It turns out Europeans aren’t as sheeplike as the Euroelites thought they were

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Don Hank

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I learned about Europe's unpredictability when I watched the Brexiteers pull off the exit of Britain from the EU. Now alternate parties are coming from behind again, throwing down a stiff challenge.

18 Jun, 2024

Macron just threw a live grenade at his own feet

The French president could be on the verge of regime-changing himself, with his establishment party’s support below that of the opposition

Rachel Marsden (

By Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English.

Macron just threw a live grenade at his own feet.

The latest French national polls show a final face off between the anti-establishment right and left, and the total decimation of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party. Looks like he may have fooled himself into thinking that dumping all over the political chessboard was a big-brained three-dimensional move.

In the wake of the anti-establishment National Rally party winning the European elections by a landslide, with more than double the score of Macron’s party, the usual suspects started chewing up the scenery with riots and unrest. All the National Rally needs to do is film it to create a campaign ad for themselves heading into the French national elections that Macron called in a double-or-nothing bet with the French people. Because Macron did that. And it’s the National Rally that has long campaigned on the promise of putting an end to it.

It finally looks like enough French voters aren’t scared into denying Le Pen’s party the opportunity. The far-right label just doesn’t act as the kind of knee-jerk deterrent that it once did. And why should it? “France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict,” headlined Britain’s Telegraph. That has happened under Macron, not Le Pen, as he rammed through his establishment agenda piece by piece with his designated prime minister invoking Article 49.3 of the French Constitution to ram through legislation without a vote at least 23 times, totally overriding the democratic process – the second most since the Fifth Republic began in 1958. Its use to move the goalposts on retirees and make them work longer when France is a global taxation champion that robs them of hard earned cash their entire working lives, under the pretext of getting it back when they retire, would explain why the majority of retirees who voted massively for Macron no longer tell pollsters that they will. His support has dropped to just 28%, according to the latest Ifop poll.

‘Our Europe could die,’ Macron says. Who’s the killer?

Read more ‘Our Europe could die,’ Macron says. Who’s the killer?

According to Le Monde, Macron said of his snap election call: “I’ve been preparing this for weeks, and I’m thrilled. I threw my unpinned grenade at their legs. Now we’ll see how they manage.” Looks like they’re managing just fine, actually. Macron’s party? Not so much.


(Russian Emergencies Ministry)

Ukraine attacks inside Russia. It is not clear what weapons were used but this gives you an idea of how the newly granted US permission to attack deep in the Russian rear might escalate things. No matter, Russia will retaliate, either symmetrically or not.


Here is your air strike update for June 18, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

18 June 2024, 14:29

The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a warehouse of Western equipment received by Kiev

Photo by the Russian Ministry of Defense

Russian troops destroyed a Ukrainian strike drone assembly workshop and a Ukrainian Armed Forces warehouse, from where weapons transferred from the West were distributed. During the day, the enemy lost more than 1,800 militants and seven armored vehicles in the Northern Military District zone, according to data from the Russian Ministry of Defense. [Daily losses of the Ukraine forces invariably hover around 2000 killed and wounded, and there are precious few men left to recruit from. BTW, “recruiting” nowadays means kidnapping hapless men off the streets. Normal people are in an anti-government mood these days and many support Russia but not because they are necessarily sympathetic to Russia. They just mainly hate dictator Zelensky]

Aviation, drones, missilemen and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a radar station and two launchers of the S-300 air defense system, destroyed a workshop for the production of attack UAVs and a warehouse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, from where weapons and military equipment transferred by Western countries were distributed. During the day, air defense systems shot down 24 drones and one Neptune-MD long-range guided missile.

The North [Sever] group of troops successfully repulsed two counterattacks of enemy assault groups and eliminated up to 130 militants, two armored combat vehicles, including a US-made Stryker armored personnel carrier, near Volchansk, Volokhovsky, Sinelnikovo and Liptsy in the Kharkov region.

The “West” [Zapad] group occupied more advantageous positions and repelled four counterattacks of enemy assault groups in the area of ​​Novovodyanoy in the LPR, Peschany in the Kharkov region and Torskoye in the DPR. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 455 military personnel.

The “southern” [Yug] group of the Russian Armed Forces improved the situation along the front line and destroyed up to 665 Ukrainian militants, two armored fighting vehicles, including the US-made M113 armored personnel carrier, and a field ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​Grigorovka, Katerynivka, Predtechino and Serebryanka in the DPR.

The “Center” group of troops also improved its tactical position and successfully repulsed four counterattacks of enemy assault groups near Vozdvizhenka, Kamyshevka, Novgorod and Toretsk in the DPR. Enemy losses amounted to 355 military personnel, two US-made MaxxPro armored fighting vehicles.

The Vostok [East] group occupied more advantageous positions and eliminated up to 155 Ukrainian military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, and an electronic warfare station "Enklav-N" in the Zaliznichny area of ​​the Zaporozhye region, Dobrovolya, Neskuchny and Oktyabr in the DPR.

The Dnepr group of troops destroyed up to 80 Ukrainian Armed Forces military personnel near Daryevka, Osokorovka in the Kherson region and Nesteryanka in the Zaporozhye region.

Moscow, Natalya Ryazanova


أمريكا وإسرائيل تدفعان نحو إشعال المنطقة!! (

Saturday, June 15, 2024 01:07

America and Israel are pushing to ignite the region!!

Netanyahu and Blinken

It seems that the United States of America and the interim entity [Israel] continuing their aggression against the Gaza Strip will lead to igniting the region, intentionally or unintentionally, and this is confirmed by much of the data and statements that occurred during the past days.

Netanyahu and his government, on the one hand, insist on rejecting any cessation of the war, because this would constitute a clear admission of defeat. As for the American administration, which really wants - for electoral interests only - to stop the war, it does not want this to lead to Israel’s defeat to the axis of resistance. In the face of this American-Israeli stagnation, the resistance axis found that escalating the pace of the war of attrition might force the opposing camp to submit, or at least fortify the negotiating position of the Palestinian resistance. In the face of this decision of the Axis of Resistance, Israel has no choice but to also escalate its attacks, and this is what may push matters further, towards slipping into what Tel Aviv and Washington fear, that is, the ignition of the entire region starting from southern Lebanon.

Bagheri warns

In this context, it was noteworthy that the Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic [of Iran], Ali Bagheri Kani, recently warned during a press conference with his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussein, in Baghdad, when he said that the Zionist entity, due to its failure in Gaza, may seek to make other mistakes and even expand the scope of its aggression. Stressing that "the genocide in Gaza must stop unconditionally," he called on the Americans to stop supporting Israel with weapons, and that they cannot "support Israel with weapons, pretend to be for peace, and launch initiatives." [This is a clue as to what is wrong with US politics. The government must push one narrative for its public but roughly the opposite one for its allies, ie, the true bosses that drive its true policies, eg, via AIPAC. The net result is a weak government that does nothing for America and that Americans don’t trust]

Minister Bagheri pointed out that Operation True Promise [the Iranian campaign cooperating with the various resistance fronts around the ME] confirmed that “the Islamic Republic will use all its capabilities to achieve stability, peace and security in the region and will not allow anyone, especially the aggressor Zionist entity, to undermine the stability and security of the region.” Therefore, this is a hint that Iran will not stand idly by in the face of any Israeli foolishness, such as waging war on Lebanon or escalating its attacks in other arenas. [Iran can send almost any kind of defensive or offensive weapon to Hezbollah for the defense of Lebanon]

The US administration's efforts are a path to deadly escalation [This analysis gives us a little peep behind the scenes showing why the US Israel-loyal foreign-controlled government is forced to keep the war machine running full tilt. We the voters have zero control over this, but the outcome is determined by the opponents, which are generally stronger than the West and more democratic in that they are in sync with the people. They use force, the only language of the elites]

On the other hand, many analysts and political experts believe that the US administration’s efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza are a path to a deadly escalation in the West Asia region. And despite its public calls for an end to the war, all Washington is actually doing is encouraging a bigger conflagration, because it is causing more violence in Gaza and threatening to turn it into a war with Lebanon, thus pushing the entire region into the abyss in order to avoid giving up its “unreserved support” for Israel.

Here it must be recalled that the Hamas movement’s response to the speech delivered by Joe Biden on May 31, in which he presented an “Israeli proposal” [it was not an Israeli proposal at all. This was a lie aimed at placating the masses, making them think Israel was for peace when it never was] for a ceasefire, was to view it “positively,” while insisting that it requires an Israeli withdrawal from war-torn Gaza and a ceasefire. Full of war, in order to agree to any proposal. On the other hand, Benjamin Netanyahu remained committed to his previous speeches about the need to “destroy Hamas,” [read: continue the genocide in a transparent pretense of fighting Hamas] while indicating that he would not agree to a ceasefire. Rather, he went further when he confirmed that Biden’s description of the Israeli ceasefire proposal “is not accurate.” This brings back memories of the atmosphere that prevailed before the occupation army began its operation in Rafah.

Will the American administration accept the failure of its efforts for the second time instead of forcing Israel to cease fire, or is the expansion of the war inevitable?!

 Related tags

The American-Israeli aggression, the war on Gaza, the axis of resistance, Operation True Promise, the trenches, Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu


Our thanks to CA for this tip – an excerpt from a book by Chris Hedges. BTW, the philosophical evolution described below matches my own.


Most of my life was spent living a lie, and I lived my life for that lie. A lie that I bought into, lock, stock and barrel, during the 80's and 90's, when I was working 70 hours a week (which I did for at least 20 years).

I graduated from university in 1982, the Reagan years, and I was a true believer in "Reaganomics," and the "trickle-down" theory, in which wealth is diverted to the already wealthy who will use it to create new production facilities, creating new jobs. They would "invest" that windfall income, alright ... just not in the U.S. of A. That's supply-side economics and, in theory, I believe, it works well ... the notion that all of us, collectively, each of us acting solely in our own self-interest, create a "rising tide that lifts all boats." I was almost religious in that belief during the Eighties and Nineties. Greed is good. I, like so many other Americans during those years, abandoned the notion that "we are all in this together" and adopted the "every man for himself, and you are on your own" way of thinking: "You have not, because you strive not."

And young people (not just in America) are beginning to get a sense of the reality: they are being ruthlessly exploited in an ever-increasingly socially stratified (feudalistic) society.

Our financial system was taken hostage and looted by bankers, brokers, and speculators who told us that the old means of making capital by producing and manufacturing were outdated. They assured us money could be made out of money. They insisted that financial markets could be self-regulating. Like all financial markets throughout history that have thrown off oversight and regulation, ours has collapsed. Speculators in the seventeenth century were hanged. Today they receive billions in taxpayer dollars and huge bonuses.

Excerpt from: Chris Hedges, Empire of Illusion (Pub. 2010)

America's wealth is systematically being transferred from the lower and middle classes into the pockets of the rich. And that is not by accident.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Hedges' critique stops short of actually denouncing capitalism as a system that, in any incarnation—industrial (manufacturing) or financial speculative—remains inherently exploitative, crisis-prone, deeply inegalitarian, incurably hierarchic, undemocratic and ultimately organically unstable and fascistic (due to its incurable "overproduction" disease.


Photo: Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine Facebook page

The U.S. power structure is blindly dedicated to Israel

When the board of the Columbia Law Review clumsily censored a pro-Palestinian article it revealed the degree to which pro-Israel ideology is enmeshed in the U.S. power structure. Luckily, a generational shift is changing this before our eyes.

BY PHILIP WEISS  JUNE 17, 2024  15



We used to call people like this the ruling class. These high appointees understand what American values are, and today American values are standing by Israel even as it massacres thousands of children. These values surely have to do with the importance of Zionist donors to Joe Biden and universities, but they go beyond that to the makeup of the U.S. establishment. Pro-Israel voices — including Jewish Zionists — are a significant element of corporate culture. They are a generational force. Young progressives and young Jews are rejecting Israel. But they aren’t in the power structure.

