Reposted: The Single Party French State … as the Majority of Voters Abstain


 ORIGINALLY POSTED The growing unease in the French electorate and its progressive rejection of electoral politics reminds us that the problem is global and systemic, inherent in the disempowering dynamic of capitalism.

French legislative elections follow hard on the heels of the Presidential election.  The momentum virtually ensures a presidential majority.  So it was taken for granted that voters would give President Emmanuel Macron a docile parliament for his five-year mandate.

But these elections were exceptional.  The victory of Macron’s personal party, la République En Marche (REM), is novel in several ways.  Not only has REM won an absolute majority of 350 out of 577 seats in the National Assembly.  REM’s victory has also bled the two traditional governing parties, the Republicans and the Socialists, perhaps fatally.

With over 130 seats, the Republican Party of former President Nicolas Sarkozy and its allies came in second, and thus ranks as leading opposition party.  But since Macron successfully lured two Republican politicians into prominent positions in his government – Edouard Philippe as Prime Minister and Bruno LeMaire as Economics Minister – it is hard even for the Republicans’ current leader, François Baroin, to explain just what they will oppose.  How can they be a “right-wing opposition” to a government that intends to tear down the Labor Code, leaving workers at the mercy of employers, to deregulate the economy, to privatize, and to promote European militarization?

The plight of the Socialists is even more dire.  Despite their strong historic implantation throughout the country, they won only 29 seats (which with small party allies gives them a group of 45 deputies).  Most of the prominent members of Hollande’s government who dared to run were defeated. Former Prime Minister Manuel Valls’ close victory in the town where he used to be mayor is being vehemently contested, by angry crowds, with accusations of cheating.

As an opposition party, the Socialists’ predicament is even worse than that of the Republicans.  Macron was a pet advisor to Socialist President François Hollande, a minister of economics in his government, and was sponsored by leading Socialists as a way to perpetuate their own surrender to high finance. Since many of leading Socialist Party personalities have joined or endorsed Macron, the survivors are not sure whether to support him – or how not to.  The confusion is total.

The result is that by cannibalizing the two discredited government parties, and adding a large contingent of political amateurs (described as representatives of “civil society”), Macron and his madtomadnessteam have succeeded in creating a new form of single party state.   The new majority of deputies in the National Assembly are not there to represent ideas, or a program, or local constituencies, but simply to represent… Emmanuel Macron.  From the looks of it, he can do whatever he wants, and the parliament will approve.

Macron’s victory was both overwhelming and underwhelming.  All records of abstention were broken; for the first time in over a century, a majority of eligible voters stayed away from the polls in the first round of the parliamentary elections, and abstention rose to 57% in the second round.  He owes his landslide to less than 20% of registered voters.

There is no doubt that the election results reveal a rejection of traditional parties, of politicians, and to some extent even a rejection of electoral politics.  This is a foreseeable result of the so-called “power of the markets” – which disempower the voters.  Political elites have surrendered to the dictates of financial capital, primarily through the intermediary of the European Union, where economic policy is designed and imposed on Member States.  Presented as “new”, Macron is simply more intent than his predecessors on pushing through EU economic policies, on behalf of the big banks and at the expense of everyone else.  But many of those who voted for him did so fatalistically: “let’s give him a chance”, like playing the lottery.

Indeed, Macron ran as himself, “young, vigorous, optimistic” in a time of pessimism, and not as a program. And the election season showed that personalities counted more than parties or programs.  The two most charismatic personalities in French politics, Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, after their strong scores in the presidential elections, were both comfortably elected to the National Assembly from friendly districts (he in Marseilles and she in the depressed industrial north), but their followers did not rush to the polls to support their respective parties.   Mélenchon’s party, La France Insoumise, won only 17 seats, which together with ten communists could make a group of 27 deputies.

As for Marine Le Pen, her National Front won only eight seats, four from the traditionally socialist north (including Marine), and four from the right-leaning south (including Marine’s life partner, Louis Aliot).   That reflects the ideological division in the party.  In the Calais region, the winning National Front leader was a former regional Communist Party leader, José Evrard, who comes from a family of coal miners and anti-Nazi resistants.  The intellectual leader of the left tendency, Florian Philippot, was not elected, but plans to work to create a broader “sovereignist” movement opposing Macron’s drive to integrate France irreparably into Western globalizing economic and military structures.

In short, President Emmanuel Macron is intent on using his unprecedented single party powers to reduce the power of France by intensifying its commitment to globalization.  But how much power does he really have, or is he an instrument of other powers?

Chief power guru, Jacques Attali, tends to glorify himself shamelessly, but when he says that he is “very proud” of having launched Macron’s brilliant career, he is telling the unchallenged truth.  As for the next President after Macron, Attali claims to know “who she is”, as well.

But whoever he or she may be, Attali’s point is that genuine power is not exercised by politicians any more, but by financial institutions. The President of the Republic has much less

power than people think, he told a recent television panel.  One reason is the euro, he said, which “means that a large part of economic policy has fortunately become European.

Decentralization, major investments and major infrastructures are no longer up to the State. Globalization and the market have won hands down.  There are a large number of things that were thought to be up to the government and no longer are.”

Presidents “no longer have real power over society.”

As for getting out of the clutches of European dictates, Attali boasts that those who, like himself, took part in writing the first versions of the EU treaties “made sure that getting out is no longer possible.”

“The market is going to spread to sectors to which it hasn’t had access until now such as health, education, the courts, the police, foreign affairs…” The outcome will be a dominant market which causes more and more concentration of wealth, growing inequality, absolute priority to the short term and to the tyranny of the present instant and of money, Attali concedes cynically.

A fairly realistic sense of powerlessness underlies the high abstention rate and the search for a providential leader.  Since the Socialists and the Republicans have been contaminated with Macronism, the serious parliamentary opposition is reduced to the small party of Mélenchon and the still smaller party of Marine Le Pen.  Mélenchon has the oratorical skill to be the leading opposition voice within and even outside the new Parliament.  Marine still commands strong personal loyalty.  But as long as they fail to find common ground, the Macron machine will play on their differences to marginalize them as the “extreme right” and the “extreme left”.  And French democracy will continue to be disempowered by global governance.  The single party state is at least an accurate expression of that reality.


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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report


The Charge of the Invisible Army of Kremlin Trolls

There is no holiday truce in the propaganda war. On Christmas day, The Washington Post offered its readers a scare story entitled “Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options.”

The article is long – nearly 4000 words. The only part that is sure to be read in these busy times of short attention spans is the headline, whose two themes are rich in subliminal messages.

First, a slash and burn operation by an army of Kremlin trolls is laying waste to the Internet. Second, official Washington in its benevolent innocence is having trouble facing up to this nefarious threat.

Let’s take these two themes one at a time.

Invasion of the Troll Army

The journalistic peg for this story is a phantom freelance journalist named Alice Donovan whose “first email arrived in the inbox of CounterPunch, a left-leaning American news and opinion website, at 3:26 a.m. – the middle of the day in Moscow.”


