Basement blindness and a foreboding realized

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Donya Ahmad Abu Sitta
The Electronic Intifada

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Basement blindness and a foreboding realized

Despite the danger posed by the invading Israeli army, Mahmoud was determined not to leave his home in Khan Younis near the Sunniyya roundabout since the beginning of the genocide in October 2023.

He, his wife, two young sons aged 7 and 10 and other family members were all sheltering in a two-story house.

In December, when the Israeli army ordered the evacuation of Khan Yunis, Mahmoud’s mother and sisters fled to Rafah. But his wife, two sons and he remained on the first floor of their home.

In January, the second floor of their house was hit in an Israeli attack, causing severe damage. The two children were traumatized. And the whole family was scared to leave the house, which by then had Israeli tanks stationed on all sides.

Their only option was to go down to the basement.

Their basement was really a storage area. It has no windows and no sunlight. But it was safer than being over ground. Outside was a battle zone and the resistance fought constant running battles with the Israeli army.

The tanks and bulldozers destroyed everything in their path. Rubble piled up at the door of the basement, trapping Mahmoud and his family inside.

For two days, the family watched their provisions dwindle. But outside, the fighting subsided and once the tanks and bulldozers retreated, resistance fighters came to the family’s aid, clearing the rubble and bringing them food before disappearing again.

It was a relief for the family, but provisions soon ran out again, and Mahmoud was forced to venture out to get food.

The family spent months in the basement. Eventually they left. When they did, they had been so long out of daylight that all suffered some damage to their vision.

The family has now joined other displaced people in Khan Younis itself.

A foretelling

Dana was three months pregnant with her first child when the Israeli attacks started last October.

Luna, the youngest of Dana’s five sisters, told me about Dana, 24.

Dana married Dr. Tawfiq al-Farra, a dentist, four months before the war. They dreamed of starting a family together.

They were living in an apartment in Hamad City, an apartment complex in Khan Younis in the central Gaza Strip, when the Israeli attacks began last October.

Dana left their apartment to stay with her parents. Her father, Hassan al-Saqqa, who is also a doctor, was still working. But his car had been destroyed by an Israeli missile and he had to find other ways of getting to work, a worry to his family.

Every day, Dana would send her father messages to be sure he had arrived safely and to ensure he would keep them informed.

But then Dana disappeared.

On 23 October, she was at her parents’ house with Luna, cleaning a home that has now become a shelter for many displaced people. Dana prayed and left without saying goodbye to anyone.

“I called her to scold her about leaving like that,” Luna said. Dana told her she planned to return two days later on 25 October.

“On that morning, I woke up to a call from my friend who lives across from Tawfiq’s family home,” Luna said. The friend asked whether Dana and Tawfiq were with her.

“I immediately felt something had happened. My worst fears were confirmed when my friend told me that Tawfiq’s family home had been targeted,” Luna told The Electronic Intifada.

“Neither my mother nor I believed it at first, but another doctor informed my father that Tawfiq’s father’s house had been bombed, and they went to retrieve the martyrs.”

Dana’s father also recalled that day with a shudder.

“I had to try to identify my daughter, searching through torn clothes and severed limbs,” Hassan recalled. “Is this Dana’s? Is this Dana’s foot? I found nothing.”

The other doctors informed him however that there was a body in a hospital morgue that might be Dana’s. It was indeed her, as confirmed by her brother, Ali.

“My father and brother brought Dana’s body home for farewell, but we still can’t grasp the pain of losing her. Neither I nor my siblings abroad can comprehend it,” Luna said.

One sister, Rama, lives in Turkey, and “ran into the street when she received the news, unable to process the shock.”

Another sister, Dima, who lives in Germany, was suffering from postpartum depression when she learned about Dana. She locked herself in her room and has barely spoken to anyone since, according to Luna.

“For me, Dana was everything. She was my roommate, my confidante and my role model. I learned right from wrong from her,” Luna said.

In her last post on X, Dana confessed something she had always suspected.

Dana’s body was recovered on the day of the bombing, but 12 other victims remained trapped for several days due to a lack of resources.