[Unfortunately, the author ignores the elephant in the room, ie, the hordes of “Christian” Zionist church leaders who do the heavy lifting propaganda work that underpins the machinations of the ruling class. Thus, one of the most dangerous men in America is the fundamentalist fanatic Gordon Robertson]

One of the most telling stories about the establishment came and went last November. Two dozen leading law firms sent a letter to the leading law schools, including Harvard and Columbia, saying that they would not hire students from law schools that failed to crack down on antisemitism. And one of those firms, Davis Polk, rescinded job offers to three students who had taken part in pro-Palestinian protests. The letter said:

“We look to you to ensure your students who hope to join our firms after graduation are prepared to be an active part of workplace communities that have zero tolerance policies for any form of discrimination or harassment, much less the kind that has been taking place on some law school campuses.”



Our thanks to Regis Tremblay for this:

On June 11th, 2024, we attended an amazing concert by the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov.

We attended this concert along with a packed audience in the Chekhov Theater here in Yalta. The Moscow based group comes to Yalta once a year and we were fortunate to get tickets.

We were spellbound by the two-hour concert that featured operatas, soloist musicians, and a dramatic reading of Alexander Pushkin’s short story, The Blizzard.



Regis’s Substack
National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia
On June 11th, 2024, we attended an amazing concert by the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov. We attended this concert along with a packed audience in the Chekhov Theater here in Yalta. The Moscow based group comes to Yalta once a year and we were fortunate to get tickets…

Listen now

I could not believe the incredible sound that was produced by a stringed orchestra accompanied by a few wind and percussion instruments.


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Rumble("play", {"video":"v4zx20w","div":"rumble_v4zx20w"});

Enjoy and please share. I continue my efforts to show The Russian Soul to Americans and others, by producing content that gives insight to this great country, it's amazing and friendly people, and the rich history and culture.

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It is interesting that this theater is dedicated to Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. The writer spent a few years living at his dacha in Yalta. One of his best known short stories is Dama s sobachkoy, the Lady with a dog, which is set in Yalta and whose characters all have Russian names and are mostly tourists from Russia. When I visited Yalta in the early 70s, I must confess I did not know I was in Ukraine, Everyone there spoke Russian, It is now impossible for me to think of Crimea as anything but Russian, and I personally think it would be a crime to try and separate the peninsula from the Motherland. Yalta is as Russian as Chekhov and it is a crime for the ignorant, uncultured Neocons in Washington to insist that it must revert back to Ukraine where it never belonged. Just my two cents.



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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The Ukrainians are itching for a Russian victory!

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Don Hank

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The Ukrainians are itching for a Russian victory!

The west is wasting its money on more [weapons]; Ukraine needs power grid equipment. The Ukrainians are sick to death of war and are collaborating with the Russians to shorten the war and save lives.

Here is your daily air strike update for April 12, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]
Use the following oblast map to locate the oblasts.

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The latest missiles at the Kiev Thermal Power Plant: Elimination of air defense in Odessa. Fire at the airfield - Nebenzya took the floor


A video of the moment one of the drones hit the critical infrastructure of a thermal power plant is being circulated online. At the same time, it became known that in addition to drones, the “newest X-69 missiles” were used, which are said to be “more terrible than the Kinzhals.” Some targets of the strikes in Odessa became known. An air raid alert was declared in many regions of Ukraine - a military airfield was hit, where previously it was possible to eliminate NATO military personnel. [The X-69 is described as a stealth ground attack cruise missile. It is subsonic but can sneak past air defenses]

Strikes in Odessa

During a series of powerful attacks on a number of regions of Ukraine, kamikaze drones and guided bombs rained down on the enemy’s military and critical infrastructure. A powerful attack on the Odessa oblast destroyed one of the main logistics railway lines, which led to the southern part of the port of Chernomorsk - along this line the enemy equipped part of the military groups with reserves. There were also attacks on the substation in Mirny [Zaporozhye oblast], which cut off power to some of the oblast’s settlements.

However, it became known later that the Russian soldiers had other goals. According to Boris Rozhin, an expert at the Center for Military-Political Journalism, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a successful strike on the enemy’s air defense position area southwest of the city of Ilyichevsk in the Odessa oblast.

As a result of the strike, one S-300 [air defense] launcher was destroyed, and its ammunition detonated. Another launcher, as well as a 30N6 illumination and guidance radar, were cut by shrapnel and disabled, the expert said.

Kiev TPP

Earlier it the destruction of the “most powerful” power plant in the Kiev oblast, Tripilska Thermal Power Plant, was reported. According to preliminary information, Russian military personnel used Kinzhals and Geran-2 kamikaze drones. A video is even being circulated online, according to the authors, of the first drone hit on a critical infrastructure facility.

However, it became known later that instead of the Kinzhals, Russia could have used a completely different missile, superior to that one in speed, range and power. Information about this was published by the Ukrainian publication Defense Express.

There is no official confirmation from the Ministry of Defense at the moment.

The publication reports that conclusions about the model of the missiles used were made on the basis of debris found at the site of the impact, said Ruslan Ostashko.

Airfield for F-16

On April 12, targeted strikes against enemy military and critical infrastructure facilities continued. After 03:00, an air raid alert was announced in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Kirovograd, Vinnitsa, Khmelnytsky and Chernivtsioblasts.

According to TV presenter Ruslan Ostashko, explosions were heard in the area of the military airfield in Starokonstantinov.

Explosions were heard in the area of the military airfield of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Starokonstantinov. The object has long become a common target for Russian Gerans. The work of air defenses in the Odessa oblast is also reported, the journalist said.

According to unconfirmed reports, a fire started in the area after the strike.

This is not the first attack on this military facility. [That is an understatement if there ever was one. Just go back over the old issues of donhank.substack for several months and you will see that this airfield is the most frequently attacked by far.]After the previous attack, information began to spread online about the liquidation of NATO troops, as well as Polish engineers servicing European cruise missiles.

It was quite a coincidence that at the time of the last strike at the airfield, the German journalist Röpke said that there were no safe places for F-16 fighters in Ukraine.

It is noteworthy here that it was the Starokonstantinov airfield in the Khmelnitsky oblast that was supposed to receive NATO F-16 aircraft. They turned out to be a nightmare.

[The main problem for the Ukronazis is that the average Ukrainian citizen hates their government, which it realizes is a puppet of Washington and wants to send all the men to the meatgrinder of the front lines. The women in particular are solicitous of the safety of their husbands, boyfriends, brothers and sons. Therefore, not only the traditionally pro-Russian areas but also most others, are full of informants who are eager to have the Russian forces strike the military and allied areas. Westerners are told the opposite – that the Ukrainians are willing to fight to the last man for the sake of “democracy” and “freedom.” It is a CROCK to say the least! Ukrainian citizens line up to send state secrets to the Russian Ministry of Defense. That is why the missile forces know the exact coordinates of large gatherings of military men and equipment, railroad junctions and airfields where the Western-supplied F-16s will be landing.]

Strikes to the energy sector

As Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya stated at a recent UN meeting, Russia’s strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities are a response to Kiev’s attempts to damage facilities in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation:

On April 11 alone, the list of damaged energy facilities in Ukraine was at least 10.

The list and extent of destruction of generating infrastructure facilities is impressive:

Tripolye (Kiev oblast). Trypilska Thermal Power Plant.

Kharkov, CHPP-3.

Kharkov, plant named after. Malysheva, workshop No. 510 and building No. 400.

Chuguev (Kharkov oblast). Central warehouse of engineering ammunition of military unit A-2467.

Kharkov, "Turboatom" plant. Foundry shop and KEMZ building.

Stryi (Lviv oblast), gas collection point No. 2.

Susk (Rivne oblast). 1448th Central Artillery Weapons Base.

Chervonograd (Lviv oblast). 72nd separate mechanization battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Chervonograd (Lviv oblast), substation "Chervonograd-2" 110/35/6 kV.

Odessa, substation 330/110/10 kV "Usatovo".

At the same time, the American publication The Wall Street Journal believes that “with attacks on the Ukrainian energy sector and, in particular, thermal power plants, Russia is laying the foundation for a new offensive.”

In particular, we are talking about depleting stocks of air defense missiles and drawing the attention of the Ukrainian Armed Forces away from the front line. The successful destruction of power plants in Kharkov, Kiev and Sumy only confirms that the Kiev regime no longer has air defenses, writes TV presenter Ostashko.


Israel is losing and flailing about like a landed fish

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The Secret Zionist Plan to Destroy the Muslim World

Daniel Haqiqatjou

November 8, 2023

The Yinon Plan was first laid out in a 1982 article featured in the Hebrew journal Kivunim

(published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem).

The article was authored by Oded Yinon – a former advisor to Ariel Sharon (an Israeli general who later became prime minister).

The Yinon Plan has played a key role in Zionist foreign policy since the 1980s. The powerful Israel lobby has also successfully pushed the US government into adopting the same plan.

The US government began to implement this plan partially in the 1990s. However, full implementation began in the early 2000s under George W. Bush. The plan still guides American policy to this day.

The basic aim of the Yinon Plan is to fatally weaken Muslim-majority states, especially in the Middle East. This involves promoting religious, sectarian, and ethnic divisions and conflict. Such is to be done within Muslim majority-states (e.g., Lebanon, Iraq, Syria). It is also to be done between these states (e.g., Gulf states versus Iraq, Saudi versus Iran).

It is assumed that Muslim-majority states will become weaker if there is conflict within them and between them. It is expected that these conflicts will cause complete economic ruin, millions of deaths, and tens of millions of refugees.


US support for ISIS in Syria [US support for ISIS is part of the Yinon Plan described above]

Does the us support isis?




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WASHINGTON D.C. (GPA) – Everyone knows U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has more to do with destabilization than diplomacy. Whether arming terror states like Israel and Saudi Arabia or flattening entire countries like Libya and Iraq, American intervention is pretty much always a humanitarian disaster. At times, this policy has even included arming ISIS — the very terror group Washington claims to oppose.

The reason for this help is that ISIS assists U.S. foreign policy goals. It is no secret that the U.S. has tried to overthrow the democratically elected Syrian government for years. To further their goals, the U.S. regime has more or less aligned with just about every terrorist group short of ISIS publicly, including Jahbat al-Nusra.

Yet at times this alliance has extended past terror groups fighting under the Free Syrian Army banner. In many situations, the U.S. has seemingly supported ISIS. Whether these instances are mere coincidence or represent a pattern of support is up to you to decide. Below are five strongest instances of the U.S. helping ISIS and other terrorist groups.


There are several instances of the United States providing air support to terrorist groups like ISIS but none quite as obvious — and dire — as Deir Ez Zor in 2016.

In September 2016, the humanitarian situation in the Syrian city of Deir Ez Zor was dire: the largest city in eastern Syria was completely besieged by ISIS fighters. Syrian civilians and soldiers alike were completely dependent upon airlifted supplies to survive. Then, on September 17, U.S. warplanes led British, Danish, and Australian jets on a series of airstrikes against the city’s defenders, the Syrian Arab Army. The air raids lasted about an hour and decimated crucial Syrian Army positions on the mountains that overlook Deir Ez Zor airport. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the airstrikes killed at least sixty-two Syrian soldiers and injured over 100 more.

Immediately following the airstrikes, ISIS fighters attacked the weakened Syrian troops defending the critical mountains. ISIS ultimately overran positions on the mountains threatening both the airbase and the cities roughly 200,000 residents. These particular airstrikes occurred during a ceasefire between “rebel” and Syrian Arab Army forces. After the strikes, the ceasefire quickly fell apart.

While the U.S. claims the airstrikes were intended to strike ISIS fighters, Russia and Syria see the situation differently. Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s U.N. ambassador said “It is highly suspicious that the US chose to conduct this particular air strike at this time,” adding that the strikes killing Syrian soldiers did not look like a mistake. Syrian President Bashar Assad went so far as to say that the U.S. airstrikes intentionally targeted the Syrian Army.