Drawing on its abundant intelligence community sources, the WaPo article continues: “The FBI was tracking Donovan as part of a months-long counterintelligence operation code-named ‘NorthernNight.’ Internal bureau reports described her as a pseudonymous foot soldier in an army of Kremlin-led trolls seeking to undermine America’s democratic institutions.”

Now, it is interesting to note that the only evidence provided in this article for “Russia’s army of trolls” (the expression pops up again) is the existence of this pseudonymous foot soldier named Alice Donovan. And the only evidence of her existence is numerous articles published on about a dozen websites over the past two years. Because when CounterPunch, alarmed by the FBI, attempted to find out who she is, it was unable to do so.

So, in this account, one ephemeral foot soldier is cited as proof of an “army.”

This should immediately raise questions. Why was the FBI investigating someone whose only trace of existence was authorship of website articles? It couldn’t be investigating “a person,” since apparently no one knows who this person is. So it was investigating a website writer. Why? What was its criterion?

“As the 2016 presidential election heated up,” the article continues, Alice Donovan “seemed to be doing the Kremlin’s bidding by stoking discontent toward Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and touting WikiLeaks, which US officials say was a tool of Russia’s broad influence operation to affect the presidential race.”

In short, “stoking discontent” toward Hillary is the distinguishing sign of being “a tool” of a Russian operation. Incidentally, there are a lot of us who did just that. I am one of them, having written a whole book of discontent toward Hillary. Are we all under FBI investigation?

Is it or is it not the mission of the FBI to run a counterintelligence operation investigating website writers who digress from the official Washington line on Hillary Clinton, Russia and Syria? Alice Donovan did so but her pieces were relatively mild. Why should she be singled out for an FBI counterintelligence operation?

Why was CounterPunch warned against her and not against all of us who write such articles?

The not-so-subliminal message was: any article submitted to a website that contradicts the official line may be the work of sinister Kremlin agents. The evidence: they’ve found one! Its name is Alice Donovan. So be very careful what you publish.

Of course, the “evidence” is just as invisible as all the “proof” of Russian subversion produced so far by US security agencies. Nobody has seen Alice Donovan. Nobody has talked with her. So far, there is no proof of her existence. But that has not prevented leading mainstream media from proclaiming her as exhibit A for Alice in the media prosecution of Vladimir Putin for “undermining our democracy.”

“The FBI, in keeping with its standard practice in counterintelligence investigations, has kept a close hold on information about Donovan and other suspected Russian personas peddling messages inside the United States,” according to the WaPo. But not such a close hold that it refrained from unnerving CounterPunch editors with suggestions that it was facilitating a Kremlin cyberwar, or from passing along confidential intelligence reports to the most influential newspaper in the Nation’s Capital, whose ties to the CIA are longstanding.

If Alice Donovan is such a threat, why not expose her/his/its identity?

Reacting to FBI warnings, CounterPunch did its own investigation and came up with significant facts.

First, since it was impossible to trace “Alice Donovan,” the FBI must have been alerted by the writings, not by the person. When and how did the snoopers discover that she was apparently using a pseudonym? Did they know that first, meaning that the FBI equated pen names with Russian subversion? But what counts in an article is above all the content, not the signature. Throughout history, writers have used pen names as protection from potential persecution. The FBI exchange with CounterPunch indicates an intention to warn “left-leaning” websites not to publish anonymous articles, which could be a first step toward excluding persons who have something to say but fear getting in trouble because their views are unorthodox, especially in a period of intensifying witch hunts.

But the most significant fact emerging from CounterPunch’s own investigation is that articles by “Alice Donovan” failed to introduce some new strain of Russian propaganda into American cyberspace. They were not at all original. The phantom commentator picked up pieces of articles found on other left-leaning websites, and pasted them together as her own. The articles were cut and paste – in a word plagiarism.

That is the smoking gun, and the fingerprints are not Russian.

Indeed, in as much as there was nothing new, nothing particular sensational, no great “fake news” revelation in the Donovan prose, what could the “Kremlin” hope to gain? Why attempt to “undermine our democracy” with a few shadows of other existing internet articles?

This simply makes no sense.

There is another hypothesis, however, that does make sense. It is clear from the very creation of Operation NorthernNight that the FBI was charged with the task of producing proof that Internet dissidence has its origins in a Putin plot. But when such evidence turns out to be difficult or impossible to find, it can be manufactured instead – just as a certain number of “terrorist plots” have been manufactured by luring some gullible fool into a sting operation. It could be well worth the trouble of the FBI to entrap leftist publications into publishing articles that could be “exposed” as “Kremlin propaganda.” It is obvious that the Deep State is desperate for “evidence” to back up their Russia-is-destroying-our-democracy fairy tale, and this would fit right in. The invention of “Alice Donovan” could provide such “evidence.”

If you were an FBI hack, commissioned to write articles to be signed by “Alice Donovan,” how would you go about it? As an FBI hack, you probably have no idea how to write such an article. The easiest way would be to copy what real “left-leaning” authors had written. The Donovan papers added nothing to what was already in the public domain. They said nothing that other writers had not written, and that might risk further poisoning the minds of gullible Americans. She just cut and pasted. That would be a most convenient way to “invent” a fictional Russian troll – set her loose among the websites and then “discover” the scandal. Just a new twist on the FBI’s perennial entrapment ploys. A variation on the theme of sting operations. We lure you into doing something we can accuse you of. But it is the “left-leaning” websites that are lured into having published “fake news” by a “Kremlin troll.” This should teach them to be careful!

There is indeed no proof that “Alice Donovan” is a creation of the FBI undercover operation known as NorthernNight, just as there is no proof that “Alice Donovan” was a creation of a Kremlin disinformation campaign. However, there is proof that the FBI undercover operation existed. From its secret sources, The Washington Post reveals that a “previously unreported order – a sweeping presidential finding to combat global cyberthreats – prompted  US spy agencies to plan a half-dozen specific operations to counter the Russian threat.” Why couldn’t “Alice Donovan” have been one of those operations?

On the other hand, the Kremlin disinformation campaign is still a matter of speculation – despite all the mainstream reports based, like this one claims to be, on “interviews with dozens of current and former senior US officials at the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and US and European intelligence services, as well as NATO representatives and top European diplomats.”

Since all those interviews are anonymous, what makes them more credible than an anonymous blogger? Where is the evidence – of anything?

This whole article is built on the a priori assumption of the existence of “an army of Kremlin trolls” out to destroy American democracy. The theme is imaginatively elaborated on, but never supported by solid facts.

Saving Trump From the Trolls

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f the first theme in the article is designed to intimidate “left-leaning” websites, obliging them to toe the official line, and henceforth threatened with accusations of colluding with “the Kremlin’s army of trolls” if they do not do so, the second theme is indirectly addressed to Trump. The subliminal message: jump onto the anti-Russia bandwagon and you may not be impeached after all.

