EDITOR—The panel discusses the colossal moral turpitude and imbecility of today’s leadership in the “collective West”, constantly starting wars and other acts of hostility against scores of nations that reject their imperialist rule, and why the populations subject to their criminal, undemocratic rule need to push for a new kind of political system assuring freedom and democracy instead of a fake democracy restricted to the super-rich elites. ONLY that can assure people all over the world a chance at surviving nuclear war and other catastrophes brought about by a decadent imperial system.
Diane Sare
Diane Sare
Diane Sare has been a 30+ year associate of the late American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche and continues to be a leading political organizer with his movement, the International Caucus of Labor Committees. Diane was studying music education and trombone performance at New England Conservatory when she met the LaRouche movement (as well as her husband, Christopher) in the 1980s. Diane's work with the LaRouche movement has included activities as diverse as directing and teaching children's choruses in Washington, DC, arranging economic policy seminars involving UN diplomats in New York, organizing a 1996 Voting Rights Act case against the Democratic Party on behalf of voters in Louisiana, and more. Diane is the founder of the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus and is cur