Speaking of ISIS’s siege of Deir Ez-Zor, ISIS fighters were again bolstered there by the now infamous “Raqqa Deal:” a secret agreement between the U.S.-backed Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and ISIS.

Encircled ISIS fighters were transported via trucks through SDF territory to other parts of the country — including Deir Ez-Zor. ISIS fighters left the area with their weapons and “families” including captured sex slaves and children.

While the U.S. and Kurds intended to keep the deal secret for obvious reasons, news quickly broke when disgruntled truck drivers talked to the press. Since they were hired under false pretenses, the truck drivers were quite surprised to discover that their cargo included heavily armed terrorists laden with suicide belts.

According to the U.S. coalition, the SDF granted safe passage out of Raqqa to only 250 ISIS terrorists but this number is more likely than not a boldface lie. Talal Silo, a former commander in the Syrian Democratic Forces, says roughly 4,000 ISIS fighters were bussed out of the city with their families and weapons. Silo also claims that U.S. officials made the decision in consultation with the SDF — contradicting the U.S. narrative that local SDF commanders forced it upon the U.S.


Of all the weapons in ISIS’s arsenal, perhaps none are more devastating than U.S.-made TOW launchers. These laser-guided anti-tank missiles make it extremely difficult to secure terrorist-controlled areas because they partially negate the big advantage that tanks and armored vehicles provide forces fighting underequipped terrorists. In 2015, an ISIS propaganda video even featured one such TOW launcher destroying a modern Russian Tank.

According to a 2014 Washington Post article, the U.S. provided many of these launchers to the self-described “moderate” rebel groups like Harakat Hazm (or Movement of Steadfastness) which later joined hardline extremist Levant Front. In the case of Harakat Hazm, the group joined the extremist Levant Front just a year after receiving the U.S. TOW launchers. The Levant Front is a broad coalition consisting not of ISIS fighters per se, but still containing fighters under the banner of numerous terrorist organizations within its ranks.


One of the most devastating weapons available to ISIS and ISIS adjacent forces are MANPADS: shoulder fired anti-aircraft rocket launchers.

Ample video evidence displays fighters of every rebel group from ISIS to al-Qaeda in Syria using such weapons to devastating effect. One video even shows ISIS fighters with U.S.-made Javelin rocket launchers. While it is possible these weapons were simply captured, some evidence points to the weapons being supplied by the U.S.

Many foreign policy experts suggest that the U.S. and its allies have quietly supplied these devastating anti-aircraft weapons to Syrian “rebels.” Such an operation would be relatively easy to cover up as the U.S. has a large amount of Soviet made MANPADS looted from Iraq and Libya.

Fueling suspicions even more, in 2016, the U.S. Congress granted the president legal authority to supply these devastating weapons to “moderate” Syrian rebels. Seeing as how “moderate” rebels has previously included groups such as al-Nusra and al- Qaeda, this new legal authority represents a major escalation.

Since the bill passed, there has been two high profile cases of jihadist forces using MANPADS to shoot down fighter jets.  RT and other non-western news sources have suggested that the

-MANPADS used in the attacks originated from the U.S. although it’s impossible to determine the weapons’ origins from mere terrorist propaganda videos. Very convenient plausible deniability.


Perhaps the largest and most obscure way that the U.S. helps ISIS and other terror groups is through middlemen like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. gives extensive military, intelligence and financial aid to these regimes that then funnel those resources towered ISIS.

During the early days of the ISIS’s rise, Turkey’s open border policy was instrumental to foreign terrorists flooding into Iraq and Syria. In fact, Turkey’s involvement with ISIS runs so deep that in 2016 David Phillips, an ex-State Department and Columbia University researcher, published a comprehensive study on Turkey’s support for ISIS.

The study found evidence of Turkey providing military equipment, transport and logistical assistance, training, medical care to ISIS fighters. But that’s not all. The study determined that Turkey supports ISIS financially through purchasing oil and assisting ISIS recruitment. The report also said Turkish forces fight alongside ISIS fighters (specifically referring to the Battle for Kobani). Phillips attributes all this to the idea that Turkey and ISIS share a common worldview.

Saudi Arabia — another U.S. ally — covertly supports ISIS while publicly opposing the terror group. According to a report by the British government, Saudi Arabia supplied ISIS with major financing. London attempted to bury the report because of the embarrassment it could cause the U.K. government.

Even the neoconservative Brookings Institute admits that “Saudi Arabia’s contribution to Islamist extremism has far outstripped Iran’s.” Hillary Clinton, one of Saudi Arabia’s staunchest supporters in the U.S., has privately admitted that Riyadh supports ISIS.

In a 2014 email published by WikiLeaks, Clinton wrote that “While this military/para-military operation is moving forward [in Syria], we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Isis] and other radical Sunni groups in the oblast.”

Clinton of course, was an outspoken advocate of arming “moderate” Syrian rebels.


Whether the Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq’s WMD’s, or simple coups, secret operations that destroy entire countries for U.S. interests are as American as apple pie.

Trying to piece together the definitive actions of a government so apt at lying and deception is difficult. But what we do know doesn’t paint a good picture of the U.S. in Syria. No matter how you spin it, the U.S. and its allies are relentlessly employing terrorists to serve America’s own selfish interests

Top Photo | ISIS Toyota Trucks @7our/Twitter

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Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

تكريساً للتقسيم.. قسد تحتل البيوت في الرقة والطبقة ومنبج (

Wednesday 03 April 2024 01:01

In order to consolidate the division, SDF occupies homes in Raqqa, Tabqa, and Manbij

SDF members storm Syrian homes

In 2015, the Syrian Democratic Forces [SDF] entered more than 350 villages in Raqqa Governorate, after the Western coalition indiscriminately bombed cities and villages in northeastern Syria, leading to the erasure of entire neighborhoods of Raqqa, before the SDF entered the city and took control of it. Whoever reads the studies that the SDF is trying to publish and pass, as part of an attempt to rewrite the history of the region, such as the attempts of Pierre Robari on the Kurdistan website, who has been trying since 2022 to invent a new history for Raqqa, the Arab city that is located on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, making it one of the important cities of the area, ie, Syria, which is located within the historically known Arabian Peninsula, which extends between the Euphrates and the Nile.

It is not new for our region to be subjected to more historical deception in order to impose control over it, and the “revolutions” that swept the Arab region were nothing but attempts to re-divide it into sectarian and ethnic cantons in order to facilitate this, according to the proposal and plan of Bernard Lewis since 1954. We are reminded of history. And with the Zionist-American plan, every time we talk about the eastern region of the Syrian Jazira, let us know that the plan continues as long as the American occupation there continues, and that the SDF Kurds, most of whom came from the Qandil Mountains, are an integral part of this plan. They do not share the Kurds of the Arab region’s affiliation with the countries in which they lived in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Egypt.

This information is not only known to the people of the region, and it was published by a study by the Washington Institute on December 5 of last year, entitled “The Rebellion Crisis Facing the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).” Vladimir van Wilgenburg wrote that the SDF entered into an alliance with the United States and was able to enter the country on that day. Raqqa with the support of these forces. It is trying to connect a group of villages in which Kurds are present, and then the SDF reluctantly entered the eastern part of the city of Deir ez-Zor. The writer attributes the reason for sparking the rebellion between the clans last year to “local grievances,” which pose a major challenge to the United States as well as to the SDF in the region. Therefore, what we have been witnessing from an American attack in Deir ez-Zor for about a week, and according to what the situation is described by Beljanbara, is the presence of resistance forces under the name “Lions of the East,” and they stood by the tribes in the recent “rebellion” against the SDF after they arrested Abu Khawla, one of them. Leaders of the Hafil tribe, who supported the SDF forces over the past years, and Washington refuses to deal with him directly at the expense of the SDF, while it deals and talks with his brother who is in Qatar.

What does this mean? Dealing with his brother in Qatar! This means that Washington does not want to deal with or recognize the people and owners of the region who have lived there for thousands, not hundreds, of years. Washington and the SDF accuse the groups that are fighting them of being either supported by Iran or supported by Assad’s forces, just as they do with the Palestinians in Gaza, and with Hamas’s classifications, sometimes of being terrorists and sometimes of being supported by Iran, as part of a dirty policy that seeks to settle strangers and abnormal prospects for the benefit of “Israel’s” security. . Here, we do not want to repeat the role played by the SDF, which is linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and whose leaders came from the Qandil Mountains, according to a Carnegie research published in 2019 written by Elizabeth Tsurkov and Essam Al-Hassan. It seems that the Kurdish leadership was trying to achieve the impossible to hold on to its stronghold in northeastern Syria, because there is a major conflict between Kurdish and Arab interests in the region. After the virtual elimination of ISIS, there is no longer anything that unites the two parties, especially since the SDF, with its Kurdish leadership, wants to control everything, including of course the Syrian oil fields and wheat fields.

The matter does not stop there, as American interests converge with Kurdish interests, and the latter practice a racist policy in which they call an Arab a Bedouin, and treat him as if he were a second-class citizen, marginalizing the Arab majority who are subject, and unfortunately submissive, to the rule of the SDF, and they have a feeling of resentment because they are considered by According to Carnegie, the SDF is not concerned with managing their regions. This is not accurate, as the SDF always tries to deal with the tribes, which it considers ignorant and disorganized, lacking in doctrinal understanding, and dominated by tribal and clan values. The SDF also avoids working with educated people and intellectuals while dealing with them. It practices a kind of disdain and abhorrent racism. Qandil Kurds are mainly villagers and Bedouins organized into the Kurdistan Workers' Party, which is also considered a totalitarian party that does not accept others. According to the Carnegie study, the SDF doubts the ability of the Arabs and Kurds in northeastern Syria, and what the SDF certainly doubts is the Arabs’ desire to secede and form an autonomous administration far from the centralization of the capital. What the SDF wants are allies to support it in preventing the Syrian state from seizing control of the oil and wheat fields, which provide self-financing that has reached the point of greed.

Qandil SDF knows that it is a stranger in Syria. It also cannot deal with educated people and intellectuals because they know that the SDF is part of a settlement occupation in the east of the Syrian Peninsula, while they see themselves as part of the Syrian state that must manage the country, and the military support that the SDF receives from the Americans is not easy in terms of armament and training. It gives it military superiority in the region, especially with open American support, and the Americans do not care about the amount of weapons that the SDF buys as long as it pays for it with Syrian oil revenues. With this weapon, it considers itself the local force that gives itself the right to raid homes and impose conscription on young men in its ranks, which led to the flight of Arab youth from the city of Raqqa and its environs. The SDF then seized the homes of many of them and occupied them, and did as ISIS did during the years 2014-2015. It considers the empty houses to be its property, and it houses those coming from the Qandil Mountains, just as ISIS did, and as Zionism did in Palestine, especially in the territories occupied in 1948.

During a conversation with a journalist in Syria, who requested that his name not be mentioned, at a time when the speaker was astonished by the theft of his house, its evacuation, and the squatting of some members of the Kurdish Autonomous Administration in it, he said, “After the Turkish bombing of Qamishli, there were no safe places left for them, so they headed to Raqqa.” And to the city of Tabqa on the banks of the Euphrates, and from time to time the tribal sheikhs intervene in order to return the houses to their original owners. Among the houses that the SDF occupied without caring about the results of its actions, and whose occupation constitutes a real attack on Syrian sovereignty, is the house of the former Minister of Tourism, Hala Al-Tamer, and the house of the branch director. The former party in Raqqa, Abdul Razzaq Al-Jassem, and Al-Jassem’s house, according to the press source, is empty today.”

At the beginning of the Syrian war, many Syrians in the Damascus countryside, in Dummar and its environs, and in Eastern Ghouta were astonished when militants from ISIS and Al-Nusra or what was called the Free Army entered their homes, especially those that were owned by individuals from different sects, or who were called the Shabiha and the regime’s men from various sects occupied their homes, tampered with them, and stole their property. This is what SDF is doing today in the homes of Arab residents. Is there any difference between the strangers of ISIS and Al-Nusra who came from Dagestan, Pakistan, Turkey, Turkestan, and... and some Arab countries to tamper with the security of Syria and so on? Between the SDF and its leaders who came from Turkey and the Qandil Mountains, some of whom were refugees in Europe due to Kurdish and Iraqi persecution, according to their claim.