This message was delivered by innuendo. Whereas the whole “Russian fake news” campaign got off the ground as a way to explain the preposterous election of Donald Trump, and also as a way to discredit the despised president and prepare his destitution, the tone has changed. Now, the WaPo reports, Trump is not a beneficiary but a target of Russian disinformation:

“After Trump took office, Russia’s army of trolls began to shift their focus within the United States, according to  US intelligence reports. Instead of spreading messages to bolster Trump, they returned to their long-held objective of sowing discord in US society and undermining American global influence. Trump’s presidency and policies became a Russian disinformation target.”

“Donovan and other Kremlin-backed personas” began attacking the Trump administration for, among other things, supporting “terrorists” and authorizing military strikes that killed children in Syria.

“‘They are all about disruption,’ said a former official briefed on the intelligence. ‘They want a distracted United States that can’t counter Vladimir Putin’s ambitions’.”

What ambitions are those? According to Washington informants, Putin wanted to “make up for its diminished military” by seizing on “influence campaigns and cyberwarfare as equalizers.”

Now, one might think that if all Russia can muster to “equalize” the United States’ unprecedented military machine is an army of Alice Donovans, all those security experts in Washington should relax and stop worrying.

According to this tale, that is just what they did, convinced that “it was all over and we’d won the propaganda war”. Then came – horrors! – RT, a Russian sponsored American television channel that offers viewers a vision of the news that strikes the Washington Post like an exorcism chant.

Poor, Fragile America

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o now US security officials run whimpering to The Washington Post, claiming that top policy-makers were misled by “a misguided belief in the resilience of American society and its democratic institutions.” Miscalculations and “bureaucratic inertia” left the United States “vulnerable to Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election”… The world’s greatest democracy turns out to be a house of cards.

What a confession! It turns out that if the Russians huff and puff, they can blow the house down.

“I thought our ground was not as fertile,” said Antony J. Blinken, President Barack Obama’s deputy secretary of state. “We believed that the truth shall set you free, that the truth would prevail. That proved a bit naive.”

Gee whiz, the guys in Washington are just too honest to dream of the nasty things those mean Russians can do. But now The Washington Post is there, hand in hand with “the intelligence community,” to warn us, and to warn you, Mr. Trump, that the Russians are the bad guys out to destroy America and you must do everything to stop them.

These complaints have a familiar ring. Whenever the Pentagon is gearing up to bomb some hapless country into regime change, we hear the same chorus from the mainstream media, from intelligence experts and high officials “on conditions of anonymity,” as well as from assorted semi-governmental “non-governmental” human rights organizations, proclaiming that American leaders must be awakened from their idealistic dreams in order to stop the latest Hitler from doing whatever it is such villains do. Of course, America’s naive leaders are just too kind and innocent to take this latest terrible threat seriously – until alerted by diligent spooks and their mainstream media collaborators. We’ve heard this again and again. Remember how human rights advocates had to nag and nag the gentle US war machine to get it to bomb Serbia, to bomb Libya, to arm “good” Syrian rebels. Official America is so good and trusting that it has to be forced to take necessary defensive action.

So come on, Trump, just wake up to the Putin cyberthreat, and all will be forgiven. [/su_spoiler]

 Diana Johnstone is an American political writer based in Paris, France. She focuses primarily on European politics and Western foreign policy. Johnstone gained a BA in Russian Area Studies and a Ph.D. in French Literature from the University of Minnesota. She was active in the movement against the Vietnam War, organizing the first international contacts between American citizens and Vietnamese representatives. Most of Johnstone's adult life has been spent in France, Germany, and Italy.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report


Why The ‘Progressive’ Historian Stephen Cohen Refuses To Call A U.S. Coup A “Coup”


Not only was the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 a coup, which ended Ukraine’s brief democracy and destroyed the country, but it was an extremely bloody coup, which was perpetrated by the U.S. Government; and, yet, U.S. ‘news’media still even today refuse to call it a “coup” at all; and none acknowledge that it had been long planned and was carried out under the direction of, the Administration of U.S. President Barack Obama, who constantly lied through his teeth about the entire matter and blamed Russia for everything, and even had the gall to impose economic sanctions against Russia for Russia’s entirely reasonable and just reaction to it. In other words, this was, not only — as the head of the private CIA firm Stratfor admitted — “the most blatant coup in history,” but it was a U.S. coup, which America’s ’news’media (which are owned by the same billionaires who effectively own the U.S. Government) continue to hide from their audiences and to lie about, even when their media refer to it at all.

America’s so-called ‘progressive’ so-called ’news’media claim to be bastions of honesty in American journalism, but their coverage of Ukraine and of Russia since the coup in Ukraine, and of the resultant return of “The Cold War” — which are massively important historical developments that have shaken, to the core, and transformed, international relations — has been and remains a blatant lie, as will be documented here, with special attention to a prominent contributing editor at The Nation, and elite scholar of Russian history, the putatively ‘progressive’ Stephen F. Cohen, who beats around the bush as to what it actually was, refuses to refer to it as an American coup, and refuses to state clearly the fact that this coup had nothing at all to do with U.S. national security, but was purely a criminal U.S. operation, from start to finish, which President Donald Trump is continuing, by stepping-up U.S. weapons-sales to the fascist regime that Obama installed.

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]ohen’s article was published in The Nation on January 3rd, and titled, “Four Years of Ukraine and the Myths of Maidan: The history of the Ukrainian crisis, which has made everything it affected worse, is distorted by political myths and American media malpractice.” It’s allegedly “By Stephen F. Cohen,” but there’s no clarity on why it says such things as “Cohen sees,” “Which brings Cohen to,” “Cohen points out,” and “Cohen concludes.” It seems to be such an amateurishly edited and badly written article, that one can’t safely attribute any quotation in it to Professor Cohen himself, and one can only trust that the person who did write it was being entirely accurate in the paraphrases of Cohen that the article employs. However, as we shall see, there’s good reason to distrust the magazine itself, even if that article represents with 100% accuracy Dr. Cohen’s expressed views (and I think that it does truthfully represent his actual statements).

The article opens by saying:

Cohen argues that the Ukrainian crisis, which unfolded in late 2013 and early 2014 and which led to Crimea’s annexation by (or “reunification with”) Russia and to the still ongoing US-Russian proxy war in eastern Ukraine, is a seminal event of the 21st century.

Later it says:

Two conflicting narratives of the Ukrainian crisis have been a major factor in preventing its resolution. One, promoted by Washington and the US-backed [note that it doesn’t say “US-installed”] government in Kiev, blames only “aggression” by the Kremlin and specifically by Russian President Putin. The other, promoted by Moscow and rebel forces in eastern Ukraine, which it supports, blames “aggression” by the European Union and NATO, both inspired by Washington. Cohen sees enough bad intent, misconceptions, and misperceptions to go around, but on balance thinks Moscow’s narrative, almost entirely deleted from US mass media, is closer to the historical realities of 2013–2014:

Then it starts building a case that, if the overthrow of Yanukovych wasn’t really a democratic action, then the EU is to blame — the very idea that the U.S. Government might have been the perpetrator is entirely absent from this obscurantist screed. It says that, in 2013,

for whatever reason, … the EU leadership … refused

Ukraine’s very reasonable offer for joining the EU. However, it hides the key facts here, which include especially that the EU was insisting upon terms, for accepting Ukraine’s application for membership in the European Union, which Ukraine’s academy of sciences estimated would cost the Ukrainian Government “$160 billion by 2017” (and see more on that here). (Furthermore, the evidence is clear that the leadership of the EU were shocked, after the fact, to find out that it had actually been a coup, and this proves that they hadn’t been anticipating anything of the sort — which means that The Nation’s article misrepresents by suggesting that maybe the source of what happened in Ukraine was “the EU leadership.”) Then, it says:

The “march” on Ukraine had long been under way. The EU agreement — purportedly only economic and civilizational — included provisions binding the new “partner” to NATO “military and security” policy. (The intent was clear, with President George W. Bush having proposed to fast-track NATO membership for Ukraine in 2008, only to be vetoed by Germany and France.)

