cross their hearts and hope to die.

On a strangely hopeful note, the CIA is pissed about the new agency having all the fun. So maybe Obama is on to something. Or maybe he’s just naïve. Maybe I am. Maybe we all are. Americans are pretty famous for being clueless. One thing I do know is this: Anyone who chooses to scare the piss out of other people for a living, coerce people in locked chambers while wearing military uniforms, or spend their life navigating dark channels of lies and deceit, no matter how noble the cause is supposed to be, is a freak. Why should we ever trust any of them?

And let’s not even talk about prosecuting that venomous old toad Cheney or his ventriloquist lap dummy, Sparky the Dry Drunk Cowboy. Sparky, tell the people what you learned today. ” “Mission accomplished! Yuk, yuk, yuk! And get your hand out of my ass Dick! Why is there no prosecution of any of the Bush administration for all those smoldering Iraqi babies? Because Obama says we need to go forward and not look back. Personally, I don’t feel very good about turning my back while such genocidal torturing creeps still are at large.

The capitalist royalty’s quo of capitalist remains in place, yes with a few cosmetic changes in credit cards and mortgages, but nevertheless AFTER both industries made off with their greatest haul in history. For the owning class corporate elites, the so-called reforms are gnat bites, irritating but easily overcome. Legions of Harvard MBAs are working on how to thwart those laws as we speak.  Organizations that do the same without friends in Congress are called racketeers.

To his everlasting credit, Obama did deliver on his main promise. Hope. And that’ sure as hell all we’re left holding. Well, that and a national debt so big we’ve all quit counting. The debt is like one of those PBS Nova astronomy specials after the first few billion you don’t care how many stars there are in the universe, you’d rather watch The Office. Which feels a lot more like real life than the media’s news reports, wherein well coiffed blondes prattle about the consumer index and the coming Thanksgiving shopping season. As if the country were not dead broke and the Chinese loan sharks were not standing out there under the street light.

The sharks had better be willing to take their due in cash.  We’ve got plenty of that. The presses over at the U.S. Mint are running so hot the printers wear barbecue gloves. But the last of the real money, the real stuff we borrowed from countries that actually produce something of value, is gone, left the building years ago, when it was hauled up to the 35th floor executive lounges on Wall Street, then swapped out for Yuan and Euros.

Unfortunately I’m stuck here in the States for a couple more months watching the miserable set of national affairs that ensued. Since the boys in the executive lounge cashed in. I’ve decided to cash in too. By going into the umbrella business. Because it’s sure to rain more crap on the rest of us left down here in the streets.

Joe Bageantjoebageant.com.

Crazy "warmonger" Chávez proved wrong again…

Story by Aporrea: [print_link]

Miguel D'Escoto. Right on all counts.

Miguel D'Escoto. Right on all counts.

During the event, organized by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), D’Escoto assured that the installation of seven US military bases in Colombia constitutes “a hand-over of an entire country’s sovereignty to imperialism.”

“It is cynical of Colombia to say that Chávez has a bellicose attitude. It is time to put our feet on the ground and realize what are the true intentions of the United States and their interference in the peoples of Latin America,” D’Escoto said.

There is a dictatorship in the United States, and a demonstration of it is the politics of the Obama government, which promised change during the presidential campaign, which it has not brought about, according to D’Escoto, a Catholic priest and former Sandinista foreign minister from Nicaragua.

“President Obama is well aware of what will happen to him if he follows the route of ‘change’ he promised,” D’Escoto said.

You will not hear those words from His Barackness, of course, or even from Hillary Clinton herself, but from the lower-level flunkies–sorry, “specialists” and “spokespersons”. (I almost wrote “spookspersons”, and I’m sure that slip was not just of my fast typing fingers, but of a Freudian nature. Heh, heh.)

It’s very tempting to think that a guy who promises hope ‘n’ change will actually follow through when it comes to LatAm, but I would never bet on it. Every successive US administration for over a century has done nothing there but deepen and further the capitalist exploitation. They will never get the message that it’s time to start treating the locals with respect and dignity; that it’s time to start talking to them as equals; that it’s time to negotiate in good faith, not with the old ever-failing “carrot and stick” approach.