After the start of the Iraqi resistance’s strikes on the American occupation sites in Syria, operations that affected both American and Kurdish sites, Abdi Mazloum went to visit Washington on February 9 of this year, 2024. He complained about his forces being exposed to resistance strikes, and we said that the Kurds were scratching their heads. Mazloum also reassured us in a press conference, broadcast from the SDC office in Washington, that America told him that there would be no withdrawal from Syria, neither now nor in the near future. He confirmed that the Turks are targeting the SDF forces with F-16 planes that the Americans recently released. It is an American attempt to win Türkiye more to its side. This falls within the scope of preparation for something, which may be a larger military campaign in northern Syria, and confrontations with the Syrian army and its allies.

It appears from Mazloum’s speech that both the SDF and the Americans are proceeding with all the plans that have been drawn up, and that today the SDF forces are roaming the Syrian desert with the commando forces, formerly ISIS, to actually form what is called the Free Syrian Army, “Al-Sahja”, and to begin missions to take over power. Within this plan was the Syrian army’s bombing of Deir ez-Zor, in which 36 members of the Syrian Arab Army were martyred a few days ago. What America is doing today is that it is dragging the Autonomous Administration south, 30 km away from the Turkish border, and allowing SDF to expand in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor liberated by the Syrian Arab Army. Confirmed news has spread of the spread of SDF in the Syrian desert, and it seems that the American plan is proceeding apace and not disturbing it. Except for resistance strikes from time to time.

Writer: Abeer Bassam


Jeff Brown’s site:

Pepe Escobar comes to Normandy and eats like a Chinese emperor!


APR 12

Pepe Escobar came for a visit in Cherbourg, France. Great company, great food, great conversation. He gave me this amazing gift from Donbas, Russia: a military banner of all the Russian battalions that have adopted a saint (Mark, Luke, James, etc.). Jesus Christ in the center is the image on one of Russia's first flags 1,000 years ago, when the Orthodox church was founded in Crimea, Russia.

We were treated to an incredible meal prepared by our dear friend Evelyne, hands down the best home cooking chef in Normandy! Bon Appétit!


Just let me say a word about “freedom of religion.” This concept gave us the criminal enterprise we call “Israel” and the current genocide in Gaza.

Religion in China

By Dr. Kwan Lee


The West is finally leaking out the truth about Russian power in Ukraine

Because Ukraine is screaming for more air defenses and the best propaganda is the truth. The problem is, NO known air defense can intercept hypersonic missiles, so more Patriots won’t save Ukraine. Imbecile Zelensky doesn’t know this basic sci-tech fact.

Negotiations is the only answer, but Zelensky wants to go down with the ship and take as many of his fellow Ukrainians with him.

The reporting is still not honest, of course. This journo calls the Russian strikes “heinous,” but no msm report would EVER call the genocidal Israeli attacks on Gaza heinous. Why not?

In fact NO Western reports even mentioned the genocidal attacks by the Ukro-Nazis on Donbass starting in 2014 when the Obama regime took over the reins in Kiev and filled all the power positions with Neo-Nazis. And God forbid any journo would have called the attacks on Donbass “heinous.”


European Union, Josep Borrell: Israel has turned Gaza into the largest open cemetery in the world

Borrell also added that Gaza before the war was an open prison, and today it has become the largest open cemetery for tens of thousands of people, and it is also a cemetery for many of the most important principles of humanitarian law.

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Iraqi resistance wants to bring about a sea change in the Israeli genocide issue

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Don Hank

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The Iraqi resistance looks set to recruit and arm 12,000 Jordanian fighters to engage Israel. If they can stop the genocide, the world will owe them a debt of gratitude forever.


Iran promised to retaliate against Israel for its attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria that killed several military personnel.

The US shrieked hysterically that Iraq may attack at any moment.

I have not posted much on the Iraqi resistance, because their activities are not as conspicuous as the others, although yesterday I wrote about the different fronts of the Axis of Resistance.

I had said that there are essentially 5 Resistance fronts and that the most prominent ones in the news since Oct 7 have been Hamas (of course) and Houthis in Yemen, but there are also Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Popular Mobilization Units (al-Hashd al-Shaabi) in Iraq, and the various pro-Assad militias in Syria.

Working in coordination with each other, but with little or no inter-communication (because each one knows the common goal, namely the liberation of Palestine), they are each taking bites out of the Israeli economy and worrying the Satanic elites in Tel Aviv.

The Houthis are costing Israel money by seriously disrupting Israel foreign trade with attacks on Israel-related shipping in the Red Sea, the Strait of Mandeb, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

Hezbollah is attacking northern Israel by firing rockets into illegal settlements and prompting their evacuation.

Syrian popular resistance units (not to be confused with the “resistance” to Assad) are escalating their attacks against the US-sponsored Kurdish separatist SDF terrorist group in the northern region, their latest operation included targeting two of the separatists’ posts in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, where the US is plundering oil resources belonging to the impoverished Syrian people.

The Popular Mobilization Units and their factions are launching attacks on US bases

in Iraq, where the US military continues to exist without the blessings of the Iraqi people and parliament. These units plainly state that they will not halt their attacks until Israel pulls out of Gaza.

I will mention Hamas only for the sake of completeness. We all know who they are.

These fronts are all acting like a swarm of hornets, attacking individually but yet in perfect harmony, creating major discomfort for the Combined West and especially Israel.

Hyperlink to alkhanadeq report on Iraqi resistance’s arming of Jordanians

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

April 5, 2024

Iraqi Resistance Front: Increasing qualitative escalation


Iraqi resistance operations

The operations of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq continue at a steady pace, within the framework of the front of support for the Palestinian resistance during the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood. But last week it was marked by escalation, in terms of the identity of Israeli targets.

In recent days, the Iraqi resistance launched its operations as follows:

_A vital Israeli target in the Galilee region, whose identity was not revealed (Sunday, March 31, 2024).

_ A drone was launched towards the naval military base in Eilat, and it exploded near the “Sa’ar 6” ship (Monday, April 1, 2024).

_Tel Nof Israeli Air Base (Tuesday, April 2, 2024).

_ Targeting Haifa Airport, which is used for civilian and military aircraft, and attacking a vital Israeli target in occupied Ashdod (Wednesday, April 3, 2024).

_Ramat David Air Base in northern occupied Palestine (Thursday, April 4, 2024).

This sample of operations confirms what the American camp of weakness has always tried to deny, that the capabilities of the Iraqi resistance will not be able to cross Jordan and its systems, which are devoted to defending the temporary entity, so that the Iraqis were able to target the entire geography of occupied Palestine from the sea to the river.

Al-Nujaba: Readiness to take any action against Israel

In a related context, the Islamic Resistance - Al-Nujaba Movement, confirmed last Tuesday that it is ready to take any action in response to Israel’s violations, following the Israeli Air Force’s targeting of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and its assassination of a number of leaders of the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria, affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. At the forefront of the martyrs is Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

Various Iraqi resistance factions also warned the United States of America that they would increase the number of armed operations, in response to the Biden administration's continued provision of military assistance to the Israeli army, which is killing civilians in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon.

Arming the Jordanian resistance

As for the unprecedented step, which if it happens will constitute a strong strategic blow to Israel, America, and the Arab rulers behind them (who sold out the Palestinian cause decades ago), it is due to what Kataib Hezbollah announced this week of its readiness to arm and equip 12,000 fighters in the Islamic Resistance in Jordan, with the recommendation of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements. This threatens to open a wide front against Israel that may be more dangerous than all the other fronts, due to its geographical advantages that threaten the various occupation settlements, and many of its very sensitive targets (the capital, Tel Aviv, the nuclear facilities, etc.).

Following the assassination of Commander Zahedi, the Hezbollah Brigades announced that it had prepared weapons, anti-armor launchers, and tactical missiles for 12 fighters in the Islamic Resistance in Jordan. The security official for the Brigades, Abu Ali Al-Askari, added, in a post on his channel on the Telegram application, that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has prepared its equipment to equip the Islamic Resistance in Jordan to meet the needs of 12,000 fighters with light and medium weapons, anti-armor launchers, tactical missiles, millions of rounds of ammunition, and tons of explosives, so that we can be one hand to defend our Palestinian brothers. He expressed the readiness of the resistance in Iraq to begin preparations, and that it is sufficient for this to be recommended by the Hamas or Islamic Jihad movements, in order to then begin first by “cutting off the land road that reaches the Zionist entity.”

The resistance axis hand is the highest

All of these Iraqi developments indicate that the Palestinian resistance, and behind it the supporting and nurturing axis of resistance, have many options and power cards (which cannot be used all at once, but rather at an incremental pace), making its hand - i.e. the axis - the highest and capable of achieving certain victory and thwarting all... Israeli and American… plans, and all these sacrifices (particularly of the martyrs and wounded) only lead to an increase in determination and will until all ambitions are achieved

Writer: Editorial room


Now for news on another front: Ukraine

Here’s your daily air strike update for April 6, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

6 Apr, 2024

The Ministry of Defense reported on a group strike on Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises


The Ministry of Defense announced the destruction of two launchers of the French-Italian SAMP/T air defense system near Kharkov. During the day, air defense shot down more than 200 drones, a Hammer bomb and HIMARS shells

On the night of April 6, Russia attacked enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, where armored and automotive equipment were produced and repaired, as well as military airfields and points of deployment of foreign military personnel, as reported by the Ministry of Defense.

During the attack, the military used long-range, sea- and air-launched precision weapons [that would be missiles] and drones, the ministry said, adding that the targets of the strike were were hit.

Aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed two launchers of the SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile system made in France and Italy, in the Kharkov area, the department said. SAMP/T Mamba is the first European medium-range anti-missile system. It was developed by the Eurosam consortium, and its Aster missiles are capable of intercepting air targets at a distance of 600 km.

During the day, air defense systems shot down 205 Ukrainian drones, a Hammer guided bomb, six HIMARS missiles and a Hurricane.

The Ministry of Defense reported 39 strikes on military and energy facilities in Ukraine

The head of the Kharkov regional administration Oleg Sinegubov and the mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov previously reported a night attack in the city, which killed six people and injured 11 more. Terekhov reported a damaged gas station.

Explosions were heard in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Zaporozhye, said the head of the local military administration, Ivan Fedorov. According to him, industrial enterprises came under attack. In the Khmelnitsky region, Strana writes, the city of Starokonstantinov, where a military airfield is located, was attacked. [This airfield gets hit really often]

The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasizes that attacks are carried out only on military and energy facilities of Ukraine and related infrastructure.

Ukraine continues to pay a high price for doing the Devil's bidding.

Strikes on Ukraine today: which important Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities were destroyed on April 6

April 6, 2024

Author: Ivan Smirnov

Last night, the Russian armed forces carried out a massive attack on military-industrial facilities in Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. Here's the latest news about this.

What the Russian Ministry of Defense said

According to the Russian military department, the Russian Armed Forces launched a strike with precision weapons and UAVs on various objects of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.

“Tonight, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range sea- and air-based weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine that produced and repaired armored and automotive equipment, UAVs, military airfields and temporary deployment points of foreign mercenaries. The objectives of the strike have been achieved. All designated targets were hit,” the department’s press service noted.

The Ministry of Defense said that two French-Italian SAMP-T launchers were destroyed in the Kharkov area.

“Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​the city of Kharkov destroyed two launchers of the SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system of French-Italian production, and also defeated the personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 133 areas. Air defense systems shot down 205 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, a Hammer guided aerial bomb made in France, as well as six HIMARS and Uragan missiles,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said.