This way of suggesting that the EU was moving forward with the Republican President Bush’s plan here, indicates clearly that there was very long-term coordination of policy between the U.S. Government and the EU, to lure Ukraine into the EU, and that there was no requirement from the U.S. side that the EU’s offer to Ukraine would be at all attractive to Ukraine’s Government. And that much in the article is true. In other words: This was a set-up, by the U.S.-EU team, but The Nation isn’t indicating which of those two — the U.S, or the EU — was the leader of the team. Ignorance of the answer to that key question is inexcusable, however, because the answer to it had already been made very clear on 4 February 2014, 22 days prior to the overthrow itself, which was the moment when Obama’s agent handling the Ukraine matter, Victoria Nuland, informed the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine whom to get appointed to run the post-coup regime, and when she blurted out “F—k the EU!” because the EU leadership had wanted a moderate, Wladimir Klitschko, to head the new government, and she insisted on a rabidly anti-Russian fascist, “Yats” Yatsenyuk, who did receive the appointment — and then this “Yats” promptly started an ethnic cleansing operation in eastern Ukraine to eliminate the over 90% of the people there who had voted for the man whom Obama had just ousted. The new Ukrainian regime needed to get rid of those people if it were to have any likelihood of being able to remain in power beyond its first election. The only (and merely vague) reference to any of this reality, in The Nation’s article of slippery words, is the merely parenthetical:

(A phone conversation between the leading State Department official involved and the US ambassador to Ukraine plotting the makeup of a successor government became public.)

Then comes:

Which brings Cohen to another prevailing media myth: that what occurred on Maidan in February 2014 was a “democratic revolution.” Whether it was in fact a “revolution” can be left to future historians.

It was actually “the most blatant coup in history.” And then comes:

As for “democratic,” removing a legally elected president by threatening his life hardly qualifies.

Then, comes the remarkable statement asserting vaguely, and only in a subordinate clause so that it’s presumed to be not very important, that “this was a coup,” but that it was either “spontaneous” (which would mean that it wasn’t planned by the U.S. or anyone and was therefore no coup at all but more like an un-led riot) or else “by high-level actors in the West” — and here is that obscurantist and confusing passage (and, as always, author unknown, though supposedly “By Stephen C. Cohen”):

Though the overthrow involved people in the streets, this was a coup. How much of it was spontaneous and how much directed, or inspired, by high-level actors in the West also remains unclear.

Then comes the article’s only actual description of the event, and only reference to its violence (“snipers”):

The rush to seize Yanukovych’s residence was triggered by snipers who killed some 80 or more protesters and policemen on Maidan. It was long said that the snipers had been sent by Yanukovych, but it has now been virtually proven that the shooters were instead from the neo-fascist group Right Sector among the protesters on the square. (See, for example, the reports of the scholar Ivan Katchanovski.)

The antidemocratic origins of today’s Kiev regime continue to afflict it.

Whether those “antidemocratic origins” even included the U.S. regime in Washington — which had actually (since at least 2011) planned and led the whole thing and then dictated whom the new Ukrainian leaders would be — wasn’t mentioned. Where it says “the reports of the scholar Ivan Katchanovski,” the link is to an article which likewise doesn’t use the word “coup” to describe it, and which links to Kathchanovski’s paper, which itself uses the word “coup” twice, first saying that Yanukovych called it a “coup” (which doesn’t prove anything), and second again referring to Yanukovych’s having called it a “coup.” So: The Nation has here left its readers twice removed from two vague assertions that the man who was overthrown called it a “coup.” Furthermore, that description attributes the violence solely to Ukraine’s own Right Sector Party, not at all to its paymaster, much less to a foreign government, much less to the U.S. Government (which might as well have written The Nation’s entire article, in order to keep the Democratic Party’s voters’ support of the fascist Ukrainian regime that the Democrat, Obama, had installed).

Then, the article says:

Indeed, Cohen concludes, if the media insists on condemning Trump for mangled narratives and dubious international entanglements, they might want to focus on former vice president Joseph Biden. It has long been known that President Obama put him in charge of the administration’s “Ukrainian project.”

So: The Nation’s argument here is that Trump continues not Obama’s policy but Biden’s policy. Now, why would they say that? Perhaps in order to smear both Biden and Trump but not Obama and also not the actual person who handled this assignment, who was Victoria Nuland, who worked under Hillary Clinton in the State Department, and whom Obama forced upon John Kerry when he took over as Secretary of State, and Nuland and Kerry were practically at war against each other, under Obama, who repeatedly backed her against himagain, and again. And he did it also on Syria-policy. (And, regarding the case of Syria, Obama sided yet again with Nuland against Kerry.) The sweet-talking slickster Obama was the problem in all of this. But a ‘news’medium that’s beholden to Democratic Party billionaires in order to stay in business is no more trustworthy than is a ‘news’medium that’s beholden to Republican Party billionaires in order to stay in business.

Now, if one reads here, one will find out that the ownership of The Nation has always been in the hands of ‘progressive’ aristocrats. The current owner is also mentioned there, Katrina vanden Heuvel. She happens to be Stephen Cohen’s wife. Her father is also discussed there: William J. vanden Heuvel. His role in the CIA’s first coup, which overthrew Thailand’s Government in 1948 and replaced it with a “police state,” is briefly mentioned. Also, his having been the “special assistant” to Robert F. Kennedy is mentioned. RFK was at that time a Cold-War super-hawk, who was among the group of his brother, JFK’s, advisors who was supporting secret proposals for the U.S. to create a pretext to start a hot war — a nuclear war — with the Soviet Union, in the belief that if they started it they would win it. His brother (JFK) decided not to follow that advice. According to David Talbot’s indispensable The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government (p. 360), “The Dulles brothers were slow to realize that if young Senator [J.F.] Kennedy was their pupil, he was an increasingly rebellious one. Kennedy began questioning the rigid Cold War paradigm that dominated Washington policy-making as early as 1951.” JFK’s fact-finding visit to Vietnam persuaded him, even that early, against the CIA’s view of the matter. But RFK remained a Cold War super-hawk for yet a decade more. As I previously noted:

When Kennedy became President, he found himself surrounded by advisors who were urging him such as, on 22 March 1962, John Kennedy’s own brother and U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy urged, when RFK held a meeting to discuss “the possibility of U.S. manufacture or acquisition of Soviet aircraft”, because:

“There is a possibility that such aircraft could be used in a deception operation designed to confuse enemy planes in the air, to launch a surprise attack against enemy installations or in a provocation operation in which Soviet aircraft would appear to attack U.S. or friendly installations in order to provide an excuse for U.S. intervention. If the planes were to be used in such covert operations, it would seem preferable to manufacture them in the United States.”