It’s certainly not for lack of trying on the part of sovereign governments; every reasonable approach they’ve taken to initiating dialogue has been studiously ignored and even flat-out

And if you think that’s bad, remember–Dubya had no time for the ‘Cito whatsoever. He did, however, have time for this chirpy chupacabra of the opposition, named María Corina Machado:


Telegenic Venezuelan oligarch Machado had no difficulty getting an audience with GWB.

Telegenic Venezuelan oligarch Machado had no difficulty getting an audience with GWB.


See what I mean by insult?


Anyhow. Anyone with an eye can see that it’s not about drugs at all. Colombia is, as Chavecito says, not sovereign. How can it be, when its own president is deeply enmeshed with the right-wing paramilitaries and known even to the State Dept. as an old friend of the late drug lord Pablo Escobar? Does anyone seriously believe that this cat has changed his stripes?

And another thing: Who seriously believes that the gringos are going to take orders from Colombia? US militaries take orders only from their higher-ups in Washington. They’re not under the command of Bogotá. These guys are there as intermediaries between the Pentagon and the Colombian army. It will be Colombia co-operating with Washington, not the other way around.

And suddenly, it makes all the sense in the world that Chavecito’s bombing bridges being used by Colombian smugglers and paramilitaries to sneak into Venezuela. It also makes sense that he’s calling on soldiers and civilians alike to be vigilant against Colombian incursions on Venezuelan soil. It makes sense that he would reject “mediation” by the US in the alleged dispute with Colombia (this dispute is not with Colombia, it’s with the US!) And it makes sense that he’s mulling a law to make it possible for the Venezuelan military to shoot down any aircraft known to belong to Colombian drug smugglers. This isn’t bellicosity; it’s prudence. It’s also an exercise in national self-defence and sovereignty. And it’s something that no foreigner has any right to criticize, much less mischaracterize as Washington has been doing–just as much by crapaganda hacks of the Obama administration as by those of its predecessors.

The pattern is already clear in how they’re treating the Honduras coup–Obama is no better than Bush where LatAm is concerned.

In other words: Damn that crazy Chavecito, he’s right again!

White House Plans Sham Jobs Forum

By Glen Ford, BAR executive editor

Dateline 11/18/2009 [print_link]

“The administration is determined to keep spending down, now that Wall Street has already gotten its trillions.”


unemployment-300x225Don’t expect anything meaningful from next month’s White House Forum on Jobs. In announcing the December event, a noncommittal even reluctant-looking President Obama said it was the government’s “obligation to consider every additional responsible step we can” to deal with joblessness, officially standing at 10.2 percent overall and 15.7 percent for Blacks. There was the palpable sense that the Administration felt bum-rushed by congressional Democrats who are beginning to panic at their prospects for re-election during a jobless recovery-for-the-rich.

On the heels of the initial announcement, the White House felt compelled to narrow the forum’s scope [1] and tamp down expectations among the Democratic base. The event would not be an occasion to discuss a second stimulus package, said an Obama aid. The president was telling the Left, Don’t even think about a big, new jobs program, it ain’t happening. For Obama’s soul mates in the finance capitalist class, the clarification was reassurance that the administration is determined to keep spending down, now that Wall Street has already gotten its trillions.

Although the double-edged message from the White House was quite clear, the most prominent voices in civil rights and labor chose to pretend they hadn’t gotten the drift. Obama should act to “directly create jobs that put people to work helping communities meet pressing needs, especially in distressed communities facing severe unemployment,” said a joint statement by the leaders of the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, the AFL-CIO, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the Economic Policy Institute, and the Center for Community Change.

“There was the palpable sense that the Administration felt bum-rushed by congressional Democrats who are beginning to panic at their prospects for re-election during a jobless recovery-for-the-rich.”

Diehard Obamites, with only their own wishful thinking as a guide, still cling to the notion that the president secretly longs to be forced to come to the aid of workers and people of color. If they beg respectfully enough, and withhold judgment on the administration’s actual record and behavior long enough, it is fervently believed that the president will hear the voices of his better angels.

But Obama has already baldly stated his views on targeted aid to Black America and other “distressed communities facing severe unemployment.” Back on April 29, at the president’s “first 100 days” press conference, BET reporter Andre Showell [2] used very similar language to ask Obama’s intentions regarding Black unemployment that was, “as you know, in the double digits.” Showell phrased his inquiry, this way:

“My question to you tonight is given this unique and desperate circumstance, what specific policies can you point to that will target these communities and what’s the timetable for us to see tangible results?”