What military correspondents write about the night strike on Ukrainian Armed Forces targets

Military expert Boris Rozhin reported in his Telegram channel that last night the Russian Armed Forces attacked the Planeta Mall shopping center in Kharkov, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces stored missiles for MLRS.

“Destroyed Planeta Mall shopping center in Kharkov. It contained rockets for MLRS, which were used to fire at Belgorod. [The Russian city of Belgorod, not far from the border with Ukraine, has been plagued since the start of the war by terror attacks on civilians. The destruction of these MLRS missiles should provide some respite] Scattered rockets were found on the street after the detonation,” he wrote.

The Telegram channel “Two Majors” reported that attacks were also carried out on factories located in the Kiev-controlled part of Zaporozhye.

“The results of the morning strikes on enemy targets: the Progress plant, the Ivchenko-Progress design bureau, the Kommunar plant, also known as the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant,” said the authors of the channel.

According to the Rybar channel, as a result of a massive attack, explosions were heard in parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye oblasts controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“Explosions were heard in parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye oblasts controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine - in the latter, industrial enterprises of the regional center were hit. In the Kiev oblast, one of the enterprises in Makarov was hit. Another target was the temporary deployment point of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Slavyansk. In Kharkov, the Shevchenko district came under fire: judging by the emerging footage with the sounds of secondary detonation, one of the ammunition depots was hit,” the publication says.

The Russian Ministry of Defense did not comment on this in any way.


Russian forces carried out precision strikes on military targets in different parts of Ukraine

The Russian army launched strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces targets. Arrivals were reported in the area of the Starokonstantinov military airfield in the Khmelnitsky oblast.

The following footage appears in Telegram channels: they write that this is a district of Kharkov. Strong explosions. Presumably, an ammunition depot was hit. There is also a base where equipment was stored.

Russian troops are carrying out precision strikes on everything related to the Ukrainian military industry. This is a response to the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attempts to damage Russian energy facilities.

And news from the special military op zone. Dnieper. Intelligence spotted a boat with saboteurs who were trying to get to the other side. Target destroyed. North Donetskregion of the front. Su-25 attack aircraft disrupted the rotation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Hit with unguided aircraft missiles.



Ivan Chuprov

Foreign mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces blown up.

The destroyed shopping center "Planeta Mall" in Kharkov, where missiles for MLRS were stored, which were used to fire at Belgorod. Reuters

Over the past week, the Russian Armed Forces launched a series of high-precision strikes on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine and points of deployment of Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“From March 31 to April 5, in response to the Kiev regime’s attempts to damage facilities in the oil and gas industry and the Russian energy sector, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision ground- and air-based weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles, against Ukrainian energy industry facilities, as well as military-industrial enterprises. complex, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel bases, temporary deployment points for Ukrainian units and foreign mercenaries,” the department said.

The Ministry of Defense emphasized that the strikes reached their target. All targeted objects were hit.

Russian underground fighters helped destroy two Ukrainian Armed Forces warehouses

According to intelligence information from the “Russian Kherson” underground, the Russian military destroyed weapons depots of Ukrainian formations in Kherson and the village of Tokarevka on the right bank. Governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo reported this in his Telegram channel.

“Also, our partisans identified two ardent accomplices of the Kiev Nazis in the village of Mirolyubovka: one of them finances Zelensky’s militants, and the second helps the TCC people to catch and send Ukrainian men to slaughter. The information has been taken into account, and after our return, and maybe earlier, both will suffer a well-deserved punishment,” added the head of the region.

Five Ukrainian Armed Forces boats sank to the bottom of the Dnieper

Last night, soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson oblast tried to cross the Dnieper in five boats. However, the enemy was detected and eliminated in time by the Russian military.

“Five enemy boats were hit by artillery and attack UAVs at the landing sites and when trying to approach the left bank,” Roman Kodryan, head of the Dnepr group’s press center, said in a statement.

Recreation centers for Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were covered with artillery

In the city of Ochakov, Odessa oblast, the Russian military carried out precise strikes on recreation centers, which were the location of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers. The coordinator of the Nikolaev underground, Sergei Lebedev, reported this in his Telegram channel.

“Today there was a very powerful explosion on the coast of Ochakov... at the recreation centers where the Armed Forces of Ukraine live. A lot of ambulances went to the coast,” Lebedev said.

The underground coordinator also stated that after the “arrival” in Ochakov, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) became more active. Its employees plan to check residents’ computers and smartphones in order to find the partisans who informed the Russian Armed Forces of the coordinates of the locations of the Ukrainian military.

Minus half a thousand Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers

According to the Russian Ministry of Armor, over the past 24 hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 470 soldiers killed and wounded in the Donetsk direction. In addition, the Russian military destroyed here two armored combat vehicles, eight cars, a 155-mm M109 “Paladin” self-propelled artillery mount and a 155 mm M777 howitzer made in the USA, four 122-mm “Gvozdika” self-propelled artillery mounts, and a 100 mm “Rapira” anti-tank gun ", as well as a field ammunition depot.

Our fighters took more advantageous positions in the DPR and LPR. They also repelled two attacks by assault groups of the 10th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of the village of Razdolovka (DPR).

The Russian Armed Forces will liberate Terny and drown Ukrainian Armed Forces militants in the river

The situation in other directions

In the Kupyansk direction, enemy losses amounted to up to 35 people. Here, Russian soldiers knocked out a tank and two cars. In the Avdiivka direction, the Ukrainian army lost more than 280 troops during the day, having carried out 12 unsuccessful counterattacks.

In the Kherson direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 35 people. In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces disabled over 90 enemy soldiers, improving their position along the front line.


Flying coffins


Dmitry Nevzorov

"Coffins" fall from the sky. Russia's missile and bomb attack threw Ukraine into an inferno

It is unlikely that Ukrainian air defense expected such a massive repeated Russian strike. No sooner had they trumpeted the 100% destruction of all Russian missiles and drones than these flew across Ukraine again. The light disappeared in the Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, Poltava, and Sumy oblasts. In Zaporozhye, the blow hit the workshops of the Motor Sich plant and the locations of units prepared to be sent to the front line. In Kharkov, newly restored transformer substations were again destroyed: several districts of the city were left without electricity. The substation that supplies the Malyshev Tank Plant with electricity is out of order again. Military facilities are burning and detonating in the Odessa and Kherson oblasts.

The sky is cracking at the seams. Russia's missile strike leaves Ukraine howling in horror

More details

Kharkov is on fire, but without light

According to Ukrainian media, after the latest Russian strikes in Kharkov and nearby areas, almost half a million subscribers lost power. The Kharkov administration is talking about a possible complete blackout in some areas of the city, given the emerging crisis situation. The operation of electric transport in the city has been stopped.

As Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said in an interview with Estonian television, there are now practically no entire thermal power plants left in Ukraine.

“80% of Ukrainian thermal power plants were destroyed. Russia continues to attack our energy facilities, destroying transformers and generators,” said the Ukrainian minister.

A few hours ago, the mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, said that in addition to cruise missiles, objects in the city were attacked by “smart” high-explosive bombs. There is significant destruction of administrative buildings.

Darkness-darkness. Russia forces Kiev to capitulate or live by candlelight

According to information from Kharkov partisans, in addition to areas with equipment at the Kharkov Military Tank School, barracks and dormitories where personnel and instructors were housed were destroyed.

“Large FABs are not used against small targets,” said Air Force Major General, military expert Vladimir Popov. “If a FAB-500, or even more so a FAB-1500, arrived, then the military object was really important.”

Of particular note is the strike on the city of Merefa, located in close proximity to Kharkov. Several large industrial enterprises operate here, producing products for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One of the strikes with FAB-1500 strikes with UMPC hit the reinforced concrete structures plant, which produces structures for defensive structures. According to eyewitness accounts published on social networks, the explosion of the bomb sent concrete “dragon teeth” flying around the enterprise like champagne corks.

By the way, Ukrainian soldiers call Russian high-explosive aerial bombs (FAB) “coffins.”

“Many people are going crazy waiting for the ‘coffins’ to arrive and explode,” the militants write in their Telegram channels. “There is simply no escape from them.”

“FABs are waiting for them.” NATO units that can enter Ukraine have been named

More details

Iskanders visited Zaporozhye in the evening

The head of the public movement “We are with Russia”, Vladimir Rogov, spoke about the arrival of Russian missiles in the workshops and sites of the Motor Sich plant.

“Arrivals of two Iskander-K OTRK missiles. At the very least, there was a hit at the Motor Sich industrial site,” he wrote in his Telegram channel.

The Zaporozhye plant currently assembles engines for military aircraft and repairs various military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine coming from the battle zone. A few days ago, Russian missiles were already flying through his workshops. Citizens heard four powerful explosions, two of which were followed by detonation.

Now the explosions in Ukraine have subsided. But no one promises that the night will be calm...

"Smart" aerial bomb FAB-1500


Israel faces possible embargo, war crime accusation threats, Biden, Iran


Australia to appoint envoy to probe aid worker strike, says Israel steps insufficient | The Times of Israel


Nebenzya: Sanctions must be imposed against those who obstruct aid to Gaza Strip - SabaNet


CNN wrote about the evacuation of Israeli settlers from the settlements, but the reporter, Tara John, did not mention the inconvenient fact that these settlements, including Kiryat Shmona, are illegal and violate the UN-established borders for Palestine.

My letter to Tara John at

Dear Tara John,

Your report on the evacuation of Israelis from settlements disappointed me because you failed to mention that the Israelis displaced by Hezbollah rockets were from ILLEGAL settlements.

Kiryat Shmona is illegal and those settlers were there in violation of international law, which explains Hezbollah’s attacks.

If you admit these inconvenient facts to your readers, fewer Israelis will get hurt or lose their homes. When these settlers decided to build homes in the illegal settlements, none of the Western news sources – including yours – told them that they would be living there illegally and that the Resistance might frown on that.

Incomplete reporting is hurting Israel.

I might add that Israel is hurting Israel.

Don Hank

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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The depth of the present Western evil is quite possibly unprecedented

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Don Hank

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Documentary maker and peace activist Regis Tremblay

The events in Palestine have never happened before, at least not before the eyes of the whole world. The events are unprecedented, but the outcome is therefore unpredictable.

Why do the Israelis behave like this in full view of the world?
Because they have done this with impunity for 7+ decades, and the US always ran interference for them, censoring the damning reports in the media. In fact, in the case of the Israeli attack on the US ship USS Liberty, Lyndon Johnson forbade any of the wounded and other victims from speaking about the event!

No self-proclaimed Christian country anywhere in the world has ever before wholeheartedly condoned and empowered the crimes of another, partner, country to the extent to which the US has, on the official government level, condoned and even empowered, the unspeakable crimes of the pseudo-state we for all the wrong reasons, call “Israel.”

In a world governed by a modicum of justice, based on moral principles derived from both Judeo-Christian and universal rules of proper conduct, the high government officials of both the US and Israel would all face trial and would spend long years behind bars or even face capital punishment. They are no more moral than the Nazis sentenced to hang at Nuremberg, no less deserving of punishment.

The use of strictly religious criteria to ethnically cleanse and expel an entire people from their ancestral land, with the enthusiastic support of Evangelicals imbued with the heretical doctrine of “Christian” Zionism, led, as could have been expected, to an unprecedented human tragedy of shocking, gargantuan proportions. Never before has a series of persistent crimes of humanity been displayed on all the world’s media to the extent the Israeli genocide has, but without any repercussions in US law, which steadfastly, against all reason, upheld it.  Not only was the 1948 UN decision to grant statehood to a group of people claiming ownership of land wrested from its inhabitants of centuries-long history by terrorism, devoid of any rigorous logic or legal rationale, and such legal precedent and protocol was in fact systematically excluded from the UN debate, which rested solely on the political and military might of the US government. Or in other words, bullying. The participants to the debate were strongarmed, cowed, browbeaten, bribed, blackmailed and otherwise coerced into voting for Israeli statehood. Or else.

As could have been expected, another layer of inhumanity now comes to light, in the form of atrocities and crimes against women (see report below), some of the most egregious ever witnessed.