The next day the body of Luna’s close friend Hala was brought out, and on the third day they found Tawfiq’s body, which was so decomposed, his mother was not allowed to see it.

Donya Ahmad Abu Sitta is a writer in Gaza.

A d d e n d u m

Families deserve answers about 88 bodies returned in a container

Workers carry an unidentified body found at Nasser Hospital in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on 23 April. Thousands are missing in Gaza, with families desperate for news.  Rizek Abdeljawad/ Xinhua

The harrowing anxiety over their missing loved ones that has surrounded many Palestinian families for months broke to the surface on 25 September, when 88 unidentified bodies were found in a container on a truck that reportedly came from an Israeli-controlled crossing into Gaza.

The bodies arrived at Nasser hospital in Khan Younis with no accompanying data. There were no names, no ages, and no locations of recovery noted, according to the Ministry of Health, which refused to receive them and sent the truck back to the crossing from where it had come.

“We cannot allow them to disappear into an anonymous grave,” said the ministry in a statement, which confirmed the number of bodies. “Each of these individuals has a family, a history, a life that deserves recognition. We are demanding that their humanity be honored.”

More than 10,000 people in Gaza have been reported missing. Many are believed buried under rubble, but authorities in Gaza have also accused Israel of systematically disappearing significant numbers of people.

For the families, the lack of information is agonizing.

Ahmed Kafarna, whose son Salah disappeared nearly a year ago, described the torment.

“For months, we have lived in uncertainty. Is my son alive? Is he dead? Now, we hear about these bodies, but how can we know if one of them is our beloved?”

“No parent should have to bury their child without knowing. Not like this.”

His voice faltered, as raw emotion seemed about to overwhelm him, but he kept talking: “We just need answers. We need to know.”

Without a body to mourn, many families find it difficult to process their grief. They cannot hold funerals or create a space to commemorate their loved ones, denying them closure.

Khaled, whose 28-year-old friend Mahdi Abu Seedo has vanished, echoed Kafarna’s anguish.

“Every day feels like a cruel game. You cling to hope, and then you lose it again. And there’s no end, no peace,” he told The Electronic Intifada.


Hisham Mehanna, a spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross, said international law mandates that those who have died during armed conflict be handled with dignity.

“It requires that the deceased be searched for, collected and evacuated, and that all available information must be recorded before disposing of the dead. This ensures that people do not go missing,” he told The Electronic Intifada.

Rights organizations have also weighed in. The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor strongly condemned the manner in which the bodies were delivered to Gaza, emphasizing that Israel is obligated under international law and human rights standards not to mistreat the dead or their remains.

“Israel must take all necessary steps to identify the deceased, which includes recording as much information as possible and ensuring the dignified handling and transfer of the bodies, without interference with their graves,” the organization said in a press release.

For the families, every day without answers is another day of suffering.

Amina Nasir, 52, who has lost both her son, Nasir, and her brother Muhammad in the past months, said simply: “I have nothing left. No news, no body, no grave. Just memories and questions. It’s a torture I can’t describe.”

There are broader implications, too. Beyond the immediate suffering, this issue highlights a critical gap in how the international community addresses the rights of the dead in conflict zones. The Geneva Convention explicitly states that warring parties must keep records of the dead and facilitate the identification of bodies. But without enforcement, these legal obligations are too easily ignored.

The lack of clear information from Israel about the 88 bodies has fueled growing frustration. The Palestinian Ministry of Health has made it clear it will not back down from its demand for proper identification.

“We owe it to the families and we owe it to the dead,” a ministry spokesman, Ashraf al-Qedra, told The Electronic Intifada. “They are not just numbers or statistics. They are human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity, even in death.”

The international community’s silence on the matter is deafening, and families such as Salah Kafarna’s are left grappling with uncertainty.

“My son was a kind boy,” his father said softly, holding up a worn photograph. “He deserves to come home, even if it’s just to be laid to rest.”

Fedaa al-Qedra is a journalist in Gaza.