Obama responded with a version of the old canard that a “rising tide lifts all boats”:

“So my general approach is that if the economy is strong, that it will lift all boats as long as it is also supported by, for example, strategies around college affordability and job training, tax cuts for working families as opposed to the wealthiest that level the playing field and ensure bottom-up economic growth.”

“The six civil rights and labor organizations seem not to take their president seriously.”

Obama is philosophically opposed to targeted programs that might directly impact on Black unemployment, and he has served notice he will entertain no proposals at the Jobs Forum for a new, general economic stimulus. But the six civil rights and labor organizations seem not to take their president seriously. What is certain is that Obama will not take them seriously as long as their mild-mannered requests are unaccompanied by credible threats to his administration’s and party’s political health.

The Six Petitioners, if I may call them that, also “urgently call for” [3] extended unemployment benefits, “substantial fiscal relief to state and local governments,” new investment in infrastructure, expanded public service jobs, and transfer of Wall Street “troubled asset” bailout money to small businesses that would likely create jobs. Of these, only extended jobless benefits and token aid to small business stand a chance of garnering meaningful support from the White House. And Democrats in Congress will not move decisively without the president’s approval.

What Obama appears to be planning for December is a talk-fest designed to give the impression that his White House is an honest broker seeking consensus solutions to a national jobless crisis that requires both “new ideas” and “cherished values” and other such nonsense. Even Obama had difficulty summoning up enthusiasm for the charade, when announcing the event. The First Black President’s empty diversions no longer hold his own attention.

BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com [4]

Source URL: http://www.blackagendareport.com/?q=content/white-house-plans-sham-jobs-forum

[1] http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE5AB30M20091112
[2] http://www.blackagendareport.com/?q=content/obama-preserves-entrenched-power-sidesteps-racial-disparities
[3] http://www.politicalaffairs.net/article/articleview/9175/
[4] mailto:Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com
[5] http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http://www.blackagendareport.com/?q=content/white-house-plans-sham-jobs-forum&linkname=White House Plans Sham Jobs Forum

The American fascistoid streak runs deep

Patrice Greanville [print_link]

Many Americans have been brought up in a self-flattering culture that for the most part denies the profound contributions–in thought and example–made by some of their compatriots to Fascist ideology. Fact is, a number of prominent Nazi figures read and adapted many notions advanced in the American antebellum about race, and followed with great attention the blossoming of “eugenics” throughout the Anglo-American sphere in the last quarter of the 19th century. Mussolini, for his part, a voracious reader with a reluctant fascination for things American, took note of the use of street toughs to advance political agendas.  While he did not need explicit lessons about the use of intimidation, some of the lessons he picked up by reading the exploits of William “Bill the Butcher” Poole, a 1850s street-tough nativist/Know-Nothing leader and mobster eulogized in Martin Scorsese’s Gangs of New York, reinforced his belief that politics in a fragile democracy could be shaped akmost at will through the deliberate administratioin of muscle.

A less colorful and largely forgotten case of native proto-fascism is that of conservation pioneer Madison Grant, a complex, retiring individual brimming with contradictions. As the Wiki entry reminds us:

Madison Grant (November 19, 1865 – May 30, 1937) was an American lawyer, historian, racist and anthropologist, known primarily for his work as a eugenicist and conservationist. As a eugenicist, Grant was responsible for one of the most famous works of scientific racism, and played an active role in crafting strong immigration restriction and anti-miscegenation laws in the United States. As a conservationist, Grant was credited with the saving of many different species of animals, founding many different environmental and philanthropic organizations and developing much of the discipline of wildlife management.

A rigid system of selection through the elimination of those who are weak or unfit — in other words social failures — would solve the whole question in one hundred years, as well as enable us to get rid of the undesirables who crowd our jails, hospitals, and insane asylums. The individual himself can be nourished, educated and protected by the community during his lifetime, but the state through sterilization must see to it that his line stops with him, or else future generations will be cursed with an ever increasing load of misguided sentimentalism. This is a practical, merciful, and inevitable solution of the whole problem, and can be applied to an ever widening circle of social discards, beginning always with the criminal, the diseased, and the insane, and extending gradually to types which may be called weaklings rather than defectives, and perhaps ultimately to worthless race types.