How could it be otherwise in a world where religious intolerance, both Christian and Judaic, sweeps aside all accepted legal protocol and rational debate? The demons of the Pandora’s box that was opened in 1948 never returned to their confinement. They are now at large and continue their rampage, doing what demons do, unimpeded by the long-discarded trappings of law and decency.

In a world governed by a modicum of justice, based on moral principles derived from both Judeo-Christian and universal rules of proper conduct, the high government officials of both the US and Israel would all face trial and would spend long years behind bars or even face capital punishment. They are no more moral than the Nazis sentenced to hang at Nuremberg, no less deserving of punishment.

No one is more worthy of leading these fiends to the gallows than, say, a Palestinian child who has lost both parents and all her siblings to an American-made aerial bomb dropped by an American-trained IDF pilot from a US-supplied aircraft – a starving child who was miraculously pulled out from under the rubble of her home with third-degree burns on her limbs and body.

We are a long, long way from that just world, but I dream of it and sincerely believe in it.

When to expect it, I don’t know. The Russians say God’s mills grind slowly but surely.

To achieve justice in the West would require a complete in-depth cultural and spiritual overhaul on both the official and grassroots levels. It would require a bedrock of goodness, decency and wisdom that perhaps the West no longer possesses – if indeed we ever did.

The Palestinian Nakba marks the West for the rank hypocrite that it is and always was.

Almost every US senator, congress person, president, federal decision maker and religious leader of the last 7 decades is guilty of this catastrophe and richly deserves the full Nuremberg treatment, no less.

They deserve no more leniency than they have accorded to the helpless Palestinians.

And a little child shall lead them. Isaiah 11:6

Link to Alkhanadeq report on Israeli crimes against women

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

Tuesday 27 February, 2024

Grave violations against Palestinian women: a systematic war crime

Attack on Palestinian women

With the escalation of the grave violations committed by the Israeli occupation army against civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the rate of attacks on women is also increasing, including sexual assaults, rape crimes, and enforced disappearance. The international reports launched by the experts appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council are considered, which straightforwardly reported on the occupation soldiers committing sexual violations and assaults against women and girls in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. These are credible and realistic, especially since they are based on documented testimonies of many of the assaults that occurred, which warn the international community of the need for urgent intervention to uncover the criminal, inhumane and immoral practices pursued by the occupation. And these crimes are added to the record of genocide crimes, in which most of the international community today, with its legal and judicial institutions, agree that the Israeli entity, with its military arsenal, is involved and implicated to the greatest extent.

Rationale for United Nations reports on grave violations against Palestinian women

UN experts say they have seen “credible allegations” that Palestinian women and girls have been subjected to sexual assault, including rape, while in Israeli prisons, and are demanding a full investigation. According to a report in The Guardian newspaper, the expert committee said that there was evidence of at least two cases of rape, in addition to other cases of sexual humiliation and threats of rape. Reem Al Salem, the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, said the true extent of sexual violence may be much higher. "We may not know for a long time the actual number of victims," she added. She pointed out that secrecy in reporting sexual assaults is common due to fear of retaliation, noting that in the wave of arrests of Palestinian women and girls after the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas on October 7, there was an increasingly lenient attitude towards sexual assault in Israeli detention centers. Reem, who was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council as a special rapporteur in 2021, said, “I would like to say that violence and the dehumanization of Palestinian women, children, and civilians, in general, have become a normal thing throughout this war.” How did these attacks appear?

UN reports indicate that Palestinian women and girls have been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often along with members of their families, including their children.

- There was deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing of Palestinian women and children in the places where they took refuge, or during their flight. Experts said that some of them were carrying pieces of white cloth when they were killed by the Israeli army or its forces. [We have heard reports of two women who were shot dead while visiting a church in Gaza]

- Arbitrary detention of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls, including human rights defenders, journalists [the most famous case was the Israeli assassination of the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by the IDF, long BEFORE Oct 7] and humanitarian workers, in Gaza and the West Bank since the conflict began on 7 October.

Many female detainees were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, deprived of menstrual pads, food and medicine, and subjected to severe beatings.

Palestinian women in Gaza are detained in a cage in the rain and cold, without food.

- Sexual abuse of women and girls during detention, such as stripping and strip-searching, by male Israeli army officers.

- At least two Palestinian detainees were raped, while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence.

- The Zionist occupation army took humiliating pictures of women and girls and uploaded them to the Internet.

- The forced disappearance of an unknown number of Palestinian women and children, including girls, after contacting the Israeli army in Gaza.

- At least one infant was forcibly transferred by the Israeli army into the entity [Israel], and children were separated from their parents, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

What is required of the international community and international institutions: Immediate action to stop these grave attacks and violations against women, girls and children, because they constitute serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and reach the level of serious crimes under international criminal law that can be prosecuted under the Rome Statute. [But the US will run interference and nothing will happen! Only the collapse of the US can bring justice]

Proving international criminal responsibility requires accountability and punishment

These aforementioned crimes are in addition to a number of other violations linked to acts of genocide and raised by the State of South Africa in the lawsuit filed before the International Court of Justice regarding taking urgent measures in the context of violation of the Genocide Convention. These claims are reinforced today by international reports that Palestinian women and girls in Gaza were beaten, arrested, humiliated, raped, or executed by Israeli officers, and were considered “military” targets.

It is necessary to activate these UN reports with an impartial international investigation that supports the facts and live testimonies of many victims who provided testimonies refuting the allegations of the occupation, which denied that its soldiers committed these crimes, despite clear proof and evidence. It is also worth noting that the UN reports are issued by highly professional experts who enjoy great credibility at the international level. Certainly, this step will be clear additional evidence of the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing committed by the occupation, led by the war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and his army, against the Palestinian people.


The mighty Iskander wipes out 3 S-300 air defense systems in one blow

Link to video of strike aftermath


Here’s your air strike update for Mar 9, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

Use this map to locate oblasts mentioned in air strike reports

March 9, 2024

Russian forces carried out dozens of strikes on enemy positions last night

A report from the Ministry of Defense on how the night went in the special operation zone. Russian soldiers repelled eight attacks by militants near Avdeevka. Our military carried out dozens of strikes on enemy positions. The Ukrainian Armed Forces also lost Western equipment.

Donetsk direction. The artillerymen destroyed the strong point. Camouflage did not help the enemy. Fire at targets from a D-20 howitzer. Aviation operated in the Severo-Donetsk sector. Su-25 attack aircraft in the sky attacked Ukrainian positions with unguided aircraft missiles.

And near Kupyansk, our fighters disrupted the rotation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Accurate fire from the Giatsint  (Hyacinth) [artillery piece]. The movement of the militants was detected by intelligence.


Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

The Russian Armed Forces have delivered a missile strike and continue to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces

On March 9, 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special operation in Ukraine to protect Donbass, as well as the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. On March 9, 2024, the Russian armed forces launched a massive powerful missile strike on the territory of Ukraine. An air raid alert has been declared throughout northeastern Ukraine, including the Kyiv oblast. An air alert has been declared in Sumy, Poltava, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Nikolaev oblasts, as well as in parts of the Kherson oblast of Russia controlled by Kyiv.

Russian kamikaze UAVs flew through Ukraine, striking military targets. Dozens of drones took off from Crimea and flew intricate routes through several oblasts

On the night of March 8-9, Ukraine was subjected to a massive attack by Russian kamikaze drones. Dozens of UAVs took off from the territory of Crimea and flew through several oblasts of the country, striking various military targets along the way.

Explosions occurred in the suburbs of Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk oblast

In the Kharkov oblast, underground fighters derailed the second military echelon with ammunition and equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It all happened in the area of the 86 kilometer railway station in the Kharkov oblast. Here the train derailed due to damage to the tracks. Kharkiv[Ukrainian name for Kharkov] residents rebelled against the Zelensky regime and are now actively partisans, helping the Russian army bring victory closer.

On the night of March 8, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed the secret intelligence center “Ovidiopol-2” near Odessa. The Kinzhal strike from a MiG-31 on a mysterious building in the vicinity of Odessa turned out to be a precise hit on the intelligence center. Near Odessa, the Ovidiopol-2 space and radio reconnaissance complex in Velikodolinskoye near the village of Akkarzha and an ammunition depot in Zatoka were destroyed. The complex went to Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR. The Ukrainian Armed Forces used it for electronic reconnaissance and interception of information transmitted via satellite communication channels, since representatives of NATO intelligence structures gained access to the Ovidiopol-2 facility, located in the Odessa oblast.

In the Odessa oblast, one of the most modern VERA-NG radars in service with the Ukrainian army from the French company ERA was hit. The position area of the VERA-NG radar was hit by a Kh-31P anti-radar missile and a MiG-29 fighter of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down by its own crooked air defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces when returning to the air base (Aviatorskoe airfield in Dnepropetrovsk).

The Russian army attacked UAF targets in the Odessa oblast, delivering strikes nearIlyichevsk and in Odessa itself. Explosions were heard in the Chuguevsky district of the Kharkov oblast.

Explosions occurred in the Kirovograd oblast. Strikes were carried out in Nizhyn and Chernihiv [Ukrainian for Chernigov] oblast. Explosions in the Poltava oblast and Kupyansky district. Tactical aviation has worked. A series of explosions occurred in Krivoy Rog, Pokrovsky district, explosions.

The massive use of kamikaze drones allows Russian troops to carry out targeted strikes on important military targets deep in Ukrainian territory, complicating logistics and supplies for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Unusual flight routes and the use of multiple UAVs complicate the work of Ukrainian air defense


The West always thanks God for the success of its crimes.

Our thanks to AN for this tip to an important article:

How the Synagogue of Satan Became Israel: From Sugar to Cotton to Oil


“[T]here can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”

—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, 1984

More here


Someone please tell Tucker Carlson, who claims there are no Nazis in Ukraine.

French Nazi César Ojar was eliminated in the special operation zone - “Military Correspondents”

Mar 9, 2024

The leader of the French Nazis and football ultras, César Ozhar, was liquidated near Avdeevka. This was reported by the telegram channel “Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring”.

“The leader of the French neo-Nazis and football ultras, Cesar Ozhar, came to Ukraine in the spring of 2023. One of the leaders of the fascist group “Paris Zouaves” joined the 3rd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (former Nazi regiment “Azov” ), was transferred to Avdiivka, where he ended up in an encirclement. There have been no more posts on the Instagram page since February 16, and in the comments people write that the Nazi is dead,” notes TK.


Our thanks to WD for this:

 USA Enemies   Russia,  China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia   75%

  Indian subcontinent  and Arabian peninsula   not enemies but more  favorable toward Russia    25%

        We have LOST the Asian continent. 


Yes, WD, and that is because, in the Neoon/Nazi view of Washington, Israel is rated at about 90+%. This distortion is costing us big time!


Our thanks to Regis for this:


Powell predicts more bank failures

Americans can’t afford health care, but not to worry, folks. We still have plenty of money for the Ukrainian Nazis and the genocidal killers in Israel!


The story of 6 yr old Hind: murdered by the US and the ‘only democracy in the Middle East” and “best US ally”

With the full support of Americans posing as “Christians”

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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Youhoo! Tucker! Here is why Putin calls for denazification (which you called “the dumbest thing I ever heard of”).

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Don Hank Dispatches

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Tucker quote (reacting to Putin’s stated goal of denazifying Ukraine): "I thought it was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. I didn’t understand what it meant. Denazification?

Despite the heroic Russian effort, which has eliminated a significant number of fascists, Ukraine is still crawling with native Nazis, but to many American ears the assertion sounds outlandish. Apparently that includes Tucker, who (don't laugh) is among the best still visible US journalists. (The rest on the mainstream TV and legacy media are chiefly disinformers).  The author of this column, Don Hank, covers these topics —and much more— excellently. 
I’m merely saying there isn’t a Nazi movement in 2024. It’s a way of calling people evil. Calling them [Ukrainians] Nazis, I thought it was childish."- he said, as quoted by Pravda!