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Australian Officials Push Authoritarian Crackdown On Pro-Hezbollah Speech

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Caitlin Johnstone

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Australian Officials Push Authoritarian Crackdown On Pro-Hezbollah Speech

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

As Israel begins another invasion of Lebanon, Australian officials from both sides of the imaginary partisan divide have been falling all over themselves to get Australians punished for speech crimes about the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah.

The Australian political-media class have been in an uproar ever since footage surfaced of people waving Hezbollah flags at a protest in Melbourne over the weekend and displaying pictures of the group’s deceased leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was assassinated by Israel in a massive airstrike on Friday. 

After initially stating that no crime had been committed in these acts of political speech, Victoria police are now saying they have identified six potentially criminal incidents related to the demonstration. These incidents reportedly involve “prohibited symbols” in violation of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment which was enacted last year. 

Needless to say, free nations do not have “prohibited symbols”.

This development follows numerous statements from various Australian leaders denouncing the protests as criminal.

“I expect the police agencies to pursue this,” Victorian premier Jacinta Allan said of the protests, adding, “Bringing grief and pain and division to the streets of Melbourne by displaying these prohibited symbols, is utterly unacceptable.”

Australia’s foreign minister Penny Wong took to Twitter to denounce the protesters, saying Australians must not only refrain from supporting Hezbollah but from even giving “any indication of support”.

“We condemn any indication of support for a terrorist organisation such as Hizballah,” Wong tweeted, adding, “It not only threatens national security, but fuels fear and division in our communities.”

Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke wants to deport any international visitors displaying prohibited symbols in Australia, saying “I won’t hesitate to cancel the visas of visitors to our country who are spreading hate.”

On the other side of the aisle, opposition leader Peter Dutton is on a crusade to get new laws passed to ensure the elimination of banned symbols from public view, saying “enforcement for law is required and if there are laws that need to be passed to make sure that our values are upheld then the Prime Minister should be doing that.”

“Support for a proscribed terrorist organisation has no place on the streets of Melbourne,” tweeted Labor MP Josh Burns. “Anyone breaking counter-terrorism legislation should face the full force of the law.”

“Australians cherish the right to peaceful protest,” tweeted independent MP Zoe Daniels. “However, there is no justification for supporting a proscribed terrorist organisation. Those who were seen doing so on the streets of Melbourne at protests yesterday should be investigated and prosecuted.”

In an article titled “Hezbollah flags at protests shape as test of new hate-symbol laws,” the ABC reports that these legal efforts to stomp out dissenting political speech are made possible by laws which were recently passed with the official intention of targeting Nazi symbols, but which “also cover the symbols of listed terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah.” Which is about as strong an argument on the slippery slope of government censorship as you could possibly ask for.

Hezbollah is listed as a “terrorist organisation” on the say-so of the Australian government, not because of its actions or methods but because it stands in opposition to the US power alliance of which Australia is a part. This arbitrary designation is smeared across any resistance group on earth which opposes the dictates of Washington, and can then be used to suppress the speech of anyone who disagrees with the murderous behavior of the western empire.

And it should here be noted that Australia is the only so-called democracy in the world which has no national charter or bill of rights of any kind. A tremendous amount of faith has been placed in state and federal legislators to simply do the right thing, which has proved foolish and ineffective. Professor George Williams wrote for the Melbourne University Law Review in 2006:

“Australia is now the only democratic nation in the world without a national bill of rights. Some comprehensive form of legal protection for basic rights is otherwise seen as an essential check and balance in democratic governance around the world. Indeed, I can find no example of a democratic nation that has gained a new Constitution or legal system in recent decades that has not included some form of a bill of rights, nor am I aware of any such nation that has done away with a bill of rights once it has been put in place.

“Why then is Australia the exception? The answer lies in our history. Although many think of Australia as a young country, constitutionally speaking, it is one of the oldest in the world. The Australian Constitution remains almost completely as it was when enacted in 1901, while the Constitutions of the Australian states can go back as far as the 1850s. The legal systems and Constitutions of the nation and the Australian colonies (and then states) were conceived at a time when human rights, with the prominent exception of the 1791 United States Bill of Rights, tended not to be protected through a single legal instrument. Certainly, there was then no such law in the United Kingdom, upon whose legal system ours is substantially based. This has changed, especially after World War II and the passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but by then Australia’s system of government had been operating for decades.”