And, also like this (on 12 April 1962, from a Major General and CIA officer — see it on page 16):

“We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of a Cuban agent and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.”

Even JFK’s own brother RFK, and Secretary of ‘Defense’ Robert McNamara, and Secretary of State Dean Rusk — plus lots of holdovers from the Eisenhower Administration — thought that this sort of thing would be worth the President of the United States considering. Fortunately, JFK didn’t. If he had been like them, World War III would surely have occurred.

RFK became increasingly liberal after his brother’s death; but, when, in 1967, the “Dump Johnson Movement” among grass-roots Democrats to replace the neoconservative Lyndon Johnson as the Democratic Party’s 1968 Presidential nominee, urged RFK to compete against Johnson in Democratic Party primaries so as to give Democratic voters a say in whether to replace Johnson by an anti-Vietnam-War nominee on this the most important public-policy issue of that era, RFK said no, but then his fellow Democratic Senator Eugene McCarthy promptly took on the task, to give the Party’s voters a choice on whether or not the Vietnam War should continue being a signature project of the Democratic Party. RFK jumped into the Democratic primaries right after McCarthy came close to beating Johnson in the 12 March 1968 New Hampshire Democratic Party Presidential primary, knowing that his entry into the Democratic Party primaries would split the progressive vote between himself and McCarthy and so would virtually assure that Johnson’s man V.P. Hubert Humphrey (who replaced Johnson as the “pro-war Democrat” when Johnson quit the primary contest on 31 March, but his name never appeared on any primary’s ballot) would receive the nomination, thus continuing this extremely unpopular war as bearing the Democratic Party brand upon it and thus virtually assuring that whomever the Republicans would choose as their nominee would win, which turned out to be Richard Nixon.


A onetime member of the notorious HUAC and collaborator of Roy Cohn and Joe McCarthy, and an opportunist late-comer to the anti-Vietnam War peace movement, the image of RFK as an exemplary progressive is one of the great triumphs of hagiographic propaganda.

RFK was assassinated on June 6th, but though the Democratic primary contest was again between one anti-war candidate, now versus whomever the Party’s establishment would prefer, the “bad blood’ which had developed in the interim between the supporters of RFK and the supporters of McCarthy, produced little resistance when the people who controlled the Party handed the nomination to the pro-war Humphrey; and, so, Nixon became the U.S. President. RFK had expected that McCarthy’s supporters would simply flock to him, against the initially far less well-known McCarthy; but, by the time of RFK’s death on the night of his California primary victory, McCarthy had won 5 primaries, and RFK had won 3. Primaries were held in only 15 states. By the time the primaries-season had ended on June 11th, McCarthy had won 7, Johnson had won 1, and RFK had won 4 — those three, plus South Dakota on the same night as his California victory. (The only remaining primary was Illinois, on June 11th, which McCarthy won.) The Democratic Party’s leadership handed their nomination to Humphrey, though Humphrey hadn’t won even a single primary. This in a country that calls itself a ‘democracy’. America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires had their way, regardless of what the public wanted.

In the 1944 U.S. Presidential contest, the Democratic Party’s controllers forced FDR to accept as his running-mate and (since FDR was then known to be near death) successor, the unpopular Senator Harry S. Truman, despite the President’s strong desire to be succeeded by the much more progressive and vastly more popular Henry A. Wallace; and, so, the Party almost lost the 1948 Presidential election to the even-more-unpopular Eastern Establishment’s New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey. The billionaires will choose a loser rather than choose a winner who will win against themselves. FDR had become the candidate in 1932 only because the billionaires were terrified that otherwise there might be a revolution. But, after FDR, the billionaires and centi-millionaires have increasingly controlled this ‘democracy’.

Although historians (Talbot included) haven’t yet integrated into their accounts this important distinction between the geo-strategic views of JFK and RFK (JFK having been the more progressive of the two), this policy-difference was real and very important; but so too was RFK’s unshakable loyalty to his brother, which loyalty overrode everything during JFK’s Presidency, and so the brothers worked well together as a team. However, the Deep State, which is solidly neoconservative and which created neoconservatism, and which consists of the aristocracies of Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States, now controls both of America’s Parties equally. Even the Democratic Party’s propaganda-media are neoconservatives, now. And the least-neoconservative of them all is The Nation. But even The Nation straddles the fence between neoconservative and not. It’s anti-neocon when the neocon is Republican, but neutral when the neocon (or pro-imperialist) is Democratic. And, virtually every Republican in the U.S. Congress, and every Republican Presidential nominee after Wendell Wilkie’s defeat to FDR in 1940, has likewise been a neocon. In today’s U.S. Government, almost everyone whose responsibilities include foreign affairs — the military, diplomatic, and intelligence, communities — is neoconservative. Neoconservatism is the norm, throughout. And, so, all of the ‘news’media are, likewise, supporters of expanding the American empire.

Unless there is public recognition that the Ukrainian situation that produced Obama’s outrageous sanctions against Russia was caused actually by a U.S. coup, which has no legitimacy, and which installed a racist-fascist anti-Russian regime, the movement toward U.S.-Russia war will continue. The issue here has not been whether “Russia’s narrative is closer to the truth”; it is instead that the U.S. government has been viciously lying — and so has its press. They must now publicly acknowledge this fact. Unless they all want World War III — in which case, everyone needs to condemn all of them, because otherwise there will be WW III, which will be the worst outcome of all, but which is where we are heading.  

About the author


ERIC ZUESSE, Senior Contributing Editor

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. Besides TGP, his reports and historical analyses are published on many leading current events and political sites, including The Saker, Huffpost, Oped News, and others. 

horiz-long grey
What will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?

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The real ‘Butcher of the Balkans’ was NATO

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

More and more voices come forth with compelling facts and arguments to dispute the official narrative disseminated by the propaganda engines of the West

Editor's Note: A lot of videos that support the pro-Serbian side of the Yugoslav war story have been simply deleted by Google (YouTube), using opaque and quite probably bogus rationales, protected, of course, by the absolute power of private property. The non-playing videos included in this post illustrate that disgusting fact. 

Bondsteel: sinister footprint of the American empire. One of America's biggest occupation bases in the strategically important Balkans. This in addition to hundreds of bases ringing the world, and turning Italy into a virtual aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. When it comes to America's thirst for global hegemony excess is never enough.