I guess if Tucker heard a Chinese person speaking his native language, he’d say “I didn’t understand a thing he said. It sounded really dumb to me.”

[(Here’s the link to yesterday’s newsletter: (sorry, I had forgotten to add it to the email)]

We Americans are taught to think this way. If you don’t understand something foreign, then it’s stupid, right?  We’re the smart ones, the intellectual leaders of the planet.

We didn’t understand socialism, so we sent bombers to Korea and then to Vietnam to kill these people we couldn’t understand, killing millions of them. And we wonder why North Korea doesn’t like us sweet god-fearing Israel-loving Americans.

So who’s dumb? Oh, not the Americans, right, Tucker? If we can’t understand some people we send the Marines to kill them all. Good idea, eh, Tucker? Cause that’s the smart American thing to do!

Tucker’s superficial way of thinking is why many Americans unquestioningly buy into the Neocon message that Russians are evil and want to take over the world. After all, if we can’t understand them, they MUST be up to something evil. [The ruling class and its think tank mercenaries is not that dumb. THEY know that socialism works much better than capitalism, and that socialist countries—given half a cance to compete fairly—would soon bury capitalist powers. —Ed]

I had commented previously on Tucker’s weird response to Putin’s reference to denazification, which he admitted he didn’t understand. I reminded readers that, according to Newsweek (not a known conspiracy theorist tabloid), the Ukrainian regime officially celebrates the birthday of known Hitler collaborator Stepan Bandera on January 1 of every year.

Now, for a person with normal intellect, any country’s officially celebrating the birthday of a Nazi would be a big red flag. It would be a sign that the ruling class there warms up to goose steppers. Further, the fact that the US regime supports these Nazis would reflect on us as well. However, if you saw Tucker’s Putin interview, you noticed that he sat through Putin’s initial history lesson with a furrowed brow, looking uncomfortable. Tucker obviously hates non-PC history and other intellectual pursuits and this first part of the interview really soured him against Putin, who was saying things that, in George Soros’ America, we just aren’t supposed to talk about.

Because America not only ignores and rejects intellectual subjects, it has imposed a tacit ban on them – in fact, in US satrapy Europe, Russian news publications Sputnik and RT are outright banned. Be sure to read the next article pertaining to dumbed-down US academe.

(Today’s air strike update is the last article of this newsletter)

En Ucrania renombran una calle en honor de un colaborador nazi - 05.03.2024, Sputnik Mundo (

Translation from Spanish with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

In Ukraine a street is renamed in honor of a Nazi collaborator

05.03.2024, Sputnik Mundo (

In Ukraine they rename a street in honor of a Nazi collaborator

Pyotr Diachenko,. The Americans happily gave him refuge, and he died in 1965 in New Jersey.

Pavlográdskaya Street in the Ukrainian city of Nikopol was renamed in honor of the Nazi collaborator, fanatical anti-communist, and accomplice of the Holocaust Pyotr Diachenko, awarded by Hitler for his services to Nazi Germany, as reported by the Ukrainian Jewish Committee. From Russia they declare that nowhere in the world is Nazism promoted at the state level like in Kiev.

[This renaming was certainly not well received by the local residents because Nikopol is located in Zaporozhye, a Russian speaking oblast with strong sympathies for Russia]

"The City Council of the Ukrainian city of Nikopol renamed Pavlográdskaya Street in honor of the Nazi war criminal, accomplice of the Holocaust, executor of punitive actions against civilians, officer of the Galizien Division of the SS, commander of the 31st Schutzmannschaft SD battalion, and head of collaborationist units Piotr Diachenko", indicates the director of the organization Eduard Dolinski on his social networks.

He stressed that Diachenko was awarded the Iron Cross for crimes committed in particular against Jews. [And this occurred under the watchless gaze of a Jewish Kiev regime. I can’t begin to tell you how this is possible. Only Zelensky knows]

The SS Galizien Division was a military unit within Nazi Germany's elite corps, the Waffen-SS, led by Heinrich Himmler. Created on April 28, 1943, after the occupation of Ukraine, it was made up of more than 80,000 Nazi collaborators, mostly from the Ukrainian oblast of Galicia. During the Second World War, the ranks of the division carried out police force tasks, combating partisans and intimidating the population, committing numerous atrocities against civilians on the territory of the Soviet Union and Poland.

Young Ukrainian soldiers performing a Nazi salute - Sputnik World, 1920, 02/22/2024

Neo-Nazism in Ukraine

"There are no Nazis in Ukraine": Internet users react to young Ukrainians giving the Nazi salute

Photo link:


February 22, 18:02 GMT

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova wrote in February on her Telegram channel that kyiv (or Kiev) could soon begin "canonizing collaborators of the Ukrainian ultranationalist Stepan Bandera." [News flash for Maria Zakharova: The Kiev regime already canonizes Bandera. On Jan 1 of every year, Ukraine officially celebrates this Nazi’s birthday.]

From Russia they have declared on several occasions that neo-Nazi crimes against civilians in Ukraine are ethnic cleansing, punishment actions. By supporting Kiev, Western countries are normalizing Nazism, they added. The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, pointed out that nowhere in the world is Nazism promoted at the state level like in Kiev.

Translation from Spanish with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

"There are no Nazis in Ukraine": Internet users react to young Ukrainians giving the Nazi salute

18:02 GMT 02/22/2024

Although the Kiev authorities assure that "there is no Nazism" in Ukraine, videos that appear periodically show the opposite [but Tucker Carlson doesn’t read these reports because he thinks they are “dumb” and that is Putin’s fault] Recently, Internet users were outraged by a video in which underage Ukrainian fighters sing a song glorifying Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera and give Nazi salutes.

Video link:

"A group of 17-year-olds are taught Nazi songs in preparation for death," comments one user, while another warns: "The poor kids don't even know what meat grinder is already waiting for them."

"That's why Zelensky has taken control of the state media, probably he has told [the young people] that they are winning," he speculates.

"Does this sound familiar to you?" asks the next one, referring to a photo of Hitler with members of the Hitler Youth during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, "Does anyone really want to experience something like that again?"

"Degeneration in its purest form" and "Indoctrination, 101", the others add.

"How much truth there is in the words 'Whoever forgets their history is condemned to repeat it,'" emphasized one Internet user.

"There are no Nazis in Ukraine, Zelensky said," the other ironically concluded.

Even the recently sacked Gen. Zalushny is proud to show his Neonazi loyalties. Former Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valeri Zaluzhny with Commander of the Ukrainian 67th Mechanized Brigade Andriy Stempitski pose in front of a portrait of Stepan Bandera - Sputnik World, 1920, 02/11/2024


Photo link:

Zaluzhni's photo with neo-Nazi elements "threatens" Zelensky

February 11, 17:52 GMT

Although this video was filmed some time ago, it demonstrates how the practice of educating children in a nationalist way has spread in Ukraine, through camps and children's organizations dedicated to this.

Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian ultranationalist who served as leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (banned in Russia) in the first half of the 20th century. His anti-Jewish, anti-Russian and anti-Polish ideas brought him closer to Nazi Germany before and during its invasion of the USSR.

The OUN perpetrated countless crimes, the most notable of which is considered the massacre of the Polish civilian population in Volhynia (western Ukraine) in 1943, as well as thousands of Ukrainians for refusing to collaborate with ultranationalists.

Today the Ukrainian authorities place monuments to [Nazi] Bandera, promote songs about him and educate new generations with his ideology.


Russophobia in the Ivy League

I had my first personal exposure to Russophobia in the 70s.

I took a few undergrad courses in Russian (not my major) and when I felt I was fluent enough to go to a higher level, I decided to take a Master’s degree in Russian language, with the sole purpose not of enhancing my earning power but simply to build up my fluency and learn as much as I could about an admirable people and their beautiful language and culture.

Along my journey I enrolled in a Russian study tour in Leningrad with the CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), where I had another strange brush with Russophobia in academe.

I was sitting in a break room at the student dorm with a group including 2 tour guides from Inturist and a young American gentleman, whom I had taken for a student. We were speaking Russian as usual. Somehow the conversation drifted toward academe and it came out that the young man was one of the chaperones and had a doctorate in Russian (whatever that means in America). At this point, since I was vaguely interested in perhaps pursuing a doctorate as well, I said “you have a doctorate in Russian?”

I guess I must have sounded surprised that the guy would have such a high degree in Russian, but that was not my intent at all. He scowled and snapped defensively something like “yes, I do for your information!”

I had not paid any attention to the quality of his Russian but I guess he may have been full of complexes due to a sense of linguistic inadequacy. But was that my fault?

I had once heard that some American profs who teach Russian are not that good. As for those who are native Russians, they are kept from revealing their inadequacy by the American majority on staff. Which would have been an easy task for the Americans because a certain percentage of these native-Russian profs were escapees from the Soviet Union and were already intimidated by the general Russophobia endemic to America.

Later, it eventually dawned on me that this Russophobia to which I was exposed – and didn’t know its name yet – was only part of a bigger phenomenon that I call Westernness, which is in fact an infectious psycho-social disease, ie, primarily a way of thinking and functioning, one of whose symptoms is a general recalcitrant mediocrity and incompetence that in America has spread throughout academe, the professions, politics (in particular), the military, the think tanks, intelligence agencies, the media, Big Religion and the general populace. But it is also a sociopathy, making it invisible to the wide public. This stands in contrast to what I call Easternness, a way of thinking that not only is not a psychosocial disease but is in fact the remedy for the infectious epidemic of Westernness. Easternness is prevalent in Russia, China and countries allied with them. It is responsible for the economic prosperity of China and the military and diplomatic superiority of Russia – which in turn have given rise to enormous (but ineffectual) blowback from the incompetent Western political class.

I believe that once the West begins to understand Easternness, or Eastern thought, it will realize that it is beginning to heal. I suppose that if I could bottle it, I could become a millionaire. I could of course also wind up in jail, sharing a cell with Julian Assange.


America’s Super-Elite Disconnect

Later, I started looking for a university to further my knowledge of Russian. I didn’t realize it yet, but academe was exactly the wrong place to look for knowledge in the West.

Around that time a friend of mine who had a Bachelor’s degree in Russian from Franklin and Marshall in Lancaster, PA, and was fluent in Russian, was accepted to Yale to work on his Master’s in Russian. After he returned on a break from his first semester, he told me that the profs in all his classes taught only in English. He lamented that, as a graduate student of Russian, he was forgetting his Russian.

Now let me back up and reassure you that the undergraduate courses in colleges that offer Russian are taught in Russian and the profs I knew of then were first rate. It was on the graduate level where it all fell apart.

My friend’s story did not surprise me. While I was studying Russian at a summer school in Colby College in Maine, one of my profs, Dr. Yury Grinberg, told me that my Russian was better than that of the head of the Russian Department of Harvard.

At first I refused to believe it, but he pressed me until I realized he was telling the truth. And to be sure, I did spend a lot of my free time reading Russian short stories and I imagined I was not half bad.

My Lancaster friend confirmed what Yury Grinberg had told me, namely, that none of the US big name universities, including Ivy League ones, taught the Master’s level Russian courses in Russian.

Dr. Grinberg also told me that in his Midwestern home, people had looked at him with suspicion when he received packages, mostly books, from the Soviet Union. Even the postman treated him like a leper. I didn’t know the word “Russophobia” then but I could feel its icy grip.

During my search for a suitable Master’s course, just as an experiment, I called Harvard and spoke with the head of the Russian Department. I told him I might be interested in doing my Master’s course work there and acted a little hesitant to make him think I was afraid I would not know enough Russian. He told me not to worry, that all the course work was done with English translations of Russian literature.

So this was how it was then.

I had explored the Master’s level course offerings of various colleges in other languages like German, French and Spanish and learned that these were taught in the languages in question. The students read works of literature in the languages in question, wrote papers in the language, heard lectures in the language, etc. These were real language courses.

Only the Russian course was taught in English.