If you ever wonder why Australia so often stands out as a freakish anomaly in the western world with its jarring authoritarianism and disregard for human rights, this is why. 

The powerful abuse our civil rights because they can. We are pummeled with propaganda in the birthplace of Rupert Murdoch and increasingly forbidden from speaking out against the atrocities of our government and its allies overseas. We are being groomed into mindless, obedient sheep for the empire.

on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. All works co-authored with my husband Tim Foley.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The Invasion of Lebanon

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IDF bombings

The immediate consequence of Israel’s continued escalation in Lebanon is displacement of the civilian population on a massive scale.

The Israeli military announced early Tuesday that its troops had begun crossing into southern Lebanon, saying that they would destroy Hezbollah military infrastructure in villages close to the Israel-Lebanon border.

The immediate consequence of Israel’s continued escalation in Lebanon is displacement of the civilian population on a massive scale. According to the United Nations, there are already a million people displaced from their homes because of the war that Israel is waging on Lebanon. There are now more displaced Lebanese civilians than there were during the 2006 war, and that number will only increase as the war drags on. The vast majority of the displaced have fled their homes in the last week since the start of intense Israeli bombing. The Third Lebanon War is already as destructive as the second war and it hasn’t even been two weeks yet.

It is worth remembering that Israel is escalating in Lebanon because its leaders absolutely refuse to consider a ceasefire in Gaza. The Netanyahu government has chosen more war rather than accepting an end to the fighting that might still rescue the remaining hostages. The Israeli government assassinated Nasrallah because he would not abandon the policy of supporting Gaza. In short, they chose to wage a new war because they would not end the atrocious one they have been waging for the last year.

The Israeli government presents this invasion as a “limited” one, but as many have pointed out the same was said about the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. That led to years of brutal warfare and an occupation that lasted nearly until the end of the century. The Israeli government often describes its aggressive operations as “limited” to gain support in the West, but somehow they never stay “limited.”

Akbar Shahid Ahmed spoke to a career U.S. official who said that the administration was permitting “a nihilistic regional murder spree.” That is unfortunately all too accurate. Among other things, Israeli forces recently bombed Yemen by targeting critical civilian infrastructure once again. They seem to delight in devastating the vital infrastructure of the poorest parts of the region. The Netanyahu government’s first instinct appears to be to inflict collective punishment of the civilian population of other countries.

US-supplied "bunker buster" 1-ton bombs in action.

Invading Lebanon has never gone well for Israel, but it is the people of Lebanon that will suffer the most because of the aggression of their neighbor. However much other Lebanese communities may resent Hezbollah, they are going to resent and oppose Israel even more because Israel is once again raining death and destruction on their country. Much of the rest of the world will rightly condemn Israel for what it is doing to Lebanon, and Israel’s international isolation will only deepen.

Our government has plumbed new depths of cynicism and cowardice in signing off on another invasion of Lebanon. This was supposed to be the one thing they had managed to avoid, but when push came to shove the Biden administration let the Israeli government do whatever it wanted. The same fools that have been played like fiddles for twelve months insist that they have convinced the Israeli government not to conduct a “full” invasion of Lebanon, whatever that means. When Israel expands its “limited” operation in a few weeks or months, we know that the Biden administration will come up with some new excuse for why this is just another example of Israel’s “right to self-defense.”

Israel’s aggression against Lebanon is outrageous and excessive. If our government had any sense, it would denounce the invasion and demand an immediate end to the wars in Gaza and Lebanon. Instead we will be treated to another four months of imbecilic enabling while the entire region catches on fire.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Alastair Crooke : Netanyahu Gambles on Slaughter

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Judge Napolitano

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Zionist “Shock-and-Awe” courtesy of America

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ITV News

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NOTE: Chiefly published here for the value of its images. 

Hezbollah leader thought to be target of huge Israeli bombardment on Beirut | ITV News

Zionist depravity is clear, but Hezbollah (and Iran's) security routines are inept and need urgent upgrades! 


Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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