Milosevic on trial. Dragged before a NATO-dominated court which the US itself has declared will not recognise if any American is ever indicted for war crimes. The very definition of unequal justice.

ore than 20 years after the Srebrenica massacre, Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladić was found guilty of war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia this past November. Along with Mladić, the ICTY convicted the other so-called “Butcher of Bosnia”, the Bosnian Serb and former Republika Sprska leader Radovan Karadžić in 2016. Meanwhile, it fully exonerated the Bosnian Muslim army commander Naser Orić of similar charges which outraged the people of Serbia. Yet, it was the same court that posthumously exonerated former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević in 2016. If you weren’t aware of the latter, it’s because it was not widely reported in Western media. Milošević is still generally viewed to be the central villain of the entire conflict even though the charges against him didn’t hold up, but not until a decade after he died of heart failure while on trial in the Hague. The ICTY in its ruling stated “there was no sufficient evidence presented in this case to find that Slobodan Milošević agreed with the common plan to create territories ethnically cleansed of non-Serbs.” The ICTY, established in violation of the UN charter, is itself viewed to be an arm of NATO and biased against the Serbs but even it seems to have determined that any alleged war crimes and ethnic cleansing by the Bosnian Serbs was strictly a Karadžić-Mladić affair and not part of a chain of command leading to Milošević.

This is not what was presented by NATO and its media surrogates at the time which was that the Bosnian Serbs were acting under direct orders from Belgrade. The narrative was that Milošević’s policies and the Serbian government shared as much of the blame, while the reality is that an extremely complex conflict was simplified into a heroes and villains story in order to sell military intervention to the public. Not only were atrocities committed on all sides in the Yugoslav wars, but the NATO powers sided with right-wing nationalists in Bosnia and Croatia and extremist separatists in Kosovo against the Serbs in order to ensure their own geopolitical interests in the breakup of Yugoslavia. In fact, the entire foreign policy of the west toward Yugoslavia facilitated the very problems it used military intervention to ‘solve.’

Clip from Sarajevo Ricochet (documentary)

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]uring the Bosnian war (1992–1995), war crimes by the Bosnian Serbs were given widespread attention while those committed by the Bosnian Muslims were given little to none. The Bosnian Muslim army was provided CIA arms and training that is well documented. The hidden connection between Bosnian Muslim militants and international terrorism is revealed in the documentary Sarajevo Ricochet, where an investigation discovers that Bosnian Muslim militias, composed of mujahideen rebranded as freedom fighters, received smuggled arms through phony relief agencies connected to Saudi Arabia and the members of al Qaeda who participated in both the 1993 WTC bombing and Osama bin Laden himself. Also linked financially to the front humanitarian organization (known as Third World Relief Agency) was Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Defense Minister, Hasan Čengić. Bosnia became a training ground for global jihad and the army enjoyed support from foreign volunteers from various Muslim countries in mujahideen fighters that committed executions, beheadings and torture of captured Serbs.

It was the infamous massacre of Bosnian Muslims in the village of Srebrenica in 1995 which thrust NATO’s military involvement into the conflict. Undoubtedly a war crime, what was disputed was whether it constituted an act of genocide since the victims were almost exclusively several thousand Muslim men and boys at the hands of the Bosnian Serbs. Women and children were specifically separated and evacuated out of the town under Mladić’s orders just prior to the killings. The possibility that the carnage in Srebrenica could have been the result of revenge executions in retaliation for the widespread terrorism committed against dozens of Bosnian Serb towns by the Bosnian Muslim army for years under the warlord Naser Orić was never explored. Some of the well documented acts by Orić’s forces included executions, beheadings, eye gouging and even disembowling Serbs and the victims included many women and children.

What took place in Srebrenica was certainly a horrific crime, but it could only be seen as unprovoked and not the result of grudge killings if removed from the context of the dozens of raids of Serb villages neighboring Srebrenica. Orić and his militias had been carrying them out for two years up until that point but this was widely suppressed. Srebrenica was stage managed as an unprovoked atrocity committed by evil villains against pure victims in order to sell the case for military intervention against one side. It has even been since portrayed as an act of genocide when it was one instance of many throughout the entire Yugoslav wars of summary executions. Executions, rapes and torture were committed by all sides. To call it genocide is an insult to the victims of the holocaust in the former Yugoslavia of which the majority were Serbs. There is no doubt Serbs did their share of war crimes and ethnic cleansing in the Yugoslav wars, but NATO and its media stenographers only told part of the story that was fundamentally a civil war and not genocide.

The number of dead in Srebrenica also may have been inflated to 8,000 when its actual number is significantly lower, according to scholars such as Edward S. Herman, Diana Johnstone, John Pilger, Michael Parenti, and former Attorney General and human rights lawyer Ramsey Clark who defended Milošević in the Hague tribunal. Many of the dead could have been those killed in the battle for the town, considering that the victims were virtually all male and Mladić’s forces had evacuated Muslim women and children out of the town. This would not have been the only occasion of inflated numbers of victims for sensationalism during the wars as the media had routinely repeated ad nauseam wildly erroneous statistics such as 100,000 Bosnian Muslim women having been raped by Serbs, an impossible number when the Bosnian Serb army was only 30,000 strong.

Srebrenica: A Town Betrayed (documentary)

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]rebrenica also may have been strategically sacrificed to be deliberately defenseless by Bosnian Muslim forces so as to provoke NATO military intervention against the Serbs by crossing U.S. President Bill Clinton’s ‘red line.’ The town of Srebrenica had been a safe zone under the UN peacekeepers which Orić and his forces used to shield themselves in between their attacks on Serb towns and it was not protected in this instance. In the stunning documentary Srebrenica: A Town Betrayed, a police chief of the town shockingly claims that in a meeting with Bosnia and Herzegovina’s President Alija Izetbegović, Clinton suggested his ‘red line’ was that at least 5,000 Muslim lives would need to be lost in order to justify any NATO air strikes against Serb forces. It would not have been the first time ‘false flags’ may have been used by the Bosnian Muslims. There had been two bombings of markets in Sarajevo, known as the ‘Markale massacres’, that were immediately pinned on the Serbs when much of the evidence gathered and eyewitness accounts suggested they were staged attacks that came from areas held by Bosnian Muslim army forces. Even accepting the stated number of victims, this amount did not exceed the amount of Serbs killed by the Bosnian Muslims in the villages surrounding Srebrenica which was never demilitarized despite being under Dutch UN peacekeeping forces which Orić took full advantage of. NATO, an organization that was designed as a strictly defensive military alliance during the Cold War, needed a new purpose and was given one in its illegal offensive attack in Operation Deliberate Force against the Bosnian Serbs.

It is impossible to comprehend such a complex conflict without first understanding the history of the Balkans during WW2 and which of the republics had collaborated with the Axis powers during their occupation. In 1939, Mussolini invaded the Kingdom of Albania and annexed it as an Italian protectorate. The axis powers collectively invaded the Kingdom of Yugoslavia two years later, with Serbia under the military occupation of the Wehrmacht while much of the rest of Yugoslavia was absorbed into a puppet regime known as the Independent State of Croatia under the dictator Ante Pavelić.