I was getting apprehensive. Was this a conspiracy?

During my search for a college, a friend of a friend told me that she was taking a Master’s level course in Russian at Bryn Mawr on a scholarship and the head of the Russian department was desperate to find more students, offering scholarships to warm bodies. Apparently there was not much demand for Russian courses. I drove down there for an interview.

Knowing what I had learned about big name colleges teaching Russian Master’s level courses only in English, I approached her with feigned apprehension, asking if there was a chance I would not understand her lectures or the course work.

“Oh, there’s nothing to worry about,” she reassured me smiling. “It’s all in English!”

“What about the reading material?”

“It’s all English translations of Russian literature.” Still smiling.

“Why do you call it a Russian course if we aren’t able to hear and read the language?”

With her Smile wiped off, she stammered out: “Some of the students wouldn’t understand if it were in Russian. I’m very jealous of my degrees.”

“So you’re afraid you might accidentally confer a Master’s degree in Russian on someone who knows Russian,” I thought, but didn’t say it.

Needless to say I gave that course a miss.

At any rate, I placed a few more calls and located a no-name college, Kutztown State, where I came across an eccentric prof by the name of Dr. Richard Fortune, who became my Russian prof for the next 3 years or so. He was a lovely person but a stickler for the Russian language, never once lapsing into English in class.

Dr. Fortune had taken his doctorate at Columbia University — where his “Russian” profs also only taught in English in our Kafkaesque America where mediocrity is not only tolerated but is enforced with rigid rules to prevent students from getting too familiar with the language of a hated enemy of the state. Apparently there was a real fear that Russian students might start thinking like Russians and start joining terrorist gangs or sympathizing with communism.

On one occasion, Dr. Fortune was not available for a course for a semester, and I was obliged to take another prof. This prof was a Russian native. I only went to one class because this man turned out to be a fanatical anti-Soviet with a chip on his shoulder. He spent the whole class hour talking about the evils of the Soviet Union. In English. I dropped the class.

I often think about Franz Kafka and try to imagine his life as a youngster and what it must have been like.

I passed his family home the one time I visited Prague. It was closed to tourists that day but as I contemplated the exterior I imagined Franz sitting at his typewriter in a dingy attic room batting out those strange dreamlike stories of his, and I wondered what his life must have been like.

Surreal I supposed, something like life in Amerika.


The Houthis have targeted 2 genocide-supporting US warships in the Red Sea.

A suspected attack by Yemen's Houthi rebels damages a ship in the Gulf of Aden

Story by JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press


If you are pro-Palestine, Biden – as bad as he’s been – is probably the best choice!

Genocide Joe or Baby Slayer Trump. Which do you prefer?

Trump’s Gaza comments highlight tough choice for peace-supporting US voters

Former president’s rhetoric shows voters seeking to punish Joe Biden for backing Israel face dilemma in upcoming election.


Here’s your daily air strike update for Mar 6, 2024 (plus some battlefield reports)

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

Refer to this map to locate the oblasts mentioned in the following texts (many of them are western)

The Russian Armed Forces have delivered missile strikes and continue to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

On March 6, 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special operation in Ukraine to protect Donbass, as well as the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. On March 6, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces launched massive powerful missile strikes with Kh-101 ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles against military-industrial complex and infrastructure facilities in Ukraine. [The Kh-101 is a subsonic missile. It is long-range and highly precise]

On the morning of March 6, 2024, a strike was carried out with long-range precision weapons. Air raid alert in Sumy, Poltava, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Nikolaevoblasts, as well as in parts of the Zaporozhye and Kherson oblasts controlled by Kiev. At 4 a.m. Moscow time, an air raid alert covered almost the entire territory of Ukraine. Explosions were heard in the Kiev oblast, Chuguev, and the Kharkov and Sumy oblasts. The airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force in Starokonstantinov has been disabled. [This airfield gets hit regularly]

Over the past 24 hours, on March 5, 2024, fighter aircraft and air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down four Su-27 and one MiG-29 in the Zhitomirarea, one Su-27 and one Su-25 in the Radomyshl area, one Su-25 in the Nizhyn area, one MiG-29 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Nikolaev oblast, one Mi-8 in the Kiev area, six unmanned aerial vehicles, including the Bayraktar TB-2.

Bomber and attack aircraft hit 3 Buk M1 anti-aircraft missile systems and 3 Ukrainian Armed Forces radar stations. The missile forces destroyed an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.

The bases of the personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Chuguev village area and in Martovo, Kharkov oblast, were hit.

In Ternopil, an explosion occurred on the territory of a railway repair and mechanical plant. NATO equipment damaged on the battlefield is being restored there.

In the Khmelnitsky oblast, Geran drones burned down the airfield, which was used by Su-24s, to launch Western missiles at Crimea. Two weeks ago, after the last strike, the airfield received serious damage. Now there is also little left of it.

As a result of a missile strike on Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast, an equipment assembly shop for armored vehicles and a warehouse with parts were hit.

The Russian Armed Forces hit Odessa and Ilyichevsk with Gerans in the dark. Izmail{Odessa oblast] is burning, while in Odessa there are significant problems with power supply. Last night, Russian troops hit targets in Odessa City and the Odessa oblast.

Swarms of Geran 2 drones are attacking Ukraine, causing panic in enemy territory. Powerful explosions are heard in Odessa and throughout Ukraine. Strikes were recorded in the Kiev oblast, Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Ternopil, Sumy oblasts and Chernihiv oblast. The bases of Ukrainian armed forces personnel in the Chuguev area of the Kharkov oblast were hit.

Over the past 24 hours, Russian troops have hit positions of manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army in 20 settlements of the Kharkov oblast with high-precision strikes.

On March 6, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed 1,215 militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

In the Kupyansk area [Kharkov oblast], on March 6, 2024, artillerymen of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the Western Group of Forces, using the Akatsiya self-propelled gun, destroyed a tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Kupyansk area. The Russian Aerospace Forces are striking at pontoon bridges across the Oskol River and hitting concentrations and headquarters in the Kupyansk district. The Russian army advances towards Ternov and Yampolovka. The Russian Armed Forces were able to gain a foothold in Ternov, the Russian group is pushing back the militants from the eastern flank. In the Kupyansk area, motorized rifle units, in cooperation with artillery and aviation, improved the tactical situation and hit several concentrations of militants and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The group’s artillery units hit 63 targets, including temporary deployment points, platoon strongholds, artillery positions, concentrations of manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. During the counter-battery fight, the group’s artillery destroyed a mortar crew and an ammunition supply point in the Sverdlovka area.

Over 160 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, a 152-mm Msta-B gun, a mortar crew and three vehicles were destroyed.

In the Donetsk area, on March 6, 2024, in the Avdeevka sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to lose armored vehicles, trying to hold positions in the area of Berdychi, Orlovka and Tonenkoye. Our troops are advancing to the center of Pervomaisky, Krasnogorovka and Novomikhailovka. In the Donetsk area, there is also progress on several sectors of the front at once. Here the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in three directions at once from Marinka. The Northern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are putting pressure on Georgievka, where Russian troops managed to advance along the railway track, occupy the warehouse, and also started fighting in the area of Vatutina Street and are moving towards an abandoned car repair plant. On the western flank, in Georgievka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced along Tsentralnaya Street to the intersection with Molodezhnaya Street and thus managed to clear the southern part in Stavki, which cuts Georgievka into two parts. In the Donetsk area, units of the Southern Group of Forces, conducting active combat operations, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line, defeated formations of the 5th, 92nd assault, 22nd, 28th and 54th mechanized, as well as 56th th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Bogdanovka, Kleshcheevka, Andreevka, Zakotnoye and Pershe Travnya of the Donetsk People's Republic

Over 260 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, two tanks, two armored personnel carriers, two armored fighting vehicles, 14 vehicles, an Msta-B howitzer and two Gvozdika self-propelled artillery units were destroyed, and three Ukrainian Armed Forces ammunition depots were destroyed

In the Krasnoarmeysky (Avdeevsky area is now called Krasnoarmeysky) area on March 6, 2024, Russian troops the day before destroyed another sixth Abrams tank. The crew of the T-72B3 destroyed the Abrams in the Avdeevsk area with the first shot. Currently, 4 US tanks are rusting on the battlefield (the fourth was destroyed yesterday), as well as 2 more Abrams-based mine clearance vehicles. They will become Russian trophies. Moscow is waiting for a captured Abrams tank. The Ukrainian Armed Forces militants will not be able to pick up their crippled vehicles because the front is shifting to the west. Russian assault forces penetrated the southern part of the settlement Krasnoye and the northern part of the Berdychi village. The Russian Armed Forces are gradually moving west of Avdeevka. Artillery fire destroyed 11 support forces of Ukrainian militants, and Aerospace Forces aviation is working in places where enemy manpower and armored vehicles are concentrated. Units of the “Center” group of troops, as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more-advantageous lines and positions in the Avdeevka area, and also inflicted fire on the forces and equipment of seven brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the areas of the settlements of Novopokrovskoye, Ocheretino, Novoselovka Pervaya and Toretsk of the Donetsk People’s Republic Republic (DPR).

In addition, Russian military personnel repelled three attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army in the areas of the settlements of Leninskoye and Novgorodskoye, as well as nine counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of Berdychi, Tonenkoye, Pervomaiskoye, Orlovka and Vodyanoye of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

Up to 460 militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed, two tanks, one of them Abrams made in the USA was destroyed by the crew of the T-72B3 tank from the first shot, a self-propelled firing installation of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, four infantry fighting vehicles, two armored combat vehicles and five cars"

In the South Donetsk area, on March 6, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces trample militants into the ground of Novomikhailovka in the South Donetsk area, capturing more and more strong points. In the South Donetsk area, in addition to the successes at Pobeda, the Russian Armed Forces advanced from the south of Novomikhailovka. Russian units from the 68th Army Corps managed to completely clear the farm southwest of the Church of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael. Russian attack aircraft from the 20th Motorized Rifle Division continue to move forward. In the South Donetsk area, units of the Vostok group of forces, as a result of active actions, improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on enemy personnel and equipment in the areas of the settlements of Mirnoye and Ugledar of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Up to 210 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, two tanks, three cars, a launcher for the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system, as well as an ammunition depot were destroyed.

In the Kherson area, on March 6, 2024, Russian aviation launched strikes against Ukrainian militants on the left and right banks of the Dnieper. 36 temporary deployment points were struck. During the day, the enemy lost 95 Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters, two armored combat vehicles, eight guns and mortars, three cars and one boat. In addition, 49 Ukrainian drones were shot down and suppressed. Attacks were carried out on four formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces - the 117th Infantry Brigade, the 38th Marine Brigade, the 121st Terrorist Defense Brigade and the 15th National Guard Brigade. On the Zaporozhye Front, the Russian Army concentrated its main efforts in the Rabotino area. Assault groups of our troops are operating in the area of the village center near the school. In the Kherson area, units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the 118th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 126th technical defense brigade and the 23rd brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Verbovoye of the Zaporozhye oblast, Tokarevka, Sadovoye of the Kherson oblast and Vysshetarasovka Dnepropetrovsk oblast.

Up to 125 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants and two vehicles were destroyed.

With operational-tactical and army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Russian Aerospace Forces hit: aviation equipment, aviation ammunition and fuel depots at the Lozovatka airfields in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast and Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnytsky oblast, an ammunition depot operational-tactical group "Donetsk", manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 113 oblasts.

[Russian] Air defense systems shot down, intercepted and destroyed: nine US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system rockets were shot down, as well as a French-made AASM “Hammer” guided aerial bomb. 135 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed, including in the areas of the settlements Sladkoe, Pavlovka, Signalnoe, Verkhnetoretskoe, Orlinskoe of the Donetsk People's Republic, Golikovo, Chervonopopovka, Novodruzhesk of the Lugansk People's Republic, Mirnoe, Magedovo, Shevchenkovo and Novoe of the Zaporozhye oblast.

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