Backed up by Germany, the undeniably fascist Independent State of Croatia existed 1941–1945.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s President Alija Izetbegović had himself been a Nazi collaborator during WW2 in his youth when modern day Bosnia and Herzegovina territory was under the Independent State of Croatia. His Islamist organization, the Young Muslims, sided with the 13th Waffen SS Handzar Division against the Yugoslav partisans. The first non-Germanic SS division came under the Independent State of Croatia and among its ranks were more than 18,000 Bosnian Muslims who slaughtered both Serbs, Roma and Jews. Izetbegović served several years in jail for his support of the Nazi occupation of Croatia after the end of the war under Tito. As a politician, he advocated an Islamic state with strict Sharia law and the Bosnian Muslims fostered a revival of the legacy of the SS Handzar Division he had supported in his youth in order to revive nationalist fervor against the Serbs. An example of this propaganda is the cover of the October 1991 Sarajevo magazine Novi Vox depicting a Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS officer stepping on the severed head of Bosnian Serb/Republika Sprska leader Radovan Karadžić (Republika Sprska was the Serb-majority republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Novi Vox 1991 issue depicting an SS Handzar officer stepping on the severed head of Karadžić

NATO and the pliant western media overlooked entirely the neo-fascism of the Tuđjman government in Croatia as well. Croatian leader Franjo Tuđjman had himself fought for the partisans during WW2 (though some claim he was undercover Ustaše), but under Tito he was jailed for supporting Croatian nationalism. As a politician, he expressed fervent anti-Semitism (“the establishment of Hitler’s new European order can be justified by the need to be rid of the Jews”) and holocaust denial in his autobiography (claiming only 900,000 Jews, not six million were killed).

Tuđjman expressed affinity for the Independent State of Croatia and its Ustaše terrorist organization which committed genocide against Jews, Gypsys and above all Serbs. His political party, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), resurrected the fascist symbols and iconography of the Ustaše era such as the checkered Croatian flag. Many monuments erected honoring the partisans in Croatia were defaced and destroyed. The HDZ generally promotes a whitewashed revisionist history of the Independent State of Croatia and denial of the crimes committed by the Ustaše which were infamously amongst the most cruel and inhumane in all of WW2. The relationship between the Catholic Church under Pope Pius and Nazi Germany is no secret and this manifested significantly in the predominantly Catholic Croatia where the clergy worked intimately with the Ustaše. Many within the clergy hoped the communist-led partisans would be defeated and the Orthodox Christian majority Serbs would be forcibly converted back to Catholicism. It was after Ante Pavelić was given his papal blessing that the Ustaše began their horrific crimes against Roma Gypsys, Jews and especially Serbs.

Independent State of Croatia flag (top) / current Republic of Croatia flag (bottom)

In the Yugoslav Wars, the Croatian War (1991–1995) resulted when Serbs within Croatia formed a secessionist republic of their own, the Republic of Serbian Krajina, that wished to merge with Republika Sprska (the Serb majority republic within Bosnia-Herzegovina) and the Federal of Republic of Yugoslavia which was jointly formed by Serbia and Montenegro after Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina seceded. Considering the history of Yugoslavia and that more than a third of Croatia is Serbian, their desire for autonomy from a Croatian nationalist regime is understandable. Tuđjman openly spoke of plans for a ‘Greater Croatia’ and Serbs did not have a short memory of their suffering at the hands of intolerant Croatian nationalists during the holocaust. Tuđjman made ethnic cleansing of Serbs an official policy and oversaw the expulsion of more than a quarter of a million Serbs from Krajina with many raped and executed but the media only covered any such crimes when they were done by Serbs.

The 13th Waffen SS Handzar division in 1943. A case of "natural collaborationism" with the Hitlerite project.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the later conflict, the Kosovo Liberation Army, also armed and trained by the CIA, was similarly rebranded to serve the anti-Serb storyline. The KLA’s publicly declared aim of an ethnically pure Albanian state through secession from Serbia was also traceable back to the Axis powers in WWII with the Italian fascist occupation of Albania and its annexation of the Kosovo province. The KLA’s stated desire to establish a ‘Greater Albania’ was a resurrection and territorial replica of the Greater Albania promised to the Kosovar Albanians by Mussolini which included part of Greece and Macedonia. The same 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handzar in the Independent State of Croatia also included nearly 1,000 Albanians. Its central membership later formed the 21st Waffen division of the SS Skanderbeg (1st Albanian). The KLA’s logo of Albania’s traditional double-eagle emblem originates from the version used first in the flag of the Kingdom of Albania (1928–1939) which was a client state of fascist Italy prior to their invasion and was subsequently used by Greater Albania (1939–1943) and every republic since. The KLA separation movement was in its character a Nazi movement and they were followers of an inherently fascist project.

21st SS Skanderbeg insignia / Kosovo Liberation Army insignia

Like the Bosnian Muslims, the vast majority of Kosovar Albanians are Sunni Muslim. The KLA received support from volunteers from Western Europe that were members of radical Sunni groups allied to Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. In fact, some members of the KLA were even trained in bin Laden’s camps but the organization was removed as a listed terrorist group despite these ties. The KLA committed many grisly beheadings of Serbs just as the Bosnian Muslims had done. Both may have gotten inspiration for this practice from the Ustaše which had been known for beheadings during WW2. The KLA not only received its funding from foreign backers but from well documented mafia criminal enterprise which included drug smuggling (especially the heroin trade) and even the selling of the organs of Serb victims on the black market. The Council of Europe published a report in 2016 that detailed accusations of human organ trafficking against the KLA leader and now current President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, who has in years since donated to the Clinton Foundation and a statue honoring Bill Clinton has also since been erected in Kosovo. The brutality of the KLA’s terrorism and ethnic cleansing of Serbs can be seen in the documentary Stolen Kosovo. There were certainly terrible acts committed against Kosovar Albanians by the Serbs, but many more committed by the KLA against them as well as the significant amount of ethnic Albanians who did not support them. Under Tito, Kosovo had been overwhelming popular for ethnic Albanians and many from neighboring Albania under Enver Hoxha crossed the border into Yugoslavia to live there.

Stolen Kosovo (documentary)

The Yugoslav wars had its own refugee crisis but it is well documented that the flow of refugees from Kosovo dramatically increased once the 78 days of NATO militarism struck in 1999. NATO attacked a UN member in Yugoslavia, which had not attacked any of its neighbors, in clear violation of the UN charter and its own declared purpose as a collective and mutual defense alliance when any of its agreed parties came under attack. The bombing itself contributed more to the refugee crisis than its stated ‘justification’ and the three months of brutality during Operation Allied Force in 1999 resulted in more than two thousand civilians killed with thousands more injured at the hands of cluster bombs and B52 missiles. The rest of the population suffered the effects of the depleted uranium from bunker-buster bombs guided by satellite leading to a dramatic increase in cancer, leukemia and birth defects. There were fatal strikes on unintended targets such as a Chinese embassy and another of fleeing Kosovar Albanians which the intervention was supposedly intended to protect from alleged ethnic cleansing by the Serb military. Civilian targets included hospitals, schools, factories, and bridges. NATO even targeted Serbia’s state television station in an airstrike, killing 16 people, which was condemned even by some members of the coalition. All of this can be seen in the documentary Zashto (Why) which focuses on the suffering of the Serbian population.

Anti-NATO Serb poster: considering the history, hardly hyperbolic.

Zashto (Why) documentary

Tito led the most successful and heroic resistance against the Nazis in all of Europe.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t was the communist-led Yugoslav partisans who emerged victorious from WW2 under the leadership of Josip Broz (Tito). There had been conflicts between Muslims and Serbs throughout the history of the Balkans going all the way back to the crusades and it was under the Croatian-born Tito and the Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia which strictly forbid right-wing nationalism that for nearly forty years all the different ethnic nationalities and communities of Yugoslavia were successfully united (Yugoslav meaning “Southern Slav”) — Slovenians, Croatians, Serbians, Bosnians, Macedonians, Montenegrins as well as ethnic Albanians, Roma Gypsies and other ethnic and national communities. Yugoslavia under Tito was for most of its history a success story with its market socialism in terms of economic growth and standard of living. However, during this time many of the previous nationalists and fascist collaborators that remained received support from abroad. German and US intelligence agencies aided them during the Cold War as Yugoslavia became a strategic buffer between the US and the Soviet Union after Tito’s fallout with Stalin and its ‘non-aligned’ status.

During the Cold War, the likes of Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo never underwent full de-Nazification. By the time of Tito’s death and the collapse of the USSR, the doors for empire were opened to encourage nationalist secession in order to break the republic up into eventually seven states. In 1991, the Foreign Operations Appropriation Bill cut off loans, trade and aid to any of the republics that did not declare independence. After Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina seceded, Serbia and Montenegro jointly formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The myth that the Serbs desired a ‘greater Serbia” was parroted by the media, when most of what they wished to preserve was the remains of Yugoslavia that was being torn apart. Serbs during WW2 had been the foremost victims of the holocaust in Yugoslavia and in WW2 fought alongside the Allies. Serbs had ironically even saved Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s father Josef Korbel, a Czech diplomat who lived in Belgrade during the holocaust. She decided to repay them with 78 days of bombing resulting in the highest rate of oncological diseases in Europe. The Serbian population rallied around Milošević during the bombing before the U.S. poured money into opposition parties that ousted him the following election. Kosovo, despite declaring its “independence”, has since remained a disputed territory and a neo-colony of the west under NATO military occupation. Following the end of the Cold War, NATO’s uncertain role was redefined with its imperialist utilization in Bosnia and Kosovo and secured further expansion on Russia’s border. Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo is allegedly so large it is one of the few man-made structures visible from outer space.

Michael Parenti lecture on Yugoslavia

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ccording to scholar Michael Parenti in his crucial book To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia, Milošević and the Serbian government was targeted for being the sole nation in the splintering peninsula that refused to comply fully with the IMF and World Bank mass privatization and the full dismemberment of the former Yugoslavia. None of this is to say Milošević is blameless and without fault in contributing to the nationalism that tore apart the republic. Far from a committed socialist, Milošević was a former banker and Serb nationalist who had ushered in IMF led economic “reforms” in 1988. Many view him as a figure who rose to power as an opportunist by championing the plight of the Serbian minority in Kosovo which only fueled nationalist tensions, but any nationalist rhetoric he espoused paled in comparison to the demagoguery of Tuđjman, Izetbegović, or the KLA. It was the IMF loans that began following Tito’s death which imposed austerity measures that worsened unemployment, collapsed the Communist Party and fueled the nationalism in the decade that followed.


The Weight of Chains (documentary)

Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War (documentary)

Unlike the other ethnic nationalists in the former Yugoslavia, the Serbs did favor a centralized government and wished to preserve much of the state industry and infrastructure of the republic prior to its fragmentation. Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had a market economy but even this was not enough of a concession for the forces of globalization which according to Parenti desired “an absolute capitalist restoration of Eastern Europe after the fall of Berlin Wall.” Yugoslavia is rich in coal and minerals and its neo-colonization has given access to Caspian oil for the likes of Halliburton and the world’s largest oil companies. An enormously complex conflict was reduced to a cowboys and Indians narrative which made it an easy sell for war to a public with little understanding of the intricacies of a far off country. It can only be possibly understood fully with an exhaustive investigation. For excellent overviews of the entire conflict and its history, I highly recommend the documentaries Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War and The Weight of Chains.

 Go to the profile of Max Parry Max Parry is an Independent journalist in Brooklyn, NY. His work is syndicated by Medium. This is a crosspost with some editorial additions of  his Medium original piece.  

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Triumph Over Sinister US/Israeli Plot to Destabilize Iran


Iran's army has some exceptionally motivated units. The nation fully realizes it is encircled by enemies and the Great Bully is always looking for a pretext to inject more punishment.

Previous articles discussed days of foreign-orchestrated violence in Iran – US and Israeli dirty hands all over them, a scheme to destabilize the government ahead of efforts to forcefully topple it. It’s been the Ziofascist aim for decades, wanting pro-Western tyranny replacing the Islamic Republic, Israel’s main regional rival eliminated.

The latest scheme failed, new tactics likely to surface ahead, war plans perhaps to be implemented at a later date.

The Trump and Netanyahu regimes are hellbent to eliminate Iranian sovereign independence. A tactical defeat won’t stop them.

For now, conditions are stable. Pro-government supporters took to the streets en masse for five straight days, their numbers dwarfing protesters days earlier.

On Sunday, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) statement thanked Iranian police, intelligence officials, and tens of thousands of people for defeating elements wanting the country destabilized.

The IRGC blamed Washington, Israel, the Saudis, Britain and others for plotting against Iranian sovereignty.

“(T)his great epic shows that the glory of the Iranian nation is eternal and its enemies cannot make them give up its ambitions,” the statement stressed.

On Sunday, Iranian MP Jalal Mirzaei issued a statement, saying:

“During the consultative meeting of today, the interior minister, intelligence minister and commander of police presented separate accounts of recent riots in the country with details on the roots and causes of the unrest, the latest status of the detainees, and the role of foreigners in creating and tapping the recent events,” adding:

“(I)t was emphasized that foreign agents, especially US, played a key role in the formation and exploitation of these unrests in the country, but with the efforts of the authorities and awareness of the Iranian people they failed to harness anything.”

Iranian police spokesman Saeed Montazer-al-Mahdi said most elements responsible for days of violence were arrested and remain detained – to be prosecuted for their offenses, explaining:

“The people and protesters who had rightful demands were separated in the minimum time possible from the organizers and those directing (violence, responsible parties) identified and arrested.”

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani blasted Washington’s “dishonest, duplicitous and divisive policy towards Muslim countries,” urging Muslims worldwide to unite against its destructive agenda.

Expect lots more US/Israeli dirty tricks ahead. Iran, North Korea and Venezuela remain the Trump administration’s prime targets for regime change – Russia and China to follow at a later time.

 Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. His new site